Middle School

Chutianjinbao News

Daily News reporter Zhao Li Jin Tao Tao correspondent reports: When the same session when students are struggling to sprint the entrance to June, the China division of a High School Middle School (1) class of 35 students will receive a letter of acceptance in American Universities. In this class, many national college entrance examination system under the "Average -" has become in the eyes of American Universities honors.

Middle School (1) class is the first international school to study experimental class, sophomore class when students take the initiative to give up the country's entrance, full sprint foreign universities. Reporters saw their curriculum and other college entrance examination classes differ: In addition to the general high school curriculum, they also on Communicative English,http://www.rokinawa.co.jp, TOEFL / IELTS, the Anglo-American profiles, humanities lecture courses. Girls Motsuji that each student to apply at least seven US universities,http://gogakuru.com, many more than 20, almost all of the gains. Before this year, college admission notice will continue to be served, "the students are calm, we are thinking: wait, there will be a better university."

The class teacher Lanfen Fang said, the selection criteria American colleges and universities have a very different country, she cited an example that many students in the class if the fight entrance in the country,parajumpers, scores hovering at the focus line, really good. But after they submit their applications to American universities, he was regarded as the other winners,nike tn,http://www.aaronlanguage.com, some colleges and universities also gives undergraduate scholarships.

Shu Qi Zhou squad by two leading US liberal arts colleges Albion, Drew admitted at the same time, the two college are given $ 22,peuterey spaccio,000 and $ 16,000 per academic year scholarships. "America's colleges and universities are valued daily performance and overall quality." Zhou Shu Qi said,hogan outlet,http://tauworks.com, the students from the High School beginning to apply to prepare,http://www.sodomcomics.com, in addition to Rick English,http://www.specialistoiljob.com/cgi-specialistoiljob/news-clip.pl?n=30,hogan uomo, they must participate in social practice in their spare time,http://www.zhuolikrone-1344006.adminkc.cn, such as teaching,http://www.ebay.com/itm/aw-cgi-/221118406278?clk_rvr_id=468831012783, volunteering, organizing school events and so on. In the class, each student has jobs drip ability to exercise all save capital for further studies.