A month later

Special correspondent Yan Yi Jian told reporters Songning Hua
Shanghai a hospital (hereinafter referred to as A Hospital) was founded in 1932 is one of the "old hospital", is now an international emergency rescue center network hospital, the title of the Red Cross Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai and became the School of Medicine and Medical School of Shanghai Jiaotong University Affiliated social practice and teaching base. However, this is a set of medical care, teaching and research in one, subjects complete the secondary level hospitals, doctors recently because of a series of bribes and disrepute.
Pre-retirement "launching"
Huang Jiarong, in August 2010 from A hospital retirement procedures. A hospital since 1985 to Dr. Ren Guke, his hands never happened with the medical malpractice or errors. April 1999, Huang Jiarong embarked hospital administration positions, has served as deputy director of the outpatient office, Deputy Chief of Medical Services, Security Section Chief, clinic director of the Office, government office director. In many people's eyes, he is a good doctor, a good leader.
However,http://www.yashima-tanuki.net/cgi-bin/tkbbs1/tkbbs1.pl?page_num=1]?%A7%E6?%A7%F1, in September 2010, on a month, prosecutors found his retirement after because bribery. He dragged "into the water", and is a fellow Zhu Qiang sea.
April 2009,http://www.jpaic.net, Zhu Qiang Huang Jiarong sea quietly found. At the time, Zhu is the sales agent for a group of companies produced Lugua peptide injection, want Pharmaceutical Affairs Committee discussed at the "care about" A hospital will introduce this new drug.
Because of the fellow's face, Huang Jiarong promised "temporary help." At this point , served as Secretary of the hospital pharmacy committee,http://girl.happybsday.com, deputy head of the rescue team leaders and other important duties. The so-called Pharmaceutical Affairs Committee, is responsible for the affairs of a hospital drug A special committee.
Zhu Qiang sea was very clear the "weight", Huang Jiarong albeit secretary, but the main responsibility is to assist the Pharmaceutical Affairs Committee, deputy director of the introduction of hospital medicines, procurement, use, withdrawals be managed, while hospital introduction of new drugs and medicines selection with voting rights.
"If this drug into your hospital sales, I follow each injection 21 yuan rebate standards to give you money, of which four yuan is for you personally, as well as 17 yuan you can use as a clinician and promotion expenses there, I follow sales of medicines and your settlement. "Zhu Qiang sea readily said.
A month later, the committee discussed and agreed by the drug,http://home.ejiangtang.cn/space.php?uid=962771&do=blog&id=10970909, Zhu Qiang sea Lugua peptide injection well into the A hospital sales. This has the words "21 yuan rebate price" injection, storage price up to 71.57 yuan, while the retail price to sell patients rose to 82.30 yuan.
"Every time I gave him kickbacks, first back to his personal deductions in one envelope, put the envelope is another cost to clinicians by him for the promotion of drugs. I gave him two envelopes together . "Zhu Qiang admitted during the police investigation sea.
July 2009 to July 2010, Lugua peptide injection sales totaling more than 26,000 branches, Zhu Qiang Huang Hai to return deductions totaling 10 million yuan. When the cost for promotion to the relevant ward nurse, the nurse will take the hint of an envelope sent to the prescribing doctor hands. Huang Jiarong also deliberately left some money for the department's activities nurse handling fees.
"The money is in an envelope, which is written above the head doctor group, the exact amount I do not know. I only have $ 2 rebate each fee, this money is used in the department to eat, drink tea, sing on. "After the incident , this nurse recognized.
Once again, "hand"
May 2009, Zhu Qiang Huang Jiarong sea again find that another agent, a pharmaceutical company producing callus capsule, this drug has entered the Shanghai Institute for Drug bidding directory, hope Pharmaceutical Affairs Committee at the time of selection, to choose his agent that Home Pharmaceutical Company.
Huang Jiarong agreed, Zhu Qiang Huang Hai commitment medicine to 2 yuan per box back charge. September 2009 to April 2010, Zhu Qiang sea and settlement on the drug three times back to the charge, totaling about 10,000 yuan. March 2011, the Pudong New District Court Huang Jiarong defendant guilty of accepting bribes, sentenced to three years imprisonment, suspended for three years.
