students often make fun of his appearance

China Taiwan News Network May 13, according to Taiwan media reports, the new Taipei University of Technology have private Southeast surname, Wu, two male students, long-term competition in the first class, the students thought was surnamed Wu,, students often make fun of his appearance, 11 am actually anger spilled hydrochloric acid, causing Wu student right cheek, upper body with multiple burns,scarpe hogan interactive,, eye nearly blind, had surrendered student surnamed afterwards and said sorry, but Wu told the mother insisted mention injuries.

Looks to be made fun of rancor imminent

According to reports, police traced found two second-grade school students are the top students in the class and they often arranged top two leading mutual, and thus also the heart grudges, which looks relatively handsome student Wu, who student surnamed Wu, students often laugh think he looks "strange", so he resentment in mind.

Police visits classmate,, that the next class on the 11th morning, Wu students take once again in front of their classmates student surnamed looks joke,chanel borse sito ufficiale, do not say anything at the time the students had the surname, then leave the classroom, throwing acid come back after the incident.

The presence of the students, "Hikari" said he was lying on the table to sleep, sitting in the front seat student surnamed Wu, who suddenly exclaimed students' eyes hurts "," Hikari "looked up and saw Wu students hide their faces , who was splashed a lot of blue unknown liquid, "Hikari" quickly with Wu,gucci outlet, students go to the toilet to clean the eyes and body, and finally by the school staff called a taxi rushed to United Christian Hospital, Taipei Wan Fang Hospital District emergency.

Witnessed the student said, was "Hikari" Jizhongshengzhi syringe to draw part of the health center by unknown liquid to the hospital laboratory for physicians to understand its composition to facilitate the rescue. Wu, underwear and students were penetrating acid erosion, face, back, buttocks were traces of burns,, swelling and pain in the right eye, fortunately without affecting vision and timely disposal of doctors and is still in hospital under observation.

After running away, surrendered, said, "want to scare him."

Police said the students had the surname after throwing acid out of the gate, take the bus to find familiar social triple zone, when contact with the family is very remorseful, also revealed suicidal thoughts, but fortunately the police through the phone quickly to appease the evening, accompanied by social workers surrendered, After finish the record back to the supervision by the parents.

Student surnamed had testified that because gas, however,, the class went to the men's room on the 8th floor of the classroom hydrochloride on the bag, but just wanted to "scare him," I did not expect to be so serious.

Has been named student said he and Wu, students in the academic leader of each other, how much has the knot,nike tn femme pas cher, but the other often in front of their classmates make fun of his looks, will make him lose control,, he stressed that he did not mean to, I hope Wu, the students and their mother to forgive.

Wu mother told police her son often mention that once sat in the back of the student surnamed unfriendly eyes, he took a lighter in his back, "a cracking card Crash" Ignition, let him quite fear, get only after he reported school teachers. " stay away from him, "the proposal,, the school should be responsible for this. Members new Taipei,, said his parents complained to the school when directed virtues of hydrochloric acid on the toilet, before brewing trouble afterwards blackout.

Southeast University of Science and Technology Academic Affairs Long Wang Jen said students who had the surname diseased, starting in January on the situation frequently, not only students and Wu, there is a conflict, the other students have to say "inappropriate language", the school is also very troubled by this occurrence attacks classmate behavior, the school will hold incentive will make "the most appropriate treatment." Although students have been named police confession, hydrochloric acid from the men's room on the 8th floor of the classroom,louboutin femme, but yesterday said Wang Ren, male toilets did not put hydrochloric acid, but also refers to the students tell the teacher had the surname, in his own pharmacy buy. (China Taiwan Network Feng Jiang)