Public concern about the star is a necessity

Movie Star is undoubtedly the recent exposure of the entertainment one of the hottest topics. This media and people's convention "on Monday to see" the message and even became the focus of the public eye. Let this affair surfaced "paparazzi" much questioned. Legal weekend reporter interviewed the "Mainland China's first puppy," said Zhuo Wei, listening to him talk about the present "paparazzi" their survival status and state of mind.

Original title: "I have not met the legal dispute"

- "Mainland China's first paparazzi" Readme

Legal weekend trainee reporter Zhang Shu

Every month we will draw up a work plan, including the need to keep track of the news this month and the target figure.

For example, what are the important news this month clue or TV drama shooting. Of course, our main actor took shape. Another example of what major event, such as the ceremony. There is what the stars would birthday.

If this month's news that we have not done, it will be postponed to the next month. We will focus on the work plan, to organize and mobilize staff.

Income "not everyone thought so high."

I founded the studio in popularity, at least one month to ensure that the news output of 180, which means that every day we have at least 5-6 to complete the news, which is a lot of work.

Line of photography, video, their weekly working time has reached seven or ten hours, almost no before 12:00 back home in. Previously they had only one day off a week, then the provisions of the rest six days per person per month, but rarely encountered someone to get it six days off over time, which is basically four or five days a month off, overtime is commonplace a.

Generally, we work News There are three main ways, first we get a clue news, going to the stars there waiting. This situation is often a wait a day, the stars are not necessarily out.

I have to confirm that a sex scandal, with the team personally flew to Guangzhou. That with the film twists and turns. First off to the airport on the way almost an accident, and later to the airport again lost package. Etc. back the package, the airplane was delayed. Finally, a scenic area in Guangzhou, finally caught up with an actress's car, the results in the mountain chase full five hours before the photo shoot. In fact,, with the way Diuguo, was particularly frustrating. Fortunately, the last, or so I saw them. The kind of ecstatic, simply indescribable.

The second is to stare at a news conference. We will follow the star at the end of the press conference, and see where they go, for example will not eat or entertainment will look. In this case, tend to be slightly shorter wait times, such as a few hours.

Another is the usual "sweep the streets" was. We will pay attention to the stars frequented entertainment, if we find a star vehicle, or that received a tip that the consumer which star where we drive past waiting. Such (waiting) time is relatively short, relatively speaking, a few hours now.

However, we do not really have the photographer's income as high as you might think. Our income is royalties, and royalties are to be based on ratings. Photographed major news is level, but the level of royalties,gucci borsa shopping, but is a few thousand dollars.

As far as I know, so far, the mainland people engaged in this work together is less than 20. Meanwhile, there are many people coming and going too involved in this industry, but in the end they gave up. Why? Because both hard and not much income.

Accustomed to live in the voices of doubt

The most difficult, most tests of endurance and toughness of the paparazzi, is "big news" sentinel, directed squat. For example, we exposed a news some time ago, to get clues from the beginning, we would find an actress downstairs, has been there for. Not one day on two days, not on the three days. Finally,hogan outlet store online scarpe hogan,, the picture of our exposure is exactly stare at their house photographed seven days. Really stare from morning to night, many times, a little dry food to eat in the car of his own resolve.

Experience also important. Stars go always packed very tightly, his own airtight cover. But because we often shoot them, what clothes they wear, what to wear sunglasses, a hat to wear what we know are a few. Including what car they sit, assistant manager look like, and we all know that.

The outside world and the public about our doubts,, criticism has never ceased, I have become accustomed to. Beginning will surely feel aggrieved and sad, but then continue to comfort themselves, however,, still have to continue to work.

I often educate our photographer: Do not belittle our work makes sense, it is tough few people, entertaining hundreds of millions. Moreover, even if there are 100 million people online call you, there will not be an individual out to give you a job you satisfied with the work schedule, so that what I want.

I initially do this (paparazzi), may also be because it is new, most people do not understand, do not understand, there will be questioned and criticized inevitable. But with the development, environmental changes of the times, people are thinking more and more liberated, we understand more and more people work, fewer and fewer people condemn. Before we think bad things, and now all eyes have been harmless, and even the original that was wrong, but now think is right up.

Many people will be very curious, "Paparazzi," the point is that we in the end is how to spend a long time in the squat and boring? Really, in order to take convincing photos, I and my colleagues have had more than a year before tracking squat.

The bottom line is "not illegal"

We were shooting in a public place, and our equipment can be bought in photography, camera equipment shop. Although more advanced professional camera and DV,revendeur louboutin, but are also in the market to buy.

We did not use hidden devices, such as a pinhole camera, ah,moncler prezzi piumini,, ah bug tracker ah. Because we know that it is illegal to use these things, and our bottom line is not illegal. Moreover, our report also pictures, video-based, there is evidence, there is no rumor. So far, we have not encountered together lawsuits or legal disputes.

Star and our relationship, now slowly eased a lot, they begin to understand our work. Stars in our eyes is the news object, we just wanted to record their real life and work, to show that side of them unknown to everyone.

We also look at the state of the stars from the original antipathy became indifferent. Since it can not be avoided, it is better to give us a certain extent with. Candid say now may also help them achieve unexpected publicity, they also do not exclude, and even there are some artists will use such means to carry out propaganda, hype.

"On Monday, see" everyone commented after the incident "paparazzi" phenomenon

Compared with the Edison Chen sex photo scandal, etc.,, this (article romance with Yao flute) scale photographs is nothing,, but a particularly high degree of concern, the key reason is the hot spot was deliberately elongated. Murderer broke the news to the way planning is the use of the public's curiosity consumption scandal,, "on Monday, see" long event broke the news cycle, much speculation, the parties are deeply hurt families.

Public concern about the star is a necessity, but also understandable. But when the related media cater to the needs of this concern, there should be proper perspective. Mo Lee on behalf of reported drug scandal is worth considering, media criticism of drug use, but not to his family, friends and other information mining exposure.

- Hunan Provincial Academy of Social Sciences researcher Zheng Zili

"On Monday, see" scandal operational methods, just step on the bottom line of journalistic ethics.

- A media senior editor

Entertainment news more often than other types of news easier to deviate prevailing moral standards, appear "excessive" situation. This is a lot on the market name of "news" of entertainment sites, publications related to flooding, these practitioners are mostly free entertainment publications in addition to basic journalistic ethics, news discipline, just for the money, they only money.

- Renmin University of China School of Journalism master tutor Chang Jiang

Public is the "most" hypocritical, they consume gossip, low-cost access to privacy, but in turn, accused the paparazzi and celebrities; flaunted paparazzi is "relatively" hypocritical,woolrich online italia, they cater to the public interest rather than the public interest only.