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After the break the request because the unbearable harassment and intimidation of her boyfriend, timid girl bag with a fruit knife to carry for self-defense. Guessed, but is this the fruit knife to scratch each other's main artery in a dispute with two men snatch, causing her boyfriend bled to death. After the incident, the girl will undoubtedly face legal penalties, but how the conviction has become a thorny issue, intentional homicide? Or intentional injury? Or wrongful death? Different views and voices let nature of the case becomes complicated and confusing.

To break up the boyfriend was "glued"

Xu Ping and Wang Wei (pseudonym) are foreign workers to the economy, both in Changqing District. Earlier this year,http://1973523.info/cgi/warp/apeboard_plus.cgi//��/\"/, introduced by others,christian louboutin homme, they know each other. Perhaps have the same experiences and stories, and soon the two young men come together, men and women become friends and start living together. At first, the two feelings pretty good, sweet sweet honey, but as time goes on and deepen mutual understanding, slowly Xu Ping Wang Wei found himself irascible character is unacceptable. Moreover,http://sillydog.org, by a period of observation,http://www.ssl.fujitsu.com, Xu Ping discovery, Wang is no point in your career ambition, it makes her feel very disappointed. Slowly the initiation of the idea of breaking up.

In May this year, after much consideration, Xu Ping and Wang Wei finally proposed to break up. Wang Wei guessed that this idea was strongly opposed, after several unsuccessful negotiations, angrily or even to give Xu Ping Wang Wei family play threatening phone calls, and even Ping Xu stuck in front of the hostel every night shouting . Wang Wei of such extreme measures to restore feeling very disappointed to let Xu Ping, Xu Ping desperation to escape the police repeatedly harassed Wang Wei.

"Final negotiations" into the murder of a

One day in August of this year,spaccio woolrich, just a few days of quiet Xu Ping Wang Wei gave a phone call,http://club.miyazaki-mu.ac.jp/bell/yybbs/yybbs.cgi, said Xu Ping find the last time to talk, to be a break, Xu Ping gritted his teeth promised. Knowing Wang Wei tyrannical temper, to prevent accidents, out in front of Xu Ping will be a fruit knife hidden in a bag of self-defense.

After the two meet,woolrich outlet, the atmosphere is still tense, Xu Ping pleading not made up his mind to break up, which ultimately provoked anger Wang Wei, the two men on the street open to dispute. Fearing trouble again Wang Wei, Xu Ping fail to beat the alarm from the bag and pulled out the phone ready, guessed, on the phone during the dig, carry fruit knife was Wang Wei seen. "You pretty much ah, holding a knife Why? To stab me? Come ah! Come ah!" To see the bag of fruit knife Xu Ping, Wang more irritable, and the two began to compete for this fruit knife, clinker in the process, a fruit knife blade piercing the thigh Wang Wei, although not fatal wound, but unfortunately, just a fruit knife stabbed Wang Wei artery, causing excessive bleeding spot Wang Wei more deaths.

Count of how to define a problem

After the incident, the prosecutor quickly to negligence causing death to prosecute Changqing District People's Court,http://maachaan.blog.shinobi.jp,tiffany outlet, the judge took over the case of Fang said: "In the beginning the court basically agree with the idea Procuratorate, but the family of the deceased was insisted that Xu Ping's behavior is intentional injury causing death, raised objections to the court. "Fang told reporters, although the two counts on just a different title, but in the actual sentencing was a big difference," intentional injury Death usually at least ten years will be sentenced to imprisonment, wrongful death and obviously it lighter! "Fang told reporters at the trial stage,air jordan pas cher, the two different charges for the court judicial officers discretion for a long time. "After all, Wang had died, then a lot of site conditions and the specific circumstances are based on confessions to restore Xu Ping, there is no solid evidence,http://bbs.cnpenjing.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=732607, the court is also difficult to define the behavior of Xu Ping accord which counts in the end." Judge Fang told reporters.

Monitoring the streets to restore the truth

Xu Ping How conviction? Just when the collision cross two different voices,http://www.thedesertmoonreview.com, the judge decided to look at a solid chain of evidence and find a breakthrough. "Later, the court in the detailed investigation files simultaneously and then the first time after the public security organs involved in the case of repeated communications found at the scene was not far from a camera equipped with video stores, so we took the time transfer The surveillance video, was the edge of the monitor happens just recorded the scene at the signs of two people in a quarter of an hour's time, Xu Ping has not active attacks, but scratch accident does occur in the process of competing for a fruit knife From this point at least be able to prove that at the time of committing the crime of intentional Xu Ping does not exist. "Judge Fang told reporters that the difference between negligence causing death and intentional injury causing death between subjective intent that the perpetrators have no crime, from field monitoring, it is clear Xu Ping was not intentional.

Recently, the courts of first instance in this case finally Xu Ping negligence causing death and concluded, in compensation for the families of her boyfriend,http://finalstraw.blogbus.com, while one hundred thousand yuan of economic losses, Ping Xu was sentenced to three years imprisonment, suspended for three years. Reporter Lishi Wu