Men working to save 1

Fuzhou News Network 1 on the afternoon, a man felt the past year had too useless,, even climbed to the train station an iron,Louboutin Talon Compensé, a district on the fifth floor of the building to be demolished, want to jump off a building. Tea Garden police station and a retired soldier against him nearly two hours of persuasion, he eventually rescued.
Most households in a district of Fuzhou Railway iron has been moved out, the building awaiting demolition. At 16:30 on the 1st Xu,, several passers-iron through a residential building at 17 and found a man sitting on the ledge of a window on the fifth floor, feet hanging out the window, and everybody hurried to call 110. Tea Jinan District police station two police rushed to the scene. Wang Tiangui police cordon set up so that colleagues downstairs evacuation onlookers, he then walked onto the floor.
Man stood beside a bottle of liquor from time to time to drink two. Police discovered he was a bit drunk, afraid he falls, then shouted loudly: "There is difficulty we can help you,, you first down." Men are not allowed near the police. A retired soldier armed police came seeing persuasion, the man wanted to commit suicide and finally revealed the reason: "! Last year I had too useless,Louboutin Mariage, and work a full year before she saved 1,200 yuan,Louboutin Baskets Femme,, which makes me how to go back and reunited with their parents ah" Wang police officers after the Spring Festival can help him make a good job,, man seems not interested in this proposal. SWAT team members who heard the fire rescue cushions laid in the downstairs. Yesterday evening 6:30 Xu, the man looked down to see downstairs, Wang Tiangui and that demobilized soldiers quietly approached by the man hugging, dragged down from the ledge.
After the man was sent to the police station tea mood gradually calm down. The investigation, he surnamed Liu, Minhou man, 30 years old. Liu said, his low wage income, in order to save money,, he was in the building to be demolished buildings in many days. 1, he found himself to save another,,Louboutin Sandales, only she saved 1,200 yuan. Depressed, he bought a bottle of wine,,Louboutin Souliers Plat, drink dizzy, I intend jump. Police are contact Liu's family, hoping to enlighten them as soon as possible to Fuzhou Liu.
(Fuzhou Evening News reporter Yan Xin)
(Original title: Men working to save 1,200 yuan a year only consider themselves useless want to jump rescued)

Torn leg training out of trouble

Last year, the network popular "word horse" picture.
In order to pursue college entrance rate, and some schools offer music,, dance, sports and other special classes of Huaian Xuyi Wang Fang (a pseudonym), her college dream might as dance classes and participate in school into thin air. In a training session,, the teacher forced her legs caused by the pressure of its nine disability, reporters yesterday learned from Huaian Xuyi County Court, which had a special right to health disputes with the result, the court held that no dance Fang skills, Fang attended high school Xuyi Maba still teaching in accordance with their usual practice, should bear full responsibility for compensation for the costs of the court school Fang injured count 128,685 yuan.
Yangzi Evening News correspondent Wang Sheng Wang Yuling all media reporter Zhu Dingzhao
Torn leg training out of trouble
Sophomore girls practiced dance teacher forced stretching disability
"I also want to study at university, I do not want the court to his alma mater as well as teachers,, because nothing deliberately" in court, facing former school teacher and the person in charge, this year 20-year-old Fang heart seemed a bit contradictory, she He told the judge, and now they become disabled, own left leg touching absolutely no sense.
According to Fang introduced her second semester at the high end of the newspaper dance classes, but there was no dance training, after the sophomore small entrance end of formal dance training. July 24, 2013 in the morning (when she was sophomore), she received training with torn leg in Maba high school dance studio and other students, she said, is the so-called tear-leg training people lying on the ground,, one leg press to the ear, when she was the last one, the other students are torn over, she was frightened before tearing it and do not want to tear the teacher said, because before have received torn leg training, before tearing the legs come gradually, but that day is a tear in the end,, she had been torn in the process said not to tear, can not stand,Louboutin Botte, but the teacher has been forced to push her legs, then there are other students to help, in the process of tearing pain she cried, feeling the whole leg was numb, that she could not. After tearing finished leg, teachers and classmates have left a dance studio until after school, the students discovered she had been lying on the ground unable to move, then called their parents and teachers, to take her to the hospital.