Superwoman "money worship"
Huang Jiarong Wanjiebubao A hospital however, it was more greedy than .
As a special talent introduction Shanghai,http://wholeally.cn:24680/discuz/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=446219,scarpe hogan 2015, served as Director of Medical Services, Medical vice president at a hospital in Inner Mongolia. This name competent female doctor successes in kidney dialysis and chronic kidney disease. A 2003 entered the hospital, she not only set up a nephrology, dialysis has also been appointed as director, medical director of the kidney. However, the other side also makes "impressive."
2006 autumn at the annual meeting of the kidney forum met in Shanghai Medical Devices Co., Ltd.-week. Six months later, A hospital for dialysis tender,louboutin soldes, Zheng Xiaoli clinical use as a department head for the specific requirements of this tender and is responsible for evaluation. Finally, the week's new corporate proxy dialyzer to the lowest bidder.
Thanks for Zheng Xiaoli, Zhou new find in Spring 2007, she made her $ 2 each so-called "clinical support costs", Zheng Xiaoli indicates the default. Since then, the extracorporeal blood purification device to survive, hemodialysis preparations procurement process, Zheng Xiaoli Zhou Xin sent repeatedly received kickbacks totaling 15 million yuan. Normally,nike tn femme pas cher, Zheng Xiaoli also pay attention to colleagues to impose "small favors", and all the costs come from the so-called "clinical support costs."
After the incident, this week a new description: "Every time I give her money when she would say, 'This is the last month,' she did not say anything to put money to take it, into the white coat pocket every time. her money when she was only me and two people are present. "It is reported that Zheng Xiaoli bribery case has been accepted by the Pudong New District Court.
"Black accounts" exposed
Huang Jiarong jailed, and Zheng Xiaoli incident, and followed by A hospital Deputy Chief of Purchasing and Supply has been a report from the masses ...... pick up a scandal exposed the doctor "greed" stunned, however,http://wx.jazzsynth.com/wxcgi/kizai/sunkizai.cgi?mode=form&no=61&page=2, such " bribery case "is not the case.
February 15,nike tn pas cher, 2011,http://cabbage-search.jp, the Shanghai Municipal Health Bureau said on Hai Yi Medical Devices Co.,mulberry sale, Ltd. on , Zhuhai Franc reagents Equipments Ltd. and other three production enterprises, in business activities due to committing commercial bribery, serious violations, from February 16, the city's medical and health institutions at all levels of two years shall purchase the above three production and operation of medicines, medical equipment and medical supplies; lift sales contract is not terminated by was included in the commercial bribery bad record companies liable for breach; two years the city's Medical Device organization shall not accept tenders above three companies to participate in the city's bidding and purchasing Yaoxie bidding.
At the same time, with these three medical equipment sales business is closely related to "bribery" - the former director of the Clinical Laboratory Center HU Yue Shanghai, was sentenced to 5 years and 6 months.
This is the reason why from commercial bribery became public, industrial and commercial tax department from 2010 during a routine audit found a careless mix of "black accounts." The detailed records of the accounts of the belongings hospitals and associated personnel, appropriate stocking, gift cards amount, which is the name of the person in charge of the most important HU Yue and several district hospitals.
Authorities found that during the Spring Festival in early 2008 to 2010, with administrative and operational quality of his office, in the procurement of equipment, consumable materials in the process, has repeatedly received the above-mentioned three medical equipment sales business to send money Total funds 324,000 yuan. In return,http://www.720my.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=18242, Hu to the relevant hospital procurement staff to recommend a way to say hello, so three companies to undertake the related businesses.
"Occurs in the body of the medical staff bribery case it was very sad," bribery case HU Yue Ma Chaojie trial judge is the Pudong New Area Criminal Tribunal court that he had heard a number of medical personnel from the bribery case, "Over the years, the purchase When medical devices and pharmaceuticals, accepting commercial bribery cases occur frequently, often because of greed and the imprisoned head of medical research institutions, hospitals, department heads, academic leaders, a great pity. "
(Text characters are not his real name involved)