"at that time bent to die

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Jintan female teachers killed students Anzuo trial
She said in court kneel "sorry"
Forensic Sciences that the accused had "paranoid disorder", the two sides embarked on a heated debate trial
Last December, Jintan killed a student on campus, the suspect is a female teacher (see Modern Express December 13, 2012 report). Yesterday, from the concern cases of female teachers killed students in Changzhou Court hearing. In the spirit of Forensic Sciences, the identification of bodies of female teachers Wu believes there is "paranoid disorder", which has become the focus of yesterday's hearing the prosecution and defense of intense debate.
Correspondent conventional method declared
Modern Express reporter Liu Guoqing
Prosecution allegations:
She lured students to the studio to kill
Yesterday the trial, the prosecution alleged,http://www.wuxivip.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=5643, 37-year-old Wu is golden altar in a primary school teacher, because the suspicion of their female colleagues Ma (pseudonym) spreading their privacy and resentment, resulting in the idea of revenge Ma. December 12, 2012,http://www.88822.com/#87788/read.php?tid=980, 8 pm, Wu elementary school art room in a good layout crime locations, ready to rope and other tools of crime, with its painting by the younger son of the Ma Yuan lured to the art interior, while Xiao Yuan When the tone pigment, with a rope strangle his neck, strangled fled the scene. After identification, the victim Xiao Yuan Department by others strangle the neck caused by mechanical asphyxia death, Wu suffering from paranoid disorder,http://fhlingshi.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1521837&extra=, to define criminal responsibility.
Prosecutors believe, should be intentional homicide criminally prosecuted Wu, she also diminished criminal responsibility, be given a lighter punishment.
Retracted in court
Statement when the trial
Crime rope is looking in the classroom
"I am guilty, I kill ......" Before the judge announced the court, Wu is repeated five or six times that he kill. Morning in the trial of the details surrounding the crime to start the day, Wu said, the day of the beginning she did not shout small element to learn to draw,Louboutin Mariage, but the students shouted Xiao Yuan Xiao Ming (pseudonym). When she and Bob went to the classroom of the stairs, just met Xiao Yuan, Ming and small due to the small cell is a good friend, and both went to.
Wu said, to the art room, she let Xiaoming go to her office to get crayon. And Xiao Yuan school is watercolor, to stay in the art room painting. "I was ready to guide him to paint, but when I approached him when he would not let me near, that I have mental illness, body odor, I hear very angry, his mind suddenly went blank, to his mother about the hatred bass All rushed out. "Wu said, when she heard a voice," Kill him. " Then she and turn in the classroom, find a rope in a corner, picked up a rope while Xiao Yuan was not looking,http://bbs.4sql.net/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=87596, straining his neck reined until he stops.
When confession was arrested
Three days before the incident is ready rope
The next trial a bit surprised, after the prosecutor presented to the court a Wu was arrested, the public security organs to do their first interrogation transcripts, the transcripts Wu said that in three days before the incident,http://bbs.dongfeng.net/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, she was prepared a 3-meter-long rope hidden in his bag, and also prepared a knife.
The incident that day,Louboutin Plates-forme, Jiangsu Province have a meeting held in Jintan Sands Middle School, the school's art teacher to attend, but Wu did not go. In addition, before committing the crime, Wu prior to the art room was arranged, Wu package also possession of knives. When committing the crime, Wu first set of rope knots, while small yuan do not pay attention, from behind suddenly reined Xiao Yuan's neck.
Moreover, that were together to paint a classmate Xiao Ming in the testimony also said that when Wu let him go to her office painting, not painting in the art room. Xiao Ming Wu office when painting, Wu also has to go twice, during which Wu had a black bag would Linzou.
To court testimony and inconsistent statement to the police, the Tribunal asked Wu to which prevail, Wu replied to the court statement shall prevail. She added, "at that time bent to die, sentenced to death directly forget that the more serious the better."
Wu repeatedly mentioned in an interview with public security organs and procuratorial organs examined, the reason for the killing of Xiao Yuan, Ma was in retaliation for his colleagues. The reason for revenge Ma because Ma disclose their privacy.
She says, she has been the best friend when Ma. In 2009, she said to Ma for some privacy of their own,Louboutin Baskets Femme, namely its own trouble contradiction to divorce her husband, I never thought the whole school knew. In addition, she believes that Ma always better than themselves in front of the principal says he's ill.
But the victims family claimed that Wu and Ma relations between the two is quite good, but the occurrence of the June 2010 Ma professional title when one thing, the two had a gap. Ms. Ma professional title when he suddenly found himself in a number of important materials are gone,Louboutin Mary Jane, we looked everywhere did not find, we began to suspect that Wu stole. In response, Wu said, when this material is entrained in the package she inadvertently the.
Wu also said that he has a bad mental state, accompanied by a colleague in 2009,Louboutin Talon Compensé, went to the altar in a hospital, states that "bipolar disorder" diagnostic medical records.
Speaking later, Wu suddenly knelt down direction to the deceased's family, "I am sorry for you."
In retaliation for the dead mother
Her pain killers
Trial focus
The deceased's family for "psychiatric evaluation" disagrees
Before the trial, the deceased's family has been on the psychiatric evaluation Wu disagrees.
Wu psychiatric evaluation on a total of three. The first identification of Zhenjiang fourth hospital in forensic December 17,http://yuwabang2.dep1.hopex.cn/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=235393, 2012 made identification results: Wu suffering from paranoid disorder, when in the incidence of crime. Wu is limited criminal responsibility when committing the crime, the proposed compulsory treatment. The second is the identification of bodies Forensic Center of East China University of Political Science, which will run from January 25, expert conclusions, Wu suffering from paranoid schizophrenia at the onset of the incident. Wu has a limited criminal responsibility for the case. The third identified institutions Beijing Anding Hospital, Capital Medical University, was on August 15 this year, expert conclusions, Wu suffering from paranoid disorder, when real motive, ability to identify the presence of abnormal mental state affected by the impact, control capacity is not complete, it should be assessed to limit criminal capacity.
Yesterday the trial the most intense part of the debate about the psychiatric evaluation is the Wu.
The two sides heated debate
Suspects the presence of delusions in the end whether the perpetrator?
The first witness to appear in court is a subsidiary of Beijing Anding Hospital, Capital Medical University expert. In his view, paranoid disorder, the delusion is a prominent feature. In addition, a court expert Zhenjiang fourth forensic hospital claimed that before the incident,, Wu paranoia, delusions and significant relationship paranoia on this basis.
But Wu is in the existence of "paranoia" on this issue, the deceased's family, Mr. Wang made a fierce challenge. In the course of cross-examination, Mr. Wang repeatedly asked two expert Wu issued exist "delusional" evidence. Wang also pointed out that the first and third parts of identification to identify obvious inconsistencies.
After the first one expert cross-examination ended, the judge in court when asked to identify any comments Wu, Wu said, "I'm sick! I was losing control ah."
Yesterday the trial until 6:00 o'clock in the evening until the end, the court did not in court for sentencing. The prosecution's sentencing recommendation of life imprisonment or the death penalty.
 (Edit: SN094)