After the injury, Wang Fang were in Huaian Xuyi County Second People's Hospital, Xuyi County People's Hospital, Nanjing Gulou Hospital, Huashan Hospital treatment, by the relevant authorities to identify, Fang left lower limb muscle strength after four muscle hypotonia, left foot slightly drooping varus degree of disability is nine.
More wonderful teacher qualifications
Ten years taught dance teacher certificate is a music teacher
"I taught dance for over ten years, the basic courses are in accordance with the scheme, and Fang torn leg finished,, the following courses are theory courses, not my class, I did not notice she was hurt," Fang described for Its wounded and maimed during classroom training process Maba high school dance, dance teacher Mei Fang (a pseudonym), said Wang Fang described process is basically correct. Mei told the judge that she had 11 years of teaching experience, including before and now she basically teaching process according to her,, including her students when they are doing the dance teachers are doing, such a situation she appeared for Fang also want to see, she suffered personal injury Fang apologize.
According to Mei teacher, Xuyi Maba high school opened by the dance school high school curriculum is elective, is short-term crash course, mainly students in order to test some of the art school, dance school for two years to pay 4,000 yuan, She believes he was only completed school confessed to her teaching duties,Louboutin à Bout Ouvert, so she is not at fault.
For Liu Mei's argument, Wang Fang family, questioned whether the qualifications of its teaching students dance, because they found the teacher held Teacher Mei music teacher, which, Mei said there was no specific dance Teacher. The Court concluded that in order to complete the task of teaching Mei school arrangements to fulfill the duties of their behavior, so she's liability borne by the Maba High School.
Court final judgment
School students pay full responsibility for more than 120,000 yuan
"The course is Maba high school enrollment rate in order to improve and opened, although elective courses, but charged a fee, and thus bear the education of students,Louboutin Baskets Femme, the obligation to protect ......" Yesterday, after hearing, Huaian Xuyi County Court final judgment Maba high school fees compensation Fang count 128,685 yuan.
During the trial, Maba High School argued that the incident occurred and Fang together 20 people participate in the study, are teaching the Mei teacher, but only one person Fang hurt, that is the cause of its own reasons and so the school does not assume any responsibility.
After the court hearing that Wang Fang dance training at the school participate injured as limited capacity for civil acts of minors, through no fault of their own, and therefore should not be held responsible. In the incident, shouting Fang said not to tear the legs,, but the teacher still forced stretching, no dance skills before Fang, teachers still teaching in accordance with their usual practice, its behavior contrary to the principle of gradual and orderly progress of teaching and individualized teaching law, Further investigation courts, there are similar incidents occurred before school, but the school does not have enough attention,Louboutin Bottines, did not take appropriate measures to prevent risks, not entirely to management, the responsibility to protect, Fang caused injury, damage it caused should Fang take full responsibility.
What difficult to do hard?
"The word horse" (splits) may lead to the waist, hip and other injuries
Somersault slightest mistake could hurt the cervical spine, lumbar spine and head
"Pull out the radish" likely to cause cervical spine injury
Handstand, handstand walk easily hurt the cervical spine, head
Yoga difficult moves easily torn muscle injuries joint damage, lumbar disc herniation, severe cardiovascular disease, joint in question were careful to practice
Football volley easy sprained back
Some martial arts moves easily duck feet hurt joint, spinal and other
Listen to how experts say
Dance Teacher: Do not be anxious students practicing dance
"Fang appeared in the school were injured during dance practice and maimed it is nothing less than two situations: no dance skills of students,Louboutin Pas cher, teachers anxious," Yesterday afternoon, for the Fang wounded and maimed during dance practice regarding , reporters interviewed Zhang Shu Hohai University dance teacher, she said, eventually leading to the foundation of the incident or the name of the teacher is not a professional dance teacher.
