Kim is not a kidnapping suspect

Courtship wife kidnapped from home and acted farce

"Legal Weekly" correspondent Shi Minghua Yang Qin Xuan

"If your enthusiasm to help,nike pas cher france, how can we so quickly find their loved ones ......" April 25, in the effort to help Mongolian guy Yuanling County in Hunan Public Security Bureau police station seven A floor without a hitch in A large turnout seven Town Village found to be "kidnapped" wife Wu Mouhua,, set foot on the return path of peace.

The evening of April 22,woolrich sito ufficiale, Tongliao City,hogan outlet milano, people are working in Yanji City, Jilin Province, received his wife accident sent a distress message, SMS wrote, "I am now in Hunan Yuanling seven A big turnout in Town Kim Village home, Come and save me. " Wumou Hua and his wife belong to Tongliao person, they have since 2008, has been working in Yanji City, Jilin Province. April 18, 2014 work back from the outside and found his wife gone rented room,air max, dial his phone has been blocked, many find no avail,moncler outlet milano, Li Mouxiang Bianxiang local police the police. In the first five days after the disappearance of his wife, Li Mouxiang received a distress message sent to his wife.

After receiving the message,peuterey 2014, Li Mouxiang immediately called on his nephew Tianmou night departure from Yanji arrived Yuanling seven A Town looking for his wife. April 25 morning,, at seven A Ping Yuanling County Public Security Bureau police station,, Li Mouxiang reflect to the police that his wife Wu Mouhua abducted seven A Town. Tells the also revealed that his wife also recently sent a text message to say on the 25th may have to be taken to other places to go for a gold. A seven Ping Li Mouxiang police immediately organized police rushed to take away his wife Wu Mouhua mentioned suspects Kim location - seven A big turnout Town Village, succeeded in finding a wife Wumou Hua Li Mouxiang.

However, with the emergence of Wu Mouhua together really courtship fake kidnapping farce truth. The investigation, Kim is not a kidnapping suspect,AIR max pas cher, Wu Mouhua friends with Kim Department. 2013, life depressed hooked on online,,woolrich outlet italia, go to work when her husband,hogan outlet, will be to pass the time chatting on the Internet. One day, and one called "Kintaro" home Internet users connected to the incumbent,nike tn pas cher, the two had a good talk,nike tn pas cher,, "Kintaro" said he, who lives next to the first national 5A-class tourist area in Zhangjiajie City, to Miss China issued a invitation to come to play. Wu Mouhua boring life so alone came Yuanling seven A Town with friends, "Kintaro" meet. After reaching seven A Ping,, Wu Mouhua found that none of this is their own imagination,, the way regret. Consideration of the mutual language barriers, combined with how much money did not bring their own pocket, thought to want to decide to help her husband,air max pas cher, can also worried that after her husband know the truth regardless of their own, so they staged a wrote and directed " kidnapping "farce.

After obtaining the facts, police were criticized site for education, Li Mouxiang forgive his wife of wrongdoing,��д?����ַ, the couple shake hands and drive back to Inner Mongolia.