Hefei Shushan People's Court found

"Because the unit was accused of leading private bus driver beaten, leading the side has not approached Lycra," Anhui Province Electronic Products Supervision and Inspection engineer Wu for this to the courts, to have a say. Reporters learned yesterday, the Court has first instance verdict on the case, the driver finds the primary responsibility, but there is no evidence that the driver was under the leadership ordered the beating. Mr. Wu because results have appealed against sentence.
The prosecution accused was beaten Gongjusiyong
June 10, Mr. Wu filed a lawsuit to the People's Court of Hefei Shushan, asked the driver to director Wu Shen and public apology, compensation for medical costs 289 yuan, 3,http://ir.lib.pccu.edu.tw,000 yuan for mental damages. July 10, hearing the case. Wu said the trial last December 5 in the morning, he stood on the steps to see the front of the building unit director Wu drove the bus to work, again criticized the director Gongjusiyong. In response, Wu said nothing, walked around a sink unit drivers, do kick the legs and other weird action, from a sink to go around behind and with a whisper about it, then Shen rushed to fight for him. He believes that his exercise of supervisory authority and the right to criticize the law,http://www.wareportal.co.jp, but Shen and Wu malicious collusion, intentionally hurt him, violated his supervision, the right to criticize, the right to health and health rights.
Wu and Chen Mou does not appear in the courtroom. Their lawyer argued that the plaintiff Shen conflict and what the public security organs have already made a fine of 500 yuan Shen penalty on. Shen plaintiff abuse as "lackeys", Shen was pushed each other about, the occurrence of physical contact with each other so that the nose hit fists. Shen beating plaintiff,http://www.wareportal.co.jp, because the plaintiff in the unit everywhere blame others, wrote a letter of accusation posted on the unit, the plaintiff Wu kicked broken office door, to the police station and the police station is also a dispute occurs. Plaintiffs allege Shen Wu ordered by saying there is no basis for his own conjecture and speculation. The plaintiff accused Wu Gongjusiyong no evidence that the unit is Wu's car was not equipped with Gongjusiyong. For this reason, the two defendant asked the plaintiff must apologize to them.
Drivers bear responsibility for the decision to 70%
Hefei Shushan People's Court found, the incident that day accused the director Wu Wu Gongjusiyong,Louboutin Sandales,http://wx.jazzsynth.com/wxcgi/kizai/sunkizai.cgi?mode=form&no=74&page=2, abuse of power, the driver Shen take it after a dispute with Mr. Wu happen, and being "lackeys", then pushed a Wu the. Wu hand are installed pound book bag does not hit Shen, Shen Wu fists striking facial redness caused his nose, then the two sides opened by colleagues.
Court that Wu and Chen Mou happen to this dispute is at fault, according to the degree of fault of both parties, Shen bear fault liability ratio of 70%, 70% bear the medical expenses of 70% and case acceptance fee. Wu said Shen Wu abetting, and a collusion of their malicious Shen were intentional injury, did not provide evidence,http://gamsa.net/guestbook/index.php?item/create_form/1, no facts related claims, legal basis,Louboutin Souliers Plat, not support it. Court, Shen Wu 202.3 yuan compensation,http://mellorin.com, dismissed other claims.
In response to appeal against sentence
"This thing is too boring, police also dealt with,http://mother-wolf.com/cgi-def/admin/C-002/keijiban/visit/main.pl, the court adjudged. We have to do something meaningful to do it." One of the accused, Anhui Province, director of Electronic Products Supervision and Inspection Wu told reporters that his court judgment no idea, do not want to say anything.
"Court of First Instance finds that the facts and objective facts, characterization is not accurate." Plaintiff Wu told reporters yesterday, the cause of the dispute is Wu Gongjusiyong abuse of power. After he repeatedly criticized,Louboutin Mariage, Wu and Shen Chen Mou to come forward by the deliberate conspiracy to retaliate against him. He was only reprimanded by the other party in a sink stuck his neck pushed back the case as "lackeys" of. In his view, kicks, and other acts whisper Shen Wu was sent to the signal, is important evidence of their complicity. Shen name of supernumerary hired driver for Wu,Louboutin Bottines, the presence of several leading cadres in his attack,http://sportsfan.jpn.org/cgi-kban/sunbbs.cgi?mode=form&no=129&page=1, but Wu has always stood quietly watching, precisely because Shen Wu has been instigated.
"I still adhere to the original claims." Currently,Louboutin Plates-forme, Mr. Wu has appealed to the Hefei Intermediate People's Court. (Reporter tip or)
(Original title: Gongchesiyong beaten after accusing leading driver?)
 (Edit: SN034)