a real estate rally for the new disc

August 15,Louboutin Bottines, in front of a real estate Chongqing newly opened, is competing million in cash prizes, a hundred girl wearing a bikini to show stature,http://www.kinzoku.co.jp, attracted onlookers. WASHINGTON hair Meng magic photo Pictured bikini after dressing, incarnation mermaid sitting on the shore. WASHINGTON Famenghuanshe
Chongqing BEIJING,Louboutin Escarpins, August 15 (by Meng Magic) 15,http://www.camiguinisland.net/cgi-bin/index.cgi, Chongqing, a real estate rally for the new disc, creating a gold and silver beach in reinforced concrete urban forest in order to attract the beauty of Chongqing million in prize money,http://www.yhgj1818.com/news/html/?43232.html, Miss beach election, and He said staged one thousand beauty "Bikini big carnival." Faced with airborne bikini beaches and dazzling beauty,http://spark-com.ru, it was to join someone accused him of vulgar, different opinions.
It is understood that after the sale had been hit several waves of advertising in the local newspaper, said it will airlift 270 tons of pure Mediterranean waters and white sand beach from Cannes to Chongqing, in the day of the competition to create an area of 1,http://moriokacomet.com,000 square meters of swimming lake and one kilometer long gold and silver beach. The event organizers responsible person, then, thousands of beautiful beach will be staged live show as the main "Bikini big carnival" scramble "Kim Chung palm Goddess" million in cash prizes and the title of the real estate offer.
Today, reporters on the scene saw less than one hundred players wearing bikini on the beach in the real estate go to the shuttle,http://www.shokudoraku.com,Louboutin Plates-forme, and thousands of people had called bikini carnival far. Nevertheless, nearly a woman wearing a bikini showing off together posture and style, has been enough to attract people's attention. People came to watch was packed every corner of the perimeter, many people pick up their cameras or cell phone cameras, the beach, the beauty collected camera.
Although the activity field crowds, but not all of the onlookers are buying it. Public Mr. Jiang said: "Property does not just want to bikini beauty as a gimmick to promote the real estate it, in order to see the bikini beauty who would buy it?" Some people think that the real estate to wearing a swimsuit beauties encourage people to stop, the starting point of some vulgar ,Louboutin Pas cher, but also detrimental to the image of the beauty of Chongqing.
"Perhaps some vulgar gimmick, but it is undeniable that the developers of the strategy is successful." Some people think that real estate events of the purpose is to attract all eyes,http://www.ics.uci.edu, the introduction of new real estate,Louboutin Souliers Plat,http://tootoo.to, the scene of a sea of people is not that developers want it? Finish