he wondered

Yesterday, the Public Security issued @ Yanzhou cases have been reported in the microblogging and prompts users "do not believe in casual online anonymity is no big deal."
Southern News reporter intern Sun Xi Zhang book boat yesterday, a court in Jining, Shandong Yanzhou District Public Security Bureau issued a notification microblogging, triggering hot friends. Informed the council that a 21 year old friends Yanzhou car was dissatisfied stickers, posting curse the traffic police, after five days in administrative detention, public security, said the friends @ Yanzhou "blatant insult to the people the police, resulting in adverse social impact." . Concerned friends told reporters the South, he actually detained three days, has been released after he was fired from the company. He said himself caught posting "a little puzzled," there to say, but do not want to say.
Police arrested the 5th informed users
After being onlookers friends, Yanzhou District Public Security Bureau official microblogging Yanzhou public security has been to delete this case notification microblogging. User screenshot shows, this "network insult others arrested," the court informed that the afternoon of April 28, netizen "Yanzhou save brother" illegal parking stickers are police, "is not only unrepentant, but think of the Internet made PETTY" In Baidu Post Bar Yanzhou post "can Lv Well, the car just stopped there, it was stickers, and Yanzhou in traffic true coward." May 4,ralph lauren femme pas cher, Yanzhou District Public Security Bureau Network Security Brigade will "Yanzhou save man" arrested, the users are in administrative detention for five days.
Yanzhou police informed that, "Yanzhou save brother" a blatant insult to the people the police, resulting in adverse social impact, and prompts users "French has long arms, do not think that's no big deal casual online anonymity,http://www.tonglubbs.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=94896, believe ' To people do not know is done by night. '"
Actual users post detained three days
Southern reporter in the Baidu Post Bar Yanzhou them see it, the police informed the net posts have been deleted.
According to "keep Yanzhou brother" posting record, he is right in Yanzhou active users, more than two years, more than 5,000 post. His latest statement is a 17:00 yesterday,http://www.a-classe.com, in a "friends posted it because police are cowards curse Shandong Yanzhou was arrested five days the line,http://www.alexandrite.in," the post reply "has come out."
By "Yanzhou save brother" Baidu Post Bar records and QQ space record,http://www.meecole.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=32499, the Southern reporter saw 21-year-old "Yanzhou save brother" got the idea for their own cars are often released with car-related posts. QQ to talk about their records show that in recent days, he has posted a day. May 7, he made an almanac picture says "lunar ninth day,nike air max, not everything." May 8, he released a talk, "declined all chat."
Post scolded police detained fueled hot issue, leading some netizens to Yanzhou it "burst it." Baidu Yanzhou top of a post of it last night, "take this opportunity to say hello to friends all over the world." Post said the issue has nothing to do with the detained netizen Yanzhou it, "you burst it affects the behavior of friends posted it it normal exchange." And in this post, netizen "shadow Shennan Avenue" comments "coward incident is related to you I am. "
At the same time, the public security microblogging @ Yanzhou has also been a lot of onlookers. The court after notification deleted, as of yesterday, 22:40, @ Yanzhou public security Recent talk of a summer car dangerous microblogging, has accumulated more than 4,600 comments received,http://www.huaqiao.org/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=349&fromuid=907, the majority of which related to the matter.
After being fired from the company detention expires
Yesterday, the "Yanzhou save man" in an interview with Southern reporters that he was actually Yanzhou police custody three days, no early release, but I do not know why the police said in microblogging is 5 days. He told reporters the South, in the micro-Bo told friends to see him before he did not know Yanzhou police released this bulletin, "now also in the dark."
"Yanzhou save brother," said the detainees because it feels good, do not want to let more people know, the detention notice he has been burned, he remembered because "Security Administration Punishment Law" and "insulting" and other detainees, "I was literacy,http://www.valdrespaintball.net/cgi-bin/index.cgi, specifically saying I forgot."
"Yanzhou save brother" Southern Reporter also said that Yanzhou did not say anything when the police released him,http://www.kbp.aaf.pl/forum/viewthread.php?thread_id=0, and afterwards did not find him, after being released, he was fired from the company to work, "it should be because of this thing, did not ask . "He said that for the online posting curse was detention, he wondered," This thing can not say reasonable and unreasonable, and now I also feel the pressure. "he told reporters the South, said," I have to say, the But I do not want to say,cheap jordan shoes, I look at what my reply Yanzhou public security right now is wait and see. "
The latest bulletin
Yanzhou official said the case was not long microblogging all
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The rearranged release
Yesterday, police were criticized on users post detention, the reporter tried to contact Yanzhou District Public Security Bureau interview to no avail.
Yanzhou District Propaganda Department Public Information Section, a staff member told reporters,http://www.zencart-pro.com,air jordan pas cher, microblogging is not the case informed the entire contents of the case will be re-released after finishing.
The staff member said, according to the situation of its learned, @ Yanzhou Public Security issued a "network insult others detained" long microblogging, not the entire contents of the case, the long microblogging content may cause misunderstanding of friends,nike tn pas cher france, present the relevant department is finishing materials, will be re-released. The staff also said the latest case will be promptly released to the media. To press time last night before, Yanzhou party committee propaganda department did not respond to the matter further.
(Original title: users posting curse "Yanzhou police coward" detained)