
Late dinner reminders hot drink driving on behalf Market

Wages rose three times, but also to recruit on behalf of the driver driving

Hangzhou has nine drivers drunk driving over the New Year's Eve will be in detention

□ newspaper reporter intern Guo Xin package Dun away

Frequent late dinner, drink driving on behalf of business usher in a "blowout." 9:15 last night, driving on behalf of Master Chu starting again with his colleagues, and this is out of the bus last night, Mr. Zhu's sixth trip.

Mr. Zhu was a captain of a generation of driving the company's Second Road, since this time, Zhu Shifu night out of the bus to be overwhelmed to the point: "Now just run six times, the work is just beginning tonight, I do not remember How many times a day to send clear,http://chosfatenove.seesaa.net, but at least 200 km. "

It stands to reason, driving on behalf of the business is so good, the boss should gratefully stay in the company to count the money. In fact, the generation of driving the company's boss Mr. Ge has Choude not, "not hire the right teacher, even three times the wages paid to employees, in addition to a daily turnover of the company and then half points to everyone, but also to recruit people. "

In contrast, traffic police check drunk driving is rather pleased, and now we "do not drink driving, driving do not drink," the consciousness of a marked increase, please drink driving on behalf of the master has become a conscious act, from Recently drinking and driving behavior seized view, significantly higher than the same period dropped a lot. But police still have to solemn reminder,http://pipiham.pos.to/minidiary/apeboard_plus.cgi/apeboard_plus.cgi?command=read_message&msgnum=10/, check drunk driving traffic police work is the norm, and I hope people will not abide by drunk driving.

In addition, the traffic police department said in Hangzhou, from the 19th of this month until yesterday, has seized nine drunken driving behavior,woolrich donna, which nine drivers will spend New Year's Eve in the detention centers.

Year-end party drunk

Waited an hour and so do not come on behalf of the driving teacher

After 21:10 the day before yesterday, Mr. Lee and Miss Yang attended the annual meeting of the unit, as unable to drive home drunk, Lee called the two-generation master drive, 20 minutes later,hogan uomo, Mr. Lee to leave the flat sea that hotel, and go to Riverside to wait for the arrival of Miss Yang driving on behalf of another master.

However, Miss Yang First to wait in the hotel lobby, on behalf of the delay did not drive to master. She played four telephone companies urged on behalf of driving.

Driving on behalf of the company can dispatch explained: "Now we are more than 30 master's all in the way, and sometimes can not spare the manpower, can only ask you to wait, we will arrange for the nearest drive past master as soon as possible."

Miss Yang waited until 10 o'clock, she was still half an hour to sleep on the couch in the lobby, and on behalf of the driving teacher rushed to sea level, this hotel, Miss Yang's phone rang. Miss Yang, etc. The house has been close to 11 o'clock at night.

Although business is driving on behalf of the fire

But often embarrassing moments

Zhu Shifu driving on behalf of the company in a two-way text did seven or eight months, is considered old employee. Zhu Shifu said and done on behalf of the drive line, day and night reversed, so some people do not long, mobility is also great.

Zhu Shifu Anhui Wuhu, in Hangzhou for 10 years, before they have a small truck on the road is very familiar Hangzhou, also driving on behalf of other companies did. Last June, came to the company.

"Do behalf of the driving teacher, thought was so easy, embarrassing things encountered a few are countless." Zhu Shifu said.

Let's just say, they say one thing happened a month ago. Zhu Shifu clearly remember one day more than 22:00, in accordance with the requirements of the guests, he came to the door of a West side of entertainment,hogan outlet, driving on behalf of a BMW car, the owner is a 30-year-old young woman, walking has been steadily.

According to the program,http://www.femme-nail.jp, starting with POS machine time, after departure, the guests towards the direction to reach the destination xiasha Zhu Shifu car after opening.

On the way, some of the women, then let Zhu Shifu feel a little awkward. "I was thinking, maybe she drank too much, I just being a good driver on the line."

However, Zhu Shifu that more and feel right. "That woman began to hands and feet, in my hands touch to touch. I was embarrassed, advised her to sit, said car pay attention to safety. Mended that woman said, 'I'm afraid you can not afford it? Like people like you, I did not earn a month,moncler outlet, spending much at night '. "Zhu Shifu said, on behalf of the master drive a little annoyed, and guests can not help you choose, some people drive a luxury car, but to do it The thing is really unbearable.

