this is true.

Not long ago,, Lishui police destroyed a large local gambling gangs, media reports said the gambling gang was reported that the police act as casinos have "umbrella" protection fee, tipped off to the casino. After the report published in the paper, though there have been rumors of police protection fees charged casino is not the case in the case, and even involve senior Lishui Starsky. To understand the truth of the incident to local reporters yesterday were investigated.
□ reporter Xu Chao Huang Xiaobin
"Lishui gambling industry tumbler" arrest
Lishui police act on the casino "umbrella" rumors began to be destroyed before the local Lishui a large-scale gambling gang.
It is understood that the gang long Candu staff 50-60 people involved in gambling money, more than 20 million illegal taps more than 100 million. The leader of the gambling gang,, 52-year-old Chen has "bet circles Lishui tumbler," said.
Chen from gambling for decades,burberry pas cher, and although the police repeatedly suffered arrest, but Chen is able to escape or from stakeholders, and Chen's casino business is also bigger and bigger, the establishment of joint-stock gambling "Company", even The casino also to the field of learning 'management experience. "
Last July, Chen casinos were destroyed Lishui Economic Development Zone,, the Public Security Bureau arrested 15 suspects,, but Chen has escaped again until a month before being arrested in Quanzhou, Fujian Province.
Police became the casino "umbrella"
At the trial stage, the gambling gang members confession, gave the former Development Zone Branch Wang Fu Ling police station to pay the "protection money", after the police investigation,scarpe hogan 2015, this is true.
This year it was 27-year-old Wang is Lishui City Public Security Bureau as the first judicial examination by police in August last year, Wang went to Hangzhou has resigned, did a lawyer.
Even with the police for the casino to provide "umbrella", Lishui City prosecutors quickly stepped in to investigate the case, the reporter learned that Wang act as "umbrella" case has been reviewed surveillance knot,, but the details involved Wang, the amounts involved, etc., the prosecution has not been announced.
. "In gambling gangs to act as an umbrella Lishui police, Wang only one they get from gambling interests groups in several forms: a direct stake in the casino, regular dividends; casino for a certain amount of 'protection money' day; casino help lenders earn high interest and other. "A source told reporters, Wang is just the first go, but not the last one.
Police have identified three suspects
Police have charged a casino in the end how much protection money being investigation. Lishui City People's Procuratorate of staff told reporters that there are indeed several police officers suspected of acting as a casino "umbrella" is on file for investigation, but the case is still under investigation stage, inconvenient to disclose more information to the outside world.
Because the police are involved rumors Lishui Municipal Public Security Bureau Economic Development Zone, the reporter went to the council, Branch Secretary, said Dou Kai Kui, Development Zone Branch has two police officers involved in the case and a Police Association,, the Council as well as a police officers involved in the case,,chaussure nike tn pas cher, As the market rumors that dozens of people called to "talk" and even the warning level is also involved in the argument, is simply nonsense.
Dou Kai Kui said that shortly after he took office, there was a gambling gang members took 500,000 yuan in cash to the office to let him take it,nike tn pas cher, the condition is to put a casino in the area a few days, he flatly refused, rejected after gambling gangs began to deal with the police, and even send someone to the Public Security Bureau police station door stalking to police grasp trends,, tipped off in time, but no matter how tight guard, was eventually arrested. He took office less than two years, has destroyed a dozen gambling gangs and gang ringleaders, all sentenced to real punishment, severely punished.
Dou Kai Kui said, might be to treat gambling Development Zone Branch of high pressure, causing some people hate, and therefore want to do everything possible to discredit the police. Dou Kai Kuitan words,tn requin pas cher, does not deny affiliated with gambling, gambling care situation, so even eliminate internal need to unanimously. "No matter who, as long as gambling, gambling care, will resolutely crack down without mercy."
 (Edit: SN021)