Original title

Victims banners hanging outside his lifetime photo,http://spark-com.ru
The evening of May 28, Xiong Dayingzhen Sun Village three murder occurred. After the suspect Lee killed his wife, and a mother and son killed in the same village, fled after killing Lee. According to Xiong County police, on the 29th,http://www.rsa.com, the police have arrested the suspect, at present, the case is under further pending.
Hebei city network trainee reporter intern Fanpeng Wen Zhu Hong Park / Chart
Three killed in late night
28, 23 am, Xiong Dayingzhen Sun Village villager Wang Jun (a pseudonym) came back from a friend's house to drink. One into the door, it was in front of stunned. Wife Guo (a pseudonym) on his back, lying in the yard, barefoot, shoes scattered on the side. Guo head have been hit, there is a pool of blood under the body.
Wang walked over and discovered that Guo has been no response. Later, he found his son lying on the table to dry, the son of the head has been hit hard, the blood has to flow air station below. "I was ignorant,http://www.stay-uplifted.com/forums/viewtopic.php?pid=977023#p977023, and do not know Editor's Note." Wang said, he immediately called for an ambulance, and report to the police.
June 3 at noon, the reporter came to interview Sun Village, it is the day of the funeral killed the boy. In Wang outside the home, the reporter saw a high draped Lingpeng alley, killed the boy had been sent to the graveyard, Guo's body is still parked in the yard outside. Hanging outside "can not let the dead suffered deep injustice" banner.
"I do not understand why he wanted to kill my wife and children?" Wang said, although the same in a village, usually had basically no contact with Lee, there is no conflict occurred. Reporters learned that the Sun Village, about 2,000 people, and killed the suspect's home in the East Village and West Village, respectively, separated by about 500 meters.
Wang said the next morning, he learned that the suspect,hogan outlet milano,http://www.balibali.com/cgi-bin/bbs/petit.cgi?;e, Lee and his son before killing Guo, first killed his own wife.
Relatives of victims
Was a model teacher
The victim worked as a substitute teacher Guo. "She is recognized as a good teacher in the village, mentioning 'Guo' village people know her as a teacher from 1988 until 1999 because of health reasons before leaving their favorite teacher positions,louboutin outlet, in 2001 she returned to pulpit. Nearly 30 years of teaching career,, she has won the title of Model Teacher. "Guo's sister said.
Children killed in July of this year would rise junior high school. Guo's sister, by the end of May, the boy had killed himself to Children's Day, but also specifically to buy him some new clothes.
Here, Guo's sister, nephew and sister find a photo of the little boy was happily playing in the snow, smiles on their faces. "What a boy, suddenly gone." Guo's sister cried.
According to villagers, the suspect Lee has no formal work, usually on the home farm. "He made such a thing, we were surprised,http://www.afirmfwc.org/cgi-bin/index.cgi, I did not expect."
Suspects have been arrested
Xiong County Public Security Bureau political department official told reporters that the police received a report time is at 0:50 on the 29th Xu.
"According to the suspect, Lee said that the 28th 20 am, he used an iron bar and killed his wife after 21 am, came to Wang family,air jordan femme pas cher, Wang was not at home, first with an iron bar and killed Lee After Wang's wife, Wang Jun,tiffany outlet, also killed his son. "he said.
Political Office Public Security Bureau official told reporters, Lee confessed his wife Wang suspected improper relationship between men and women,http://vegalta7.s156.xrea.com/aska/aska.cgi/heataftaheat&st=all%22, so Wang kill his wife and children in retaliation, the incident that day, he was mainly trying to kill Wang Jun, Wang Jun, but not that night . The official also said they asked the matter to Wang Jun, Wang denied this. Wang reporter to verify, he also denied having an illicit relationship with the suspect's wife.
The person in charge, after receiving the report,http://sportsfan.jpn.org/cgi-kban/sunbbs.cgi?mode=form&no=101&page=1;, Xiong County Public Security Bureau quickly identify the suspect Lee. Lee fled after the crime, Xiong County Public Security Bureau mobilized more than 200 police officers and issued a reward of a million copies of the announcement, offering a reward of thirty thousand yuan arrest.
At 13:30 on the 29th Xu,Nike air max pas cher, a bridge opening at Sun Village North, Xiong County Public Security Bureau arrested the suspect Lee. Currently the case under investigation.
(Original title: Baoding Xiong a man killed three people were arrested overnight)