further develop into heat exhaustion

15:00, 51-year-old finished lunch, as usual, came to the site, just did more than 20 minutes, on account of heat stroke, "collapsed afford" to 17 am died.

Yesterday afternoon, her family got her death to prove the diagnosis, the above clearly says: multiple organ failure, heatstroke.

Li Yinfang from Xingping City San wish the original village, since last year, and a fellow with a labor Xingping team in each site work. When collapsed, she was on the road in Xi'an Weibei Industrial Zone "king on the 2nd road" site.

Work more than 20 minutes she collapsed to the ground

Yesterday afternoon, before his death in site, wearing a straw hat and towel workers have come from nearby houses to the sun on the site does not work any opaque objects. Reporters at the site just stood more than 20 minutes, sweat has soaked clothes, skin burning sensation obvious.

August 16, Xi'an, the highest temperature 38 ℃,http://www.earthforums.com, "To afternoon Greystone shop, so start earlier than usual." Young workers master introduced, August 16 at 3 pm, they had just finished lunch, came out dry live, after 20 minutes, they just turned around,gucci outlet, Li Yinfang on body heat fainted on the ground. "Before the incident, and as usual, work, eat, take a nap without any exception. Resting usually have dry for hours."

Family has reached a compensation agreement with the site

Li Yinfang project construction unit is located in Xi'an Municipal Road and Bridge Construction Company Sixth Branch, the project has Chang'an, Xingping two service teams are responsible for road construction and west sides. According to the workers introduced, they usually stem from 8:00 am to 11:00 and more, eat a meal at noon to rest for three hours, and so on 15:00, they come out to dry in the afternoon live. Competent seventy-eight hours a day on average.

"To keep working, not shirtless, when it can not stand hot, drink a little water, but can not rest." Yang said the master, usually a will, there is the person brought down summer bean soup on every site one day be able to drink a few kilograms of water. It was not hot, then cold water next to the red dot.

"Li Yinfang Xingping where labor team, there are a dozen people,http://www.novalug.ca/cgi-bin/index.cgi, in August last year, they are coming from Xingping, did more than a year." Yangji Tao said the person in charge of the project site after the incident, they organized people will Li Yinfang sent to nearby hospitals,spaccio woolrich, because they go to a serious condition Tang Du Hospital, where he has been in the hospital escort, then contacted her family.

Tianqiao Yan Li Yinfang niece said, aunt treated in hospital for a day and night, on August 17 died a death. Li Yinfang 51-year-old, from San Xingping wish the original village, the couple are farmers, there are two women and one man three children. "Recently, the uncle at home in charge of the farm, and fellow aunt on together, play some casual workers at the site. I did not expect a sudden it happened, unfortunately." said they had reached a compensation agreement with the project department,http://zyyazx.66rt.com/viewthread.php?tid=365369&extra=, disclose specific details.

Newspaper reporter Lee

& Gt; & gt; related policies

According to "summer cooling measures management approach", hot weather means the daily maximum temperature above the municipal meteorological authority issued by the meteorological stations owned above 35 ℃ weather. On hot work, the "Rules":

35 ℃ ~ 37 ℃

The employer shall take the holiday shift, etc., to shorten labor time continuous operation, and shall not cause a seasonal outdoor laborers work overtime

37 ℃ ~ 40 ℃

Employer-day seasonal outdoor laborers working time arrangements may not exceed 6 hours of continuous operation shall not exceed the state, and in the highest temperature periods of not arrange a seasonal outdoor jobs within three hours

Above 40 ℃

It should stop the day a seasonal outdoor jobs

Clear up doubts

What is heatstroke,jordan femme pas cher?