Zhang Shu teacher told reporters that she personally believes the situation is mainly due to appear too anxious teacher, if the teacher is teaching professional, then this situation will not happen, because if it is a professional dance teacher to teach it, She herself grew up practicing dance, dance teachers have received professional training, she is not going to happen in the future teaching process, Fang is sophomore student, the teacher should know because of the age of reason Fang ligament is impossible to achieve Kids like softness. We usually look at every dance is very beautiful, stretching in fact is the most basic, but behind the sweat to pay, no one can understand, and her personal recommendation, whether student or teacher, learning dance, teaching process must Do not be so anxious.
Director of orthopedics: Dance Sports Injury prone sequelae
Huaian First People's Hospital Chief Physician Xie Yue told reporters that the common dance sports injuries include muscle, ligament, fascia, joint capsules and cartilage damage. Mostly contusion, tissue injury, sprains, fractures, dislocations, etc., dance sports injuries to timely treatment, or vulnerable sequelae.
So how do you develop a healthy, correct dance learning, training habits? Xie Yue Director recommends that training and learning activities fully prepared before, this can increase the excitability of the central nervous system, increasing the number of open capillaries in muscle and improve muscle strength, and can enhance the flexibility of ligaments, so that intra-articular It was increased to prevent muscle and ligament damage. Step by step, and strictly control the amount of training limits. All physical activity should follow the principle of gradual and orderly progress. If forced to increase the amount of training the trainers, the consequences could be disastrous. After finishing training to do sports. Muscles, joints, ligaments and other soft tissue fatigue and reflex contraction occurs after dance training, prolonged contraction reflex causes the muscles, joints, ligaments contracture. The consolidation activity after exercise - Static stretching exercises, can eliminate fatigue and prevent injuries.
(Original title: the pursuit of open enrollment rate of school after a crash course in sophomore girls dance teacher forced stretching becomes disabled)
Edit: SN117

After this newspaper reported

Longquanyi District Kashiai a farmhouse in the town of Chengdu, the reporter unannounced visits found four caught egret (after being there a point to kill). Farmhouse boss at the fishing pond egret catch fish hooks. Farmhouse with egrets fish grounds, hunting egret sold diners.
Longquanyi a killing selling country farmhouse "three" protection of animals checked Egret
This little remote farmhouse, signature dishes to attract customers not their own fish ponds to raise fish, pheasant is not running, but a special game: egret. The boss said, to spend 80 dollars, guests can spot an egret, live slaughter, burning, stewed, stir, stew, a variety of approaches everything.
Reporter survey found that after several days, this farmhouse signature dish is the boss "less sleep" come back with a hook "fishing" in. Farmhouse one employee said, last year, they are caught in this way more than 200 egrets.
September 17, after receiving reports from the public, the local forest police have this farmhouse were investigated.
The public to report
Farmhouse owner Buy egret have guests direct point three
Recently, the reporter learned from a number of people at, in the town of Longquan District Kashiai two Kawamura company called "six Wei Xiang," the farmhouse, there is a special game: egret.
Mr Li in one weekend in August, went to this farmhouse fishing, when this farmhouse for lunch, he saw the boss supply egret dishes to the guests. Lee said that some guests come specifically ran egrets, some guests did not start this dish, but in the boss's instigation, decided to try it. "I usually do not even dare to eat buck, let alone the egret." Lee said the day to eat a lot of guests have ordered egrets do dishes, but he did not point, "look a little strange, total I could not make the mouth feel. "
"80 dollars one, you can also spot the point of killing." Stand up to the boss tried to sell the public Cao a final point in a cage a little egret. Mr. Cao said, the chef personally kill the egrets. "Knife to the neck gently draw, egrets on the ground struggling for a while, do not move." Waiting for the food served in the gap, and Cao online access to relevant laws, egret found belong to the state "three protected animals", is You can not kill and end on the table. "Smells very fragrant, but we do not dare to eat, said the Internet is illegal, so did not dare Dongkuaizi."
