Text / intern reporter Liu Jing Yu Chen Shiyun

Students think that teachers invasion of privacy


Students at the school in response to rumors

Grooming school students believe many people will require some support, but if the school requirements in grooming students deep into the underwear color, you have to point the Air it? October 15 evening, there are users post, said a local forum in Zhongshan, "Zhongshan City,piumini moncler outlet online, a school of Arts student grooming checks breakthroughs girls wearing colored underwear will be the teacher to check, or even to write a review, which thing in micro-channel screen a circle of friends already maxed. "Even school girls underwear color control everything? This in the end is how it happened? Yesterday, this reporter interviewed a number of students were school teachers and the school, but to get a different view.

Text / intern reporter Liu Jing Yu Chen Shiyun

Circle of friends broke the news:


The girls were asked to write a review to wear colored underwear

"Thank You,moncler online outlet,http://atlantawomensflag.com, senior sister apprentice,louboutin pas cher, off a colored bra out and write 1,500 words JianTaoShu duplicate topics Why should the colored bra, plus school teacher and parent signature stamp back black buckle one point, two points deducted color wave point or three-point stripe buckle, lace quarter buckle, rhinestone buckle fifth wave point stripe decorative but then Jialei Si Bezel diamond buried Karma demerits. I have to pay more than at the chief custody. "Last night start the piece is widespread in Zhongshan, a school student microblogging, my circle of friends a letter yesterday to play a more in Baidu Post Bar, Zhongshan OnCity forums and other social networks to spread. As of 6:00 last night,woolrich parka outlet, OnCity forum posts on the matter have been more than 30,000 hits,http://www.wearmydiveart.com, users of the message reply is close to 200, many users of this "novelty" feel unreasonable.

Users post "" li.06 x- male ",Chaussure Louboutin, told reporters on October 15 evening,http://www.tenipa.net/16/cgi-bin/memo/apeboard_plus.cgi?command=read_message&msgnum=35/, he saw a lot of junior sister apprentice in lingerie on the issue of micro-channel scraper tucao circle of friends,nike tn,http://mebel-kurkino.ru, look for a school that is Zhongshan Arts a because girls wearing underwear more vivid colors,nike tn pas cher 2013,http://www.dgco.jp/furima/b-parts25/bbs.cgi, are subject to criticism and education teacher called, he felt the school practice too much, so the online posting.

Subsequently, the reporter linked to the incident, the school where some students, some girls said their school uniform is white, thin and transparent,abbigliamento peuterey uomo, October 15 in the evening, there is a senior sister apprentice Arts comparison due to wearing a bright color underwear ,woolrich outlet, surnamed Wang, deputy chief of where the subject is called to questioning.

The girls revealed,scarpe hogan outlet, this is a man surnamed Wang,Scarpe hogan outlet,http://www.touse-web.com, deputy chief,vetement abercrombie pas cher,http://0472.bbs.teambuy.cc/thread-173581-1-1.html, is responsible for the art and science of moral education students, students usually grooming is very strict, requiring students to wear plain white dress,mulberry outlet, etc., if the offending words, will be buckle credits,http://books.boatdesign.net/bookstore/books.cgi, but never before done on the girls underwear color requirements, this is the first time. As the micro-channel circle of friends called deduction different degrees in different styles of underwear,woolrich outlet, was found wearing colored underwear need to write a 1500 word review also requires parents signature statement, the respondents had never heard of the girls said that the ingredients are exaggerated.

"Wangke also tried several times with a student who raided at our hostel directly open our cupboard, once found colored clothing will confiscate." Surveyed girls said,moncler, For this cause colored underwear thing, Many girls are very disgusted, do not understand the intention of the school,mulberry sale, and teachers need to over think, "choose what kind of underwear, color is a personal privacy."

School response:


Students are thoroughly investigate rumors

Reporters search found that there are students on the 15th night in microblogging Tucao matter and @ the principal of the school. Subsequently, the microblogging certification Zhongshan City, a school principal Zhu Jialiang of microblogging users "ZSZZ Zhu Jialiang,abercrombie outlet," said student responses on the microblogging: "He just wanted to do so on your own good two decades later years you will know who is good. Who is not good, hurry to rest. I suggest you put the microblogging deleted. "

Yesterday afternoon, the reporter called the school principal Zhu Jialiang, but whether it is a mobile phone or office phone, still no answer. Subsequently,mulberry, the reporter called the Jiaoxueshengchu, a man claiming to be responsible for student work Guo said: "There is no such thing, it has caused a lot of misunderstanding,tn pas cher, we are investigating to know who in the end is a rumor, this matter has caused a lot of trouble to Wangke. "

But when a reporter said hoping to personally contact Wangke understand why things happen,louboutin homme pas cher, but Guo said the inconvenience to provide contact information.

(Original title: what color underwear to wear teacher should pipe?)