the Internet is true to say I do not know

Outside your home it appeared strange symbols? Yesterday,, Miss Choi found on South City resident households across the walls, there is a pair of "+ -" strange symbols,, she suspected thief left mark. In this regard, the public security department, said the possibility of theft Capitol smaller households do not need to panic, once found, should be removed immediately, and to alert the district police station.

Suspected thief left behind facades weird symbols

Miss Choi lived in Bay Village, a rental pool,, there are more than six months. She recently found on the opposite side of the external walls of households,hogan interactive, there are some weird symbols.

Last night, Miss Choi with reporters She was referring to that wall, the reporter saw a pair of lateral indeed "+ -" sign, and next to the 302 rooms,, the house was dark. "I have heard of this symbol indicates someone daytime, at night nobody seems to indicate the sign of a thief." Miss Choi said he had checked the Internet and found that many sites are circulating such a statement.

Reporters Internet search, found that in addition "+ -" sign, the net posts in also lists the remaining six distinct meanings of symbols: 1, "- +": night someone during the day nobody; 2, "⊙": single or tenant; 3. "...": three family members; 4, "√": already entered; 5, "☆": target; 6, "×" non-target.

The landlord said that the marketing people have left symbol

Miss Choi said, the Internet is true to say I do not know, but still prefer to believe them, "usually after work during the day, nobody at home,, it seems that what I want to have possession of a good home."

At this time, the tenants have heard the news came down the stairs onlookers. Lived in the 5th floor of Mr. Zhang said his home had been done on the mark, and finally he rubbed out, "In the beginning I thought it was the milkman making its mark, but then someone rang the doorbell frequently during the day, or to do not speak, or say it wrong, and I feel like there is no one at home to look like. "

Subsequently,louboutin femme pas cher, the reporter visited several buildings rented nearby, many never seen this symbol person said, do not know who left this sign, but do not know the specific meaning. But the landlord out of the rumor that the people who are doing the selling do sign, just for convenience working again, "some sell insurance, some sell drugs, some bad behavior, it should be that they do sign, I them by the common through. "

Police advise to get rid of symbols to strengthen prevention

For the printing of various claims, the reporter consulted the district police department. Police said the case has not yet received this, and believe that the possibility of a small thief Capitol, no panic, "If it is really for the crime, why should leave a mark, this is not even caused by tenants noticed?"

Police believe the most likely to do the decoration companies, including curtains and other supporting businesses, in order to explore doing business sign,boutique louboutin paris,, there may be a sign of the relevant functional departments to do.

In this regard,, the police reminded burglary end is the high incidence of crime, if the door appeared strange symbols, the public should be removed as soon as possible, access to prevention. If necessary, contact the district police station,gioielli tiffany, so that the police thoroughly investigated.


Circulated on the Internet thief weird symbols comment

{1} "- +": someone at night, during the day and no one;

{2} "⊙": single or tenant;

{3} "...": Family members of three people;

{4} "√": already entered,scarpe hogan donna;

{5} "☆": Target;

{6} "×" non-target,