And on the other table guests Cao directly beside the point three egrets, "Two halogen, a stew." Cao told reporters that from conversations can be judged, that table guests should belong to this farmhouse regulars. "The boss said that many practices that can burn, stew, stir, but the taste of most halogen Pakistan proper."
Reporter unannounced visits
"Sometimes many guests, not enough to live, and we will use frozen."
- Farmhouse boss
"The whole of egrets along with halogen,, Shredded eat especially cool."
- Farmhouse Staff
"Also caught the kite, the more precious than the egret."
- Farmhouse boss
80 yuan a field kitchen as well as the freezing point of killing egret
According to the clues provided by Mr. Cao, reporters repeatedly the identity of diners this farmhouse unannounced visits. September 3,, because it is not the holidays, come here to eat, not many diners. "Boss, what game did not have to?" Heard asked the boss leaves Xingquan happily ran out from the house. "There, there, there, egrets, live." Xingquan manually entered,Louboutin Mariage, pointed leaves. Ye Xing right along the direction referred to the reporter saw a large table next to the cage, closed four egrets. "This is our signature game here, the taste is Pakistan proper." Side of the employees said that after their special cooking,, not only did not smell, and taste delicious.
The gap across the cage, four egrets crouched in a cage corner shivering, the cage is littered with small fish. "Egret eating fish, dead fish do not eat it." Ye Xingquan said.
Burning stew stir halogen egret live enough to sell
Just then, a few middle-aged man walked into the farmhouse. "Boss, they caught live birds wow?" A middle-aged man came over, skillfully look at the cage, "the point of the bar, some of this looks spirituality." Middle-aged man observed a moment, the point of a maximum of egrets. The middle-aged man said: "In fact, did not feel how good, and occasionally invite friends to dinner, a new map."
Subsequently, the chef grabbed egrets wings and neck, knife lightly across from the neck, like the slaughter of chickens in general, egrets struggled for a moment on the ground,, not moving. Ye Xingquan said the point of killing 80 dollars an egret. "Sometimes many guests,, not enough to live, and we will use frozen." Then, Ye Xingquan from the kitchen and pulled out a frozen egret, size, and almost five months pheasant run,Louboutin à Bout Ouvert, probably a couple of pounds heavier. The chef said, egrets roasting, stewing, stir, halogen these types of practices can be, look at the guests eat what tastes, halogen best Pakistan proper. "The whole of egrets along with halogen, Shredded eat especially cool." Side of the staff did not forget to do a tear gesture.
Middle of the night to catch fish as bait boss egret
Ye Xingquan told reporters, the guests usually come to eat, are more like the scene point of killing living egret, "After living for a fresh and more." But sometimes met many people, not enough to live egrets, freezing is also very popular. "Egret eat into the throat of the hook,, and not long before he died, we can only kill the freeze." In the farmhouse kitchen, there are a few frozen egrets day. "Usually there is no food, and we ourselves eat.
Well, these egrets and from where they come from? Ye Xing pointed right next to Le farm ponds, said: "over there fishing." There's about a three-acre pond near the farmhouse, on the edge of the trees, stay with dozens of egrets, from time to time over the pond flying.
Ye Xingquan said they only middle of the night under the hook, because of a low vigilance egret evening, another reason is to avoid the eyes and ears,Louboutin Mary Jane, "certainly not during the day, which saw people run faster than which."
Staff said only a year to catch up over two hundred
Around at 20:00 on September 13, leaves Xingquan start the next hook, reporters also followed with him. He walked along the ponds a protected group, about every 10 m, with a fish's tail hook hooked directly thrown into the water. "Rope not too long, probably about two meters on the same subject." He did not when to reporters from arrest egret experience.
