1990 that she was 60 years old

The average age of a group of 70-year-old aunt, a peril welfare organization, to remain for 20 years, raising more than 260 million, twenty thousand poor people to lend a helping hand.

This year, the Lake District,moncler outlet, Shantou outside sand set righteous Welfare Association established the first 20 years. These days, the founder of the Society of Wang Peijun little busy over the years who have received welfare assistance would have come or call greetings. Yesterday, in the Lake District,hogan 2014, Party and government leaders of referral, there are a few companies to set righteous zeal Welfare Association donated 120,piumino moncler outlet,000 yuan donation ......

Launched 20 years ago,http://www.chimagee.jp, three hundred old aunt response

Who lives in the town of Lake District,abercrombie pas cher, Shantou Lee Cuocun of Wang Peijun,basket air jordan pas cher, is an old communist, 1990 that she was 60 years old, stepped down from her seat village cadres still been concerned about the things in the village. In a few donations to help needy people in the village for help after Wang Peijun germination of an idea: natural disasters, can not be resolved by one,abercrombie pas cher, whereas a big problem,http://onigdesign.com/error.html, if the establishment of a welfare society, started a campaign to do something together to do good, the future will be easier difficulties a. Wang Peijun idea to get the support of the village of old sisters, all of a sudden there, including eight party members, including more than 30 Granny enroll, the oldest is 103 years old,nike tn pas cher, and small have 60 years. Wang Peijun, who put the welfare will be named "set justice."

Welfare will participate more and more people from the village to the next village development,hogan outlet, outside the town, and even overseas Chinese,chaussures louboutin soldes, Hong Kong and Singapore, has reached more than 360 members, with an average age of over 78 years of age, they are doing is found people who need help, to mobilize the masses making a donation. The lady also own the lead,nike tn pas cher, relatives and friends to honor the children and grandchildren out of pocket money to donate. President Wang Peijun decade donated fifty thousand yuan, vice president Wang Huiqing alive,scarpe hogan outlet, the monthly pension granted by the Government to donate martyr. A 90-year-old woman,piumini donna outlet, known as "red top female",http://uoindex.com, the years accumulated more than 50,000 yuan donated to the Society, every year since then she will contribute to the welfare of more than 3,000, under the influence of the elderly, a four generations of people who have donated their son also had a poor university student funding and a poor secondary school students to school.

2,hogan outlet milano.6 million donations are hard to come by drip

20 years,nike tn pas cher 2013,http://cutyayu.sakura.ne.jp/cabbs/sunbbs.cgi?mode=form&no=122&page=1pay, the collection will be a total of righteousness welfare contributions from the parties to raise more than 260 million. Peijun aunt said the money hard to come by, the old aunt who worked tirelessly to raise a little bit come.

Chaoshan people always pay attention to good luck good "luck",air jordan femme pas cher, the old aunt who gave holidays, shop owners doing business New Year, sent a pair of orange, talk a bunch of good things,chaussures tn pas cher,http://blogs.elpunt.cat, and then explained what openings, most bosses are pleased to old aunt who sealed a red envelope,nike tn 2014, these envelopes set righteousness became a steady stream of funding Welfare Association. Old aunt who practice by the masses dubbed the "orange alms."

Why do people trust Welfare Association,http://www.ajdt-idc.jp/community.html,peuterey 2013, 20 years of contributions continue? That is because welfare spending would open and transparent, everything has an echo. Wang Peijun best at "reporting", every year,peuterey outlet, Wang Peijun Welfare Association, who will bring the books, reporting to community leaders and people with large donors in whom specific money where. Many donors after hearing the report, the old aunt who was touched by good deeds, often continue to contribute generously.

Initially, the set defined benefits will only aid the poor people of the village, gradually, the old aunt who "peril,http://www.2town.jp/flash/2town.cgi, regardless of the inside and outside." 20 years, nearly in the eastern region, as far as Anhui,http://www.tktoushi.com, Shandong,chaussure air jordan, old aunt who love the trail more than a dozen provinces and cities throughout the country. Examination of evidence available so far, there are more than twenty thousand people being too poor households Shantou set righteous Welfare Association bailout.

Reporter Wang Qi Man

Correspondent photo coverage Zhonghui Wen Fu James River