Pirates owe infants being blackmailed

Son happy smiles and tears of anxious parents, a particularly touching moment at the reunion. Zheng Qiwen edition photography
□ release author information Times reporter Dan Tong Xie Heng Tan Weizhong correspondent edition photographic Zheng Qiwen
9:00 last night,http://sillydog.org, was kidnapped 11-month-old Ding Hao Sichuan finally returned to her mother's arms. Ding Hao was kidnapped his grandmother and uncle as extortion hostage brought home in Sichuan. Ding Hao young mother in tears all day, sleep at night,http://www.axiabridge.com/sunbbs/sunbbs.cgi?mode=form&no=7&page=, last night to see his darling can not help tears. Reporters learned that, on January 22, Liwan, Guangzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau police in Sichuan, the local public security departments and agencies support and cooperation of ten days and nights in a row removed thousands of kilometers, the detection of this baby kidnap case, only one rescued 11-month-old boy, arrested a suspect.
November-old baby was abducted
"The child is gone!" At 11:00 on January 13, who lives in the Ding Shiwei Tang guocun found his 11-month-old grandson found, Ding Mou then searched the whole village, and even the surrounding villages are looking for over and over can not be found. 2:00 pm, Ding told his son and daughter, the family again anxiously looking around and trying to phone relatives in Guangzhou. 4:00 pm, Ding decided to consult with his family after the alarm. Grandson gone? Who stole the grandchildren? Ding to the police revealed an important message,nike tn requin, January 13 morning, relatives tease Yang Ding Hao came home to play,air max outlet online italia, and the grandson in her arms. Isochronous Ding found Yang and grandchildren have been missing, Yang can not get through the phone.
Ding Yang and one is loved, but also the uncle grandmother grandson. Uncle and grandmother Why kidnap his grandson? Her grandson kidnapping gone?
Do not send money to sell child
"We are all relatives, uncle and grandmother in any case can not think why would steal grandson?" Ding Hao's mother still did not understand Dengmou yesterday, told reporters that he did not know why the relatives would do such a thing. 2 days after an extortion calls to let Ding family to understand the truth. Yang on the phone to ask for a ransom of 5,000 yuan, and the language of intimidation Ding family: "Hurry send money into the designated account,http://www.huihaoyi.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=63213, or else put the children sold to someone else."
Reporters saw last night, Ding Hao's mother Dengmou,chaussure louboutin femme pas cher,http://onigdesign.com/error.html, she told reporters that since the child missing, the whole family is spent in tears, unable to eat, sleep, Yang is worried about a child being sold. They cry for Yang family not to sell the child on the phone, and that money will be remitted to the account as soon as possible. But Yang immediately overweight, the amount increased to 20,000 yuan ransom. Ding told reporters, Yang often play mahjong, play Mark Six big spending, the recent bad luck owe a lot of money. Ding Yang guess is because too much money would come up with a way to extort money.
Trinidad was removed to save baby
Police told reporters, January 13, Liwan victim Dingmou Public Security Bureau received the alarm, saying the 11-month-old son suddenly disappeared. After receiving the report from the Bureau of Interpol brigade quickly, Shiwei Tang police dispatched elite police set up a task force to carry out a comprehensive investigation.
January 16, relatives of the victim Ding Yang suddenly received a phone that child in her hands, to the victim immediately deposit the ransom to her account, otherwise they could not see his son again. According to the task force clues, seven days and nights of continuous tracking Mocha, after Guangdong Zhaoqing, Chengdu, Sichuan, Neijiang, Ziyang and other places, travel thousands of miles, and finally identified and mastered the suspect's whereabouts.
January 22, police in spite of the continuous rush of fatigue,http://taroato-hokuto.sakura.ne.jp/joyful/joyful.cgi?mode=res&no=12427, Ziyang and Neijiang nonstop to the junction of a small remote village, the police saw Yang. In the afternoon, the police found a man holding a child alone Yang to take extortion payments on a bank teller, the police will act immediately successful rescue kidnapped baby safe and the suspect Yang (female,hogan interactive, 41 years old, Ziyang people) captured . Upon review, the suspect Yang Ding kidnapping 11-month-old baby to flee his home and called extorted 50,000 yuan ransom victim confessed to the crime. Last night, the panel was kidnapped baby safely escorted back to Guangzhou to their families. Currently, Yang has been under criminal detention.
Pirates owe infants being blackmailed
Last night, Liwan District, Guangzhou City Public Security Bureau of Interpol Battalion, was kidnapped baby family anxiously waiting. 9 am,http://www.cecyteo.edu.mx/site/index.php, a van approaching, Ding a rush of excitement, a mother Dengmou see his son,http://konoyohko.sakura.ne.jp, one in his arms, the eyes can not help the tears out of excitement. Yang also suspects by the police with the car back to Guangzhou, handcuffs off police after Yang, and the victim Ding clamor,hogan interactive, "You owe me money, why not pay back the money, the police also told me kidnap you home kids! "
The suspect Yang told reporters, Ding owes her 20,000 yuan of money has not yet defaulted, January 13, under the impulse took away grandson as weights to ask arrears and removed back to take the car with children to the far hill village in Sichuan hiding.
Yang said, "they owe me money, it has not yet, I just want to use this way to ask for money." Yang admitted to reporters that he recently mahjongg bad luck, there are winners and losers,http://total-depart2.seesaa.net, but to debt is the most important reason.
"It has been spent at the station to buy 50,000 Ding Hao, I did not sell." Yang cried, I initially did not intend to sell the kids really just want to scare Ding, Ding want to pay back the money as soon as possible .