"We are generally lower hook at night, night and early morning to catch a check each of them did not." May be due to the weather,Louboutin Souliers Plat, the next two nights, no egrets bait. 16 evening, Ye Xing right under the hook again, the next morning at six o'clock, finally rewarded. "Hook death of one, ran a dead that chilled ready to kill." Ye Xingquan little disappointed, "egret fish that eat the skull, along the inside, if swallowed hook throat or stomach, the basic will dead but fish must be alive, dead it does not eat. "In addition to catch egret, sometimes he also gain a lot of accidents. "Also caught the kite, the more precious than the egret." Correspondent unannounced visits days, from farmhouse employees say that, last year, this farmhouse on the catch over two egrets.
Site investigated
Egrets scene seized 21 only three are still alive
September 17, Longquan District Forest Police's law enforcement officers received a report from the masses, immediately went to investigate this farmhouse. The face of law enforcement officers, farmhouse boss leaves Xingquan and staff look nervous and repeatedly defended catch egret is eating egret fish ponds because the fry. "Every day so many egrets eat our fish, Yao Yao also do not go, we are not the only thing." When law enforcement officers mentioned when egret hunting is illegal, an employee, said:. "We farmers do not know the thing." However, It is this staff had told reporters, "To catch egret at night, to be seen to have been punishment."
Subsequently, law enforcement officers through the inventory, the scene seized 21 egrets,, three live, 18 frozen, live egret was released on the spot.
Law enforcement officials told reporters, seized egret egret species belong to the most common small egret, is "three protected animals", being not found in two national key protected animals egret, heron and other rocks, the police will investigate the case according to on farmhouse punishment.
Further Reading
What is a "three" to protect animals?
"Three of" the protection of animals, means beneficial, there are important economic and scientific value of terrestrial wildlife. In order to strengthen the protection and management of our national and local wildlife than terrestrial wildlife resources, August 1, 2000, "The State protects the beneficial or of important economic or scientific value of terrestrial wild animal directory "Publishing. "Three" list of protected animals including 88 kinds of animal classes, classes 707 kinds of birds, 291 kinds of amphibians, 395 kinds of Reptilia, Insecta 120 genera all species and another 110 kinds, 46 projects totaling five classes 177 families and 1,591 kinds of insects 120 genera all species and another 110 kinds. Egret divided into thirteen categories, and this farmhouse heron fishing Little Egret is one of the most common type, usually referred to as egrets, belonging to the species on the list.
In addition, the egret egret, heron rocks belong to two national key protected animals.
Related news
Although more beautiful egret also struggling to cope
July 2006, Fushun County Banqiao Zhang Pa, suddenly flew a group of distinguished guests - hundreds of national animal protection egrets. Guests villagers Wang Zhongmin, Yan Daoqing, Yin Road and red patch of the family around the house 10 acres of lush Ci Zhulin soft spot, from the roots down.
10,000 just beautiful egret, gathered in a 10 acres of bamboo forest, the daily evening ten thousand birds homing, there really picturesque scenery; but at the same time, the flood of egrets, has seriously affected the daily production of local people and life. In June 2010, Zigong City Bureau rushed sent, on how to protect wild animals, to properly resolve the party "bird suffering from" thorny issue, after field research, to discuss the measures and not the local government responses: cut bamboo, let egrets own migration.
