do not respond.


Subsequently, the reporter linked to the charge of building demolition work of Henan Yongan Blasting Engineering Co., Ltd., the company general manager Jin certain that the deceased was not his company workers, "as I understand it,Louboutin Pas cher, it is to move things Workers Party Central Qimao hired . "

Two minutes later, to see the dead being loaded onto a truck pulled away, a man and a woman before the opening of the Xujun Wen.

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15:30 yesterday, the reporter drove to the scene and saw an ambulance being driven out of a demolition site. Reporters then contact the command center after 120 confirmed that a man had died after rescue invalid on site.


Reporter into the demolition of the building floor,, dozens of workers were working inside the building, the ground full of broken bricks, steel and other construction waste.




Reporter Cui requested to identify police officers beat black man, but the original Xujun Wen camera caught a woman actually denied beating incident: " Who beat him I did not know this man."

At this point, several workers have been stretchered off more than 10 meters. "This worker fatalities occurred, why you want to stop the interview What company are you What is the relationship with the deceased " Just when reporters asked each other, a bespectacled black man rushed over, grabbed the reporter's clothing neck, the chest is a blow against the reporter, the reporter followed vigorously pushed. Several workers rushed, hurried to the black man away.

"What is not reported in." After that reporter identity, several men swore foul language, while the front will be besieged by reporters. The first coming out of a man and woman is to firmly grasp Xujun Wen refused to let go of the camera. Because there are a lot of ground around the nail planks bristling, for fear of safety,, Xujun Wen no forced break.





"If you can call him up, let him apologize to forget." Cui said the police officer.

"Well, I apologize for him is not in I'm sorry ah." The woman immediately interjected.


At this time, there are several men and women surrounded up, he began to shout abuse reporters. Cui seeing police officers, proposed to the parties to the police station, but a blink of an eye,, that woman has disappeared.

Strange words: police said reporters "suffer less"

Subsequently, reporters rushed to the Zhengdong New Business District police station, the police would like to further explain the situation.

Reporters noted that compared with the workers around the woman's clothing should be dressed much more. "We are Dahe reporter, came to interview, please do not stop." Correspondent said.




No uniformed people, uniformed police surnamed Cui.

Cui police officer said: "Anyway,, is to ask a situation,>Skype, they find someone in the middle of it." Cui reporter unacceptable officers say, but unfortunately leave.

Yesterday, Zhengzhou City, Plains Road and Business Ding Road, near the intersection of Central Qimao building demolition site, a worker from the elevator shaft fall dead. When reporters arrived at the scene to interview, he was thwarted several unidentified men and beaten on the site. Chung Dong New Area business district police station rushed to the scene, not only did not actively control the relevant personnel,Louboutin Botte, but behind the reporter made this assessment: "It is due to two reporters suffer."



Several workers dead man hurried away on stretchers camera man snatch Reporter

This reporter saw police siren was 016,839, named Cui Dapeng.



Strange: reporter,, beaten


To see the reporter was beaten, Xujun Wen excited, to have a say black man stopped, but always being stopped could not get out. The black man seemed reluctant to give up, pick up from the ground hard, but was promptly stopped, and then he was gone in disarray.

Reporters quickly found the trouble elevator and saw the death of several workers were men carried on a stretcher. Newspaper photographer Xujun Wen forward close, can not yet raised his camera, the crowd suddenly out of a man and a woman will hold down the photographer,, and yelled: " Are you doing"

After the incident, the police immediately Xujun Wen, but waited 10 minutes still no police arrived. After the reporter second alarm five minutes,, a police van pulled into the site, the two men got out, one of them

Reporters walked Zhengdong New Business District police station less than 1 minute, Cui police also returned to the police station. He walked into the police station door, a police asked him about Alarming situation, Choi disdain replied: "That is due to two reporters suffer." Voice hardly ever,Louboutin Mary Jane, he turned and walked a reporter face to touch the face, then down quickly go away.



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Subsequently, the reporter repeatedly asked the police officer Cui asked each other's identity, but he has taken it in stride, do not respond.