"There are a lot of embarrassing things like sitting in the back seat with their feet pedaling, and the mineral water fell on my neck inside. In fact, these are pretty good, we are most afraid of is the way to send away the guests, especially winter. "Zhu Shifu said that after the general to the guests, on behalf of the master drive unit can only wait for the car to pick up, if it is the urban okay, if went Xiaoshan, Riverside, leisure forest, late at night, the guests pay money left, you wait in the open local companies to pick, not twelve hours, the car is not going to "New Year approached, to a suburb, afraid of being robbed, who is a few hundred in total Yuan customers to money, lives and safety can not be protected. "

However, Zhu Shifu reasonable people often encounter. "A few days before the annual meeting to engage in a bank, they invited on behalf of the master drive to the restaurant to eat together,moncler outlet online, as well as some of the guests on the way to buy something to eat, will give a master took on behalf of driving. While we do not accept, but they mind, let us feel very respected. "Zhu Shifu said.

End of the year party increase

Chauffeur Drive Master all in place is not enough

She was about the New Year,http://www.clarityenglish.com/englishonline/index.php?item/create_form/1, many generations have one master drive back home New Year, manpower shortages this generation driving companies face more and more serious, had a meeting a few days before the boss Mr. Ge, Xinyi Heng,http://moriokacomet.com, said Now manpower shortage, has been unable to recruit the right people, as long as we can stay during the holidays, the wages paid to all three times, then the company's daily turnover another half minute to everyone. But even so, there are still a lot of people have chosen to go home.

Mr. Ge had an account balance, he said:. "This decision, for the company, not only make money, but also is likely to lose money, but not because of being unable to recruit master, affecting the reputation and business in the coming year, so have to bite the bullet on. "

Reporters contacted River Road, Qingchun Road, three-way driving on behalf of six companies, they said now driving on behalf of the master is not enough, one is home to many foreign master of the New Year, on the other hand they demand increased dramatically, sometimes called customer cars are lined up.

A generation of driving the company official said: "Two days ago, a bank Shiba hotel near the door in the open gathering will be a lot of people would not dare to drive drunk, they suddenly want a 15-generation master drive, engage I was running around in circles. "

There are nine drivers drunk driving

The New Year's Eve in detention

Although the "do not drink and drive, do not drink drive" concept has gradually popular, but there are still some people risk "red light."

The day before yesterday around 20:30, Mount Road intersection ancient emerald small scratch accident occurred, which opened the driver of the Honda Fit car chatter, there are people passing hit the alarm call.

And other police came to the scene and saw the name of the driver had a drink in all likelihood, the results of an investigation, alcohol tester shows already drunk driving.

Police handling the accident Zhuo police said, according to a statement Mr. Zhang sober driver after he was a company employee, starting the year at night will drink a lot of wine, the company also specifically open to everyone in the hotel room, repeatedly told people not to drive home drunk at night to live in a hotel.

Mr. Zhang could not say, why is there still driving down the road, "he may have been unconscious behavior of." Zhuo said the police officer.

Although Mr. Zhang regret afterwards,http://www.gymfan.com/board/step.cgi, but it was too late, he was eventually sent to a detention center.

Traffic police department statistics, and Mr. Zhang,http://szbbs.sznews.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, like from the start on the 19th of this month until yesterday,http://www.myip.cn/cgimage.lv, a total of nine drunk driving was sent to the detention center, which also means that nine drunk driving can only be spent New Year's Eve in detention (2 March 2) a (drunken driving will be sentenced to administrative detention for 15 days).

Next, the traffic police department will increase the "drunk driving" investigated intensity. In addition, the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision Department, Provincial Politics and Law Committee and the Provincial Public Security jointly issued a "non-state personnel notice drunk driving motor vehicle", "non-police officers and men on drinking and driving a motor vehicle," which further State agency personnel and police officers and men drunk driving investigative work to make specifications. Hangzhou will also investigate job classification and drunk driving hook UNESCO will work to expand health system specification.