After this newspaper reported, causing readers hot: "chopped bamboo, egrets away, it is a pity!" To this end, many readers have made this newspaper, bold proposal: "bamboo sword stay, to refrain from destroying ten thousand egrets home! Can emulate White Egret Island, Zhang Pa playing egret southern Sichuan village? reserved for visitors under Spectacular ten thousand birds homing. "Readers also attracted the attention of the relevant departments and said it would respond to inspect. WCC reporter intern Yang Qiaowei Wuliu Feng Li Xiujiang photography Liuchen Ping Yang Haoran
Now Review
No sale no killing
□ Zhang Xujie
"Two Oriole Ming Cui Liu, egrets on the sky line", which is the poet saint a landscape business card left Chengdu, precious. Chengdu people are happy to live the moment, one is in a crowded city, from time to time can saw egrets passing, as a poetic painting clever stroke.
But this time, this card has spilled blood on Heron - farmhouse boss egret fishing with fish for the guests point of killing, reportedly sell well. Asked why fish kill egrets and thus attract customers, the boss also feel aggrieved - fry their own fish ponds were egret Diao food, the daily loss of pounds, but to find ways to drive expel. If you stand on the boss's point of view only, it seems a little "self-defense" means,Louboutin Bottines, belong to the stress response. But lawyers say very clearly: egret protected by law not to kill, not to make the best of a game to sell. For ponds loss boss, but also pointed out the Zhaobu where there is a way to resolve the conflict.
Given the point of killing egret business is hot, in order to solve the problem, a warning light boss,]The, seems still missing. It seems that in addition to take control of the knife, more importantly, have to take control of diners that mouth - so-called "no sale no killing." No fueled delicious mouth, I am afraid the boss will not Nongjiale bored night heron fishing, embarked run astray.
Of course, in this case behind, there is a bigger proposition, we need people with great determination and great wisdom to be disposed of. That is, with the city expansion, how rational harmony between man and nature? When the conflict between the farmhouse as quite annoyed boss livelihoods and animal protection, over how to reconcile the peace and quiet of a man and bird picture?
(Original title: egret into signature dishes 80 yuan is to eat a live kill)
 (Edit: SN123)

for those memories

Ante ante when Chi Chi the mother holding his father was injured in the head CT film. Jinghua Times reporter Zheng Yujia photo ante Chi father showing villagers a joint petition. Jinghua Times reporter Photo victim waiting to see the father lived alone, about the year of the murder expressed reluctance to pursue. Jinghua Times reporter later name photo
More than three months ago, after several considerations, ante Chi decided to NANZHAOXIAN Public Security Bureau gave himself up. In 1999, Cui Nanzhao County Township Village flowers, because his father was waiting to see the beaten chopped cousin, the cousin after ante blog hacked fled. Because two of relatives, waiting to see the family did not report to 3500 yuan privately settled.
Eyes of the villagers, the ante is wicked, Sibuzuxi. On the other hand, waiting to see Chi became "evil forces hero" Over the years, more than 2,000 villagers voluntarily its secrecy. Until last October, after a villager crime for the sake of commutation, it will this secret for 16 years gathering dust lifted.
Currently, the ante Chi intentional assault, was indicted Nanzhao Procuratorate detained in Nanzhao County Detention Center. Unable to accept the ante-Chi's arrest, in addition to more than 300 villagers signed a petition, the victim's father to their plea.
Cousin stabbed to abandon their homes and flee
January 30, 2015, waiting to see Chi surrendered, ending a 16-year exile.
An old family cottage flower Village in Taoyuan village group, the two old men waited at the house, mixed feelings. 10 years, the elderly every day looking forward to see his son waiting Zhi able to go home reunion, but worried that the issue would be talking about the murder.
Until last October 14, on suspicion of robbery suspects in custody waiting for their meritorious commutation tiger, spotted in the detention center, he said 15 years ago to spend Village Taoyuan village group of villagers waiting to see Chi will cut its cousin the ante in injury death, after the reconciliation, the other did not report, and the ante aim Beijing to work, has been at large. Subsequently, investigators launched an investigation into the incident.
The western end of the village poplars, four months ago, had years of silence a whole new culture of grave loess, bury the dead ante is being opened autopsy. So far, more than 2,000 villagers spontaneously conservative 16-year secret was revealed.
