November 26 making instructions

Newspaper Haikou, December 4 (Reporter correspondent Huang Ji Yanling) one morning five years ago, the town of Longhua District,hollister france, Haikou Longquan Makers two brothers riding on a tricycle out QUICKER, the inexplicable is King Shan District,louboutin femme, former mayor of the village of Dan Chen and former defense team,mulberry outlet, led by captain Tang villagers after beating two brothers thrown Nandu caused death.

December 3,peuterey outlet, 2009, King Shan Public Security Bureau cracked the murder of this backlog,louboutin pas cher, the brothers finally be done flexor dead.

In case of life out brawl meteorite Nandu

Makers of the two brothers is Longhua District, Haikou, Longquan Town,, and later moved with his parents in the village of Dan, a person engaged in the pig industry in a fish pond in the village edge. Usually rely on pigs and two brothers riding a tricycle in the vicinity of the station to help people pull goods, money to solve the family livelihood.

About July 28,hogan outlet,, 1994 or 5 am,,abercrombie pas cher, after making two brothers stared tricycle from the pen out, was appointed mayor Chen and Tang captain when he headed the defense when the villagers caught in Dan village.

Later, there are seven or eight individuals holding a meter long steel pipe for making the two brothers were beaten on the spot when his brother was stunned to see the dealer after he died in the village,tiffany outlet, the villagers fear unlucky,, but also whether he had not died,mulberry sale, they forced Makers brother tricycle push his brother Nandu thrown in.

Subsequently,scarpe hogan, the dealer's brother was also wounded villagers thrown Nandu. When the two men were found,abercrombie france, have been killed.

The transfer of cases Qiongshan Branch

20s suddenly life brothers out QUICKER meteorite Nandu, the most sad than the families of the two brothers. For an explanation,abercrombie pas cher,, the murderer to justice, the incident fifteen years, the families of the deceased has been kept petition and request the transfer of the case to the Public Security Bureau Qiongshan investigation. Haikou Municipal Committee,woolrich donna, Political and Legal Committee, Public Security Bureau after liberating informed of the matter, November 26 making instructions, the case is handed over to the Haikou Municipal Public Security Bureau Qiongshan investigation.

After the case was officially handed over, King Shan Wu taboo Branch Secretary personally directed the Criminal Brigade launched an investigation and set up a task force.

"Case occurred in 1994 has been fifteen years ago, the evidence is very difficult." Today, police officers involved in handling forest laments. Because the case is obviously intentional homicide, and involves two lives,scarpe hogan, properties are very bad,air max pas cher, and their families were also named to the King Shan branch cracked, so when you have just received the case, he was under great pressure,woolrich outlet, and players are often looking for cases of breach. He said that after the task force launched a secret investigation after one week, they finally captured by the mayor Chen and four suspects any time.

After a preliminary understanding of the police, the villagers beat the banker brothers, because the villagers suspect they carry dangerous goods. Currently,,peuterey, there are several suspects at large.

Even when he was mayor, said ignorance of the law

"I do not blame the law,mulberry outlet, legal consciousness, no time to stop them." This afternoon, when the village mayor Chen Ren Zhongdan handcuffed in Qiongshan branch of Interpol brigade is full of remorse said.

Remember that the murder of a decade ago, he said the incident when he was at home sleeping, suddenly heard someone shout went out to catch the thief to read. When he arrived there and saw a man lying on the ground already, another man squatting aside around over the next many villagers. Because there was too many people,louboutin pas cher,, the situation is difficult to control. Chen said, because there were two brothers who villagers said the banker explosives and explosives found in a Luokuang Li villagers fear they do bad things so just grab them.

"When the police came for me,louboutin,, I know that this is because it is the case that since a decade ago because of legal consciousness, I regret did not stop in time." Chen whispered.