the deceased Lee head

Taiyuan BEIJING, April 8 (by Song Li Chao) 8th, Taiyuan police informed together because emotional conflicts caused by intentional homicide. Shanxi men due to the extension of a live-in girlfriend, "affair",, having an affair with a neighbor, huff hacked to death with an ax.
Sudden loss of life on the early morning of the murder of the woman at home
Morning, a harsh ringing in Taiyuan Public Security Bureau of Interpol responsibility Wanbailin Branch Mine team sounded. Some people, "Zhang," police said,Louboutin Mariage, a woman was killed in a residential area.
Alarm, the criminal investigation police rushed to the scene to carry out a site survey and investigation visits work.
Messy house, a woman lying dead on the spot. After preliminary investigation, the deceased Lee head,Louboutin Talon Compensé, chest presence of multiple injuries, the Department had been hacked to death with a sharp object.
False alarm status, just to let his girlfriend adultery white world
In the detective work, the police found that "Zhang" is not Zhang himself call the police, but for six years cohabitation with the victim and fathered a delay of a woman.
"There is a problem!" Police investigators immediately found a use false identities extension alarms. However, not to be reviewed,Louboutin Escarpins, the extension will be a live-in girlfriend confessed because Zhang was having an affair with a neighbor, love to hate,, holding an ax girlfriend hacked crimes.
Extension of a further said that he was posing as Zhang's identity alarm,Louboutin à Bout Ouvert, just to let the public security organs to control him, and then find out two adultery, so that people know to kill his girlfriend because her betrayal.
Having an affair with a neighbor is "unto" the emotional entanglements stuffed murder
In 2006, Lee and his girlfriend began to cast a cohabitation. Despite already have a daughter, but has yet to receive a marriage certificate.
March 2012, the extension of a girlfriend and neighbors pretended to doubt the night shift, and then hiding the courtyard. Unexpectedly, after only half an hour,Louboutin Soirée, his girlfriend and neighbors Zhang came home, and then locked the door. In these circumstances, the extension under certain anger rushed into the house.
After the event, the extension of a never puts this feeling,, no longer want to pursue. Can be counterproductive, several days later,, his girlfriend Lee asked him to break up.
Seeing irreparable,, "deep Love, hate the cut," the extension of sprouted out of a murder and then suicide way to retaliate. He picked up the ax rushed home girlfriend, severely smashed in the past.
Girlfriend injured after a stop clinging to extend an apology and admitted the improper relationship and neighbors. However, a delay has been increasingly angry red eyes, look twice ... . Until his girlfriend fell in a pool of blood.
"After committing the crime, the extension also left a suicide note, said his father-in-law I'm sorry, I'm sorry baby, and so on." Police investigators,, he said to reporters.
Meanwhile,, police are prompted to society, illegal cohabitation without legal protection. The feelings of this is wishful thinking, even if one of betrayal, but also calm to face and resolve, never momentary brain fever,, extreme, fudge. (End)
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