February 18, 1999, coincided with three days of the first lunar month, the village is also filled with the atmosphere of the New Year, every household busy hospitality. Ante Chi brother working in the field of long-term, and sister at home to take care of two elderly people. On this day, she is working in the county annals ante Peiqia his father called home.
"Waiting to see the big daughter wanted me to sleep with him, I always let the daughter do not pay him any heed," waiting to see Chi's father said,, from the ante has been a grudge. Two in the afternoon the same day, waiting to see the candidate and his brother in the street to see the odd Chi father beat the ante.
Ante aim visitor on his way home to see a group of people, he clawed through the crowd, his mother sat paralyzed side, waiting to see the ante two hands holding Sha Zhudao odd, being punched and kicked his father, then his father has been chopped down, head back bleeding. Ante Chi rushed forward to block, waiting to see that "you come to put your family gave off," and then pick up the Sha Zhudao Kanxiang ante Chi, Chi ante forehead and right hand was chopped.
Angry ante Chi ran home to pick up a kitchen knife, return to their home again, see ante still kicking the father motionless, waiting to see Chi waving a kitchen knife in front of his father body block. After the ante in seeing picked up a stone to pound the ante Chi father's head, and then rushing, waiting to see the anti-Chi began waving a kitchen knife.
Ante Chi prosecution had confessed, "ante in the red too hard,, rushed in front of me, I just waving a kitchen knife down, Kandao his right temple." After waiting to see the cut down in the ante-chi who opened the ante ante Chi in the hands of the knife embedded in the ante in the head.
Later, ante and ante-Chi's father was sent to the county hospital for treatment, while aiming at the hospital waiting to see the wound treatment because of fear, just bought a ticket to flee their homes, but this time he only knew the cut was very heavy, I do not know cousin died.
Waiting to see the father and his father was waiting to see Chi uncles brothers, to take into account the sensibilities, there had been no report, the final two to 3500 yuan compounding the awful murder.
Yunnan wife fled 10 years
On the morning of May this year, spent Village began to rain. Jiang Ming coax his son asleep after moving to the bench sitting by the door, looking at the empty yard, he recalled the encounter with her husband, waiting to see Chi scene.
In 2009, Kunming, waiting to see Chi 36 years. After the murder, he was wandering around, Hubei, Hebei, Yunnan ...... removed much, but still homeless, no one to follow.
One day, waiting to see the first half of the dray Chi parked at the hotel entrance. Black mountains of coal briquettes, coal lift him off the ship into the store, on the amount of sweat slid along the neckline clothes. Raising his hand to touch him, caught a glimpse of a busy waiter Jiang Ming, did not attend to pay attention, I went to send the next one. A few days later, he mentioned to an acquaintance, "that to find someone, and send the coal house (the girl) pretty good." Ante Chi hesitated, after all he is still a fugitive, can be all right so long hair, but it concedes, think it should be up.
A few days later, they set the place to meet, come what Jiang Ming waiter. Jiang Ming Chi small ante-year-old, Yunnan, spoke loud and clear voice. Both sides are good impression, and met several times, and soon conversational. By the second half, they began talking about marriage.
In fact, for those memories, Jiang Ming already heard, "he said to save his father, the man to beat." She does not mind, "this thing for so long in the past, the other party was bad, hit his father, who did not temper ? "But she was a little worried, waiting to see Chi said he did not get married, this is a major event, have not been to the house, after all, do not worry. To make ginger Ming ease, two RBI luggage, embark on the return journey.
Set foot on their homeland again, the time has through the years. Miao added a furrow side, many scenes are changed. Ante Chi memory to follow the direction of home away, occasionally encounter one or two people, the other full of surprise. "Uncle, my house?" Chi-designate see a clearing point, the villagers sighed, "Your mother may want How about you. Go, I'll take you."
See this weather annals parents are at home. Qiaokai Men