but this loyalty proposed agreement is invalid

During this time, the famous actor Jordan Chan and children should be adopted marriage always occupy the entertainment headlines, especially Jordan Chan read aloud and signed at the wedding of love "Contract" After exposure, the wedding to a climax, so someone with a legal perspective look at this "Contract",http://meguru.jp/cgi-bin/joyful/joyful.cgi, in black and white exactly have no legal effect it? Jordan Chan too far away from us, we take a look at the province Taihe loyalty agreement signed a couple, if one of the couple agreed derailment derailment want to cleanse the family convenience. However,moncler prezzi, after her husband derailment, refused to cleanse the family, insisted that the agreement is invalid ......

Husband and wife having an affair with female gamblers proposed sign "loyalty agreement"

The couple from Taihe Town,louboutin pas cher, in March 2005, registration of marriage, child marriage, no children.

Because of work, his wife travel frequently, a husband at home bored, he and a friend to the outside gambling. Over time, her husband and a female gamblers will close. In the meantime, his wife found her husband had derailed the suspects, find a husband to talk, her husband immediately admit mistakes and guarantee of non-repetition.

In order to prevent possible future derailed her husband,http://wx.jazzsynth.com/wxcgi/kizai/sunkizai.cgi?mode=form&no=61&page=2, the wife and husband to sign a loyalty to negotiate an agreement on the mutual agreement of both spouses should be loyal,hogan interactive, if one derailment derailment easy to cleanse the family should unconditionally renounce all property, to pay moral damages to the other party compensation 50,000 yuan.

It seems his wife,http://douga119-anime.seesaa.net, this loyalty agreement should be afraid to let her husband derailed. May soon loyalty agreement, once again when her husband by his wife on a business trip and female gamblers contacts, until an improper relationship.

When his wife found her husband in the derailment, asked her husband to come up with agreements cleanse the family, the husband does not agree in every possible way. In the end, though her husband agreed to divorce,http://blackbaseball-abc.com, but this loyalty proposed agreement is invalid, matrimonial property should be divided equally.

Court agreement effectively derailed her husband cleanse the family

8,http://www.zinher.com/zninherlt/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=966140, Taihe County People's Court in this divorce disputes were heard.

The court held that the plaintiff and defendant have agreed to a divorce, the court should be supported. Plaintiff and defendant before the agreement is signed by the two sides signed a voluntary basis, and the agreement does not violate the relevant laws and regulations, in line with China's Marriage Law,scarpe hogan interactive, the couple should be mutually faithful spirit, but also contribute to social morality, the agreement is valid.

Since this loyalty agreement also wrote one of the derailment is not only cleanse the family, had the other 50,000 yuan compensation for mental damages, the wife asked her husband to deliver on that promise, was the husband refused.

Eventually, under the mediation of a judge, his wife agreed to waive the requirements of cheating husbands to pay 5 yuan compensation,nike pas cher pour homme, but other matters subject to the implementation of the agreement. Thus, a real estate and the house appliances, furniture are owned by the wife, the husband only took personal supplies.

For Taihe It was recognized from the loyalty agreement legally binding, a High Court judge said Wang. The use of the law is correct.

Wang judge that "loyalty agreement", "pre-marital property agreement,http://www.szmoyu.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=3157673," etc., which in the past only in the business field of the agreement, and now more and more couples appear in family relations, signed the marriage contract has become a new trend, Someone questioned the progress of this in the end is still loyal marriage backwards? But one thing, marital fidelity content is consensual agreement signed, there is no prohibition against the law,http://www.prco.jp/~shake/apeboard/apeboard_plus.cgi?command=read_message&msgnum=90/n/, to have extramarital affairs of the party,http://www.serow250.com, but also a very effective legal remedies, the law is no reason not to protect it.

Text / Maffei reporter YE