at the end of last year

CNR network Yancheng April 13 news (reporter Mawen Jia Yancheng Pan Taiwan reporters can), according to Voice of China "peak evening news" reports, now everybody more attention to their health, the workplace will be regularly scheduled to go to medical staff . Examination we all know, was fasting to go too sleep well the night before, you can not stay up all night drinking,peuterey, because a lot of the body is very sensitive indicators, such as blood tests, that fasting and eating breakfast indicators lot worse.

But one of Uncle Liu Yancheng recently encountered a strange child,peuterey outlet milano, their own examination of the body index, always the same, he was more than a month after a lapse of two inspection reports in Yancheng welcome hospitals, thirty index result was exactly the same.

More surprising is that in the last year,Chaussure Louboutin, from May to August period, all indicators of the results of this hospital to Uncle Liu issued five times a urine test report is exactly the same. Why Uncle Liu will encounter this can not exist in the medical phenomenon? The inspection report issued by the hospital alone what is printed wrong or detect wrong?

This year 70-year-old Uncle Liu, who lives in nearby Yancheng welcome hospitals, the old man said, This private hospital is the largest hospital in the south of Yancheng, also approved by the local health authorities to set up a secondary non-profit hospitals, nearly three years he has been here physical examination.

Uncle Liu: welcome the first two years after the hospital laboratory,hogan, diagnostic my high blood viscosity, in principle I will check once a month on blood viscosity.

Welcome Uncle Liu recently in the hospital for blood tests blood viscosity is March 28 this year, according to the "inspection report changes in blood flow," the thirty-term data show that more than 70% of the elderly indicators are substandard. This also allows the medication to treat high blood viscosity has been disease Uncle Liu both worried and puzzled.

Uncle Liu: I have to find out in February of this year's report card, for a bit more than my own. Oh,,nike tn, surprise, 30 indicators on the two lists, exactly the same. Even second place is no difference to one decimal place.

Yancheng an old man rushed to three hospitals did the same inspection, found his blood viscosity fully qualified.

Uncle Liu: Yancheng a top three hospital for blood tests, blood viscosity results show report card is very good,, no one indicator is exceeded. I got this conclusion after very angry.

Let Uncle Liu even more shocking is that last May to August in the hospital five times a welcome urine test reports,woolrich outlet roma, even the results are exactly the same for all projects.

Uncle Liu: I eventually checked my list last year,peuterey sito ufficiale, the span of four months, five urine list,abercrombie, actually is exactly the same. The past few years,woolrich, he gave me a single laboratory are false.

In Uncle Liu seems,,air max pas cher, this is a copy of the inspection report card data fraud, let his own truth body has no way of knowing, and also misled him rule the medication did not have the disease. So, Uncle Liu came to the hospital and the hospital Yancheng welcome to negotiate,mulberry, interpret the vice president of the German Bian Qing given is: hospital system is broken.

Bian De Ching: Realistically speaking our family in this case it is the (hospital) system is broken, the system 2078,moncler,, from (the Spring Festival) years ago to reflect,piumini woolrich, has no way to coordinate.

If you think the hospital cause of the accident was "the system is broken," then if at least since last year,hogan outlet, do the relevant checks of all patients have suffered the same problem? We know that the medical report was a lot of people to determine their own health, and even doctors to diagnose the disease an important basis for delaying the case and therefore the disease who can afford to be magnanimous it? Such a long time, why not find the hospital and timely adjustment?

According to the reporter, Uncle Liu's experience is not the case. The very fact that this year, in his early thirties, at the end of last year, a welcome hospital examination,doudoune moncler, also found higher blood viscosity. And when she go to another hospital review also found related indicators completely normal.

Ms. Zhang: I welcome the hospital years ago in a blood viscosity,, I say high blood viscosity. Because I am a slim body,piumini woolrich, and went to another hospital to do an inspection, everything is normal. So I think there is a problem in this hospital laboratories.

Uncle Liu said the statement or computer failure so far of the hospital, said the inspection fees can be refunded. But let him do not understand is that if there is a fault has been detected hospital equipment,peuterey 2013, then why doctors did not find the situation in the usual clinic? Exactly how many people in the "no disease medicine" or "sick was delayed" mean?

Uncle Liu: I think it is a danger to society, not hurt me a man ah. If you follow, they say, will be pushed to the device that bad, how many people that this pit ah.

Earlier this month,,moncler outlet, Uncle Liu Yancheng City Health Bureau to make a complaint to the relevant case welcome the hospital, after several days of investigation, dealing with the matter of the three sections of Yancheng Health Authority deputy chief Dajun Xu initially identified:

Dajun Xu: current situation and report preliminary investigation is reflected in the basic agreement, the (test) data came out exactly the same.

What are the problems one by one "fake test report" exposes hospital management? Someone hospital should bear legal responsibility for what? In this regard, Peking University Health Law Department of the main that:

Wang Yue: I think first of all health administrative departments should be the patient's complaints were findings of fact. If this serious problem is artificial, then the health administrative departments must make penalties for hospitals. If he does in order to save operating costs,peuterey outlet, did not give the patient the appropriate testing done on a patient to receive money, and issued a number of false documents, and this phenomenon are not a patient person,, then I think the executive branch to give the corresponding administrative beyond punishment,,nike pas cher france, I think the executive branch should be the person in charge of such medical institutions transferred to judicial organs, be held criminally relevant.

(Original title: 70-year-old five identical copies span half the hospital urine test report: computer failure)