The most serious heat stroke and coma temperature over 40 ℃

Second Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University, the emergency department physician, said Gao Xia,http://www.trekbbs.com/forumdisplay.cgi, from diagnosis that point of view, when Li Yinfang hospital initially diagnosed as "heat stroke, heat stroke, respiratory failure," while the death certificate marked "multiple organ failure, heat shoot disease. " Heatstroke is due to high temperatures cause the body thermoregulatory dysfunction, excessive accumulation of body heat, causing nerve damage. Heat exhaustion refers to the high temperature environment of labor, there's blood circulation function failure. "Li Yinfang condition is very serious, is a severe heat stroke, this is certainly a long time at high temperature, high humidity conditions,http://wx.jazzsynth.com/wxcgi/kizai/sunkizai.cgi?mode=form&no=67&page=2, caused by high-intensity work."

Doctors say high, heat stroke is based on tiers, lighter to heavier are heat cramps, heat exhaustion, heat stroke, the symptoms will cross or simultaneously, there will be severe heat stroke during heat cramps, convulsions appears; further develop into heat exhaustion, Patients with pale, blood pressure, pulse weak, and even shock. The most serious symptoms of heat stroke is heatstroke, the body heat imbalance,http://bbs.570you.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=13643382, a temperature over 40 ℃, confusion, into a coma.

Dr. Gao said, heatstroke,air jordan femme pas cher, although the mortality rate is high, but if you could rescue hospital, treatment can be successful, and not leave sequelae. At high risk of heatstroke while there are sanitation workers, construction workers, police and other long work outdoors crowd.

How to apply for work-related injury insurance heatstroke,http://zassi-backnumber.seesaa.net?

Xi'an five hospitals open occupational medical certificate

Director injury insurance and Social Council at the Xi'an Wang speaking, according to "sunstroke measures management approach", laborers due to high temperature operation or high temperatures cause heat stroke operation, was diagnosed as occupational diseases, injury insurance benefits to enjoy. This requires the identification of occupational diseases do first, and eventually found by the labor department. As a result of heat stroke lead to accidental injury (such as heat stroke caused by collapsed fracture), both indoor and outdoor generally recognized as work-related injuries, such cases can be directly reporting injuries.

How to apply for occupational identification heatstroke? Wang said the injury insurance benefits should be made to apply the five hospitals have qualified assessment of occupational disease diagnosis proved Shaanxi Provincial Health Department regulations, these five hospitals: Shaanxi nuclear industry four hundred seventeen hospitals, Xi'an Central Hospital, Xi'an Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Disease Prevention and Control Center of Shaanxi Province, Ordnance five hundred twenty-one hospital. "The province due to the application of heat stroke cases are rarely injured, this was the first received."

Most people do not know heatstroke claiming for compensation

Reporter survey found that know not many people claiming for compensation heatstroke; even know people who go out compensation rarely. At the same time, due to cumbersome procedures identified, occupational sex workers identified as heatstroke after injury but should be easy.

First, some employers may not give the employee injury insurance. Secondly, according to the provisions of relevant laws and regulations, to be recognized as occupational injuries, occupational disease must be made after the conclusion of diagnostic,http://wwwonders.com, medical institutions to identify occupational qualification. As a national statutory occupational heat stroke, in order identified as injury, occupational disease must also be based on the diagnosis of occupational certificate issued by accreditation bodies, to the location of the employer's human IESS drew related injuries.

It is understood that workers heatstroke, treatment costs a few hundred dollars can get the majority. Reimbursement for a few hundred dollars, the workers need to run two hospitals and a human IESS, but also the employer in advance to get the labor contracts and other supporting materials. Heat stroke related injuries identified as cumbersome procedures, so many workers abandoned the treatment. "He walked so many places, a few hundred dollars of compensation, lost income is not enough to fight the fare." Some people said. According to "Beijing Daily"


The country is now more heatstroke deaths

According to incomplete statistics, as of August, the country frequently appears "dead heat" phenomenon, Anhui two cases appear heatstroke deaths,cheap red bottom, two deaths occur Shanghai, Jiangsu, two cases of death, there are three cases in Hunan sanitation workers died of heat stroke, Ningbo 15 cases occur in patients with heatstroke, where four people were killed, 150 people Wuhan heat stroke, five people were killed. In addition to this series of articles written by the reporter signature outside Lee

(Original title: 51-year-old female migrant workers under the hot sun paving heatstroke death)