the elderly never go to the hospital ago. & Nbsp

Elderly people sitting in front of a day, and so the postman delivered newspapers, letters, as well as money orders. Liu Shenglan picked up in finishing his clothes. Liu Shenglan elderly meals a day,,Louboutin Escarpins, mixed with cucumber, pickles and noodles.
17 years ago,Louboutin Soirée, Liu Shenglan elderly live frugally, funded by picking up another batch of students. With increasing age, scavengers become increasingly unrealistic. Now he's nursing homes and government to "pension costs", lower premiums almost all donate.
& Nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; his behavior has been highly praised the community and the government, however, more and more people began to worry about the future of life the old man ......
This month has donated 1600 yuan for the elderly not a sub deposits
At 6:00 on the 17th,, reporters once again came to Liu Shenglan home for the elderly. The door is ajar, how Mengen nobody answered. Next door neighbor heard the movement out of it, "you push the door on the line, he was deaf,, can not hear." & Nbsp;
The elderly are at the stove for dinner,Louboutin Mary Jane, that reporters came Fangxiawankuai going up. Fire with firewood branches,Louboutin Mariage, corn stalks stove next to the door and so choked up, make it difficult to walk into the room. & Nbsp;
Elderly meal is still 16 remaining mixed with cucumber and take a small pickle, and soak in a bowl of noodles. This is Liu Shenglan day meals. After dinner, the old man drank a bowl of sugar water. & Nbsp;
"You wait, help me to take along some money." When the reporter learned that going back to Yantai, the old man turned back to his "bedroom." His only furniture from the top drawer, took out a paper bag, shook unsteadily opened. Inside are a few 100 yuan RMB, the elderly from the inside point out four and handed reporters, so reporters Shaoji Guo Bao Zheng (Note: Yantai newspaper has reported seven in selling newspapers Rather Than filial).
"Either you do not give him so much, and keep it good buy yourself." Reporters can not stand it took so much money from the hands of the poor family of the elderly.
The old man told reporters that he had more than a thousand of it, nursing home now to more money than ever before, by the year 1800 yuan rose to 2,100 yuan, the second half just sent him 1,100 yuan, and some well-meaning people to see him give some of his money. & Nbsp;
"This month I donate 1600 (dollars) a." Mention money old man picked up a few "Qilu Evening News," he said, funding for Tanwen Juan leukemia patients, leukemia patients Chunhong and university tuition fees have not been available in the cold Xutao The money has been transferred out, plus allow reporters Shaoji Guo Bao Zheng of 400 yuan,, 1,600 yuan this month of love money has been mailed out.
The old man told reporters that he did not have a point of deposit, all the money he's on the wire transfer.
Although no serious illness but the old man's body has been great as before
Liu Shenglan old believes a word, good turn deserves another. He said this is his reason for not sick. & Nbsp;
Although Liu Shenglan mouth disease had nothing to say, it can be a lot geriatric or constantly "threat" to his body. & Nbsp;
His ears back, and Lianjiao door sound inaudible, even to talk to him in front of him, the old man also sometimes does not answer questions, often over the left ear, and then try to listen to his mouth to repeat the word, " You say a little slower "& nbsp;
It is understood that in 2005 an unexpected fire destroyed the old man's shack perched Zhaoyuan, all the property and over the years the elderly to retain up reply ashes in the fire, because the fire rescue subsidized The children give their reply, the old man's right ear was burned. & Nbsp;
"My eye is not good." Liusheng Lan told reporters, according to the knowledge he acquired the newspaper for many years, he felt he had cataracts. But in order to save money, the elderly never go to the hospital ago. & Nbsp;
"Karma knife going to the hospital a few thousand dollars, I only drink water How much sugar." The old man told reporters talk to his healing remedies. He said he loved a good eye cure is to drink sugar water. He should drink sugar water twice a day, a year down to drink a hundred kilos of sugar.
When the old man walked away in the people around him always hear the sound of heavy procrastination. Liu Shenglan say older, legs and feet is not easy to use. He told reporters that his legs now can not allow him to go too far in the way, and now he can not go far picking up. & Nbsp;
"Governance legs, I have my own way to do it." Liusheng Lan said that whenever legs uncomfortable, he would sit down and rubbed his knee hard, rubbing at the legs can be more comfortable.
More and more people began to worry about the old man's life
is the only family old Liu Hang Village, now he has more than 70 years old, his family was not wealthy.
"Before, we did not understand, but now they support him." Ding flower color is Liujian Yue's wife, she told reporters, Liu Shenglan old man could not bear to spend a penny for himself, and if spend 5 cents to buy their own delicious are not distressed But he put all the money donated to others will be willing. & Nbsp;
Ding Ayaka said, before she and her husband had looked so hard Liu Shenglan elderly can not stand it, but now there are a lot of well-meaning people to see him, the small colored flowers from the heart, an old married couple also agree with the practice elderly. & Nbsp;
"For him later how to do, we do not dare to think." Mention the future of the elderly, small flower color kind of indescribable feeling, eyes slightly red. & Nbsp;
Speaking Liushu Liang Liu Hang Village branch secretary Liu Shenglan mixed feelings, he said, they are very supportive of Liu Shenglan help others, but as he was so much older did not really fit. Liushu Liang worried after the elderly in case there are any diseases, nephew family is not wealthy,, although the village can provide pension, but the old man still some savings on hand will be much better. & Nbsp;
"Liu Shenglan not nursing homes for the elderly, to be honest we are all worried about him ah." Behind the old man is now concerned about the people, the daily hardships of life witnessed the old village cadres for the future of the elderly is a concern.
Liu Shenglan more villagers call the "idiot" in addition to their admiration for the elderly, more is not understood. "He really ought to think for yourself. Yourself too good and then someone else, it is common sense." Villager Liu Changhui said.
"The money donated will not get sick of opinions"
From 73 years old onwards, Liu Shenglan began funding student school career.
"I just want someone to take care of me after the old." Liu Shenglan mention the elderly poor students go to school in mind the donor says,
According introduced his 73-year-old former general has a fixed income, to Tianjin played work, and later in Zhaoyuan Gold machinery company as custody, after older, to see the door in the company. At that time the boss agreed to let Liu Shenglan lifetime to see the door, it makes life no children, woman Liu Shenglan no worries.
Liu Shenglan the turn of events in the elderly 73 years old.
CEOs promised to work died of stomach cancer, Liu Shenglan began to worry about the after life from old. Although he has a nephew in Zhaoyuan, but after nephew also have their own home, let nephew pension bad. Finally, the old man thought to support poor students. "I have funded so many students, there is always one or two willing to give me pension."
Since then, as long as know how kids afford to go to school, the elderly will put all the money on hand and send them over. These money are elderly old-fashioned bicycle ride his bike scavenging she saved.
But to now,, we have been around nearly 90-year-old still do not have a regular care of his people, whether it is in the rich treasure or just Joe Joe barrier, they were too far away from the elderly.
But also since then,,Louboutin Sandales, the old man never given birth to what disease, they are basically not even cold. The elderly there is a "superstition," saying this is God bless him. He put the money she saved others to donate to the treatment of the whole, he is also the opportunity to eliminate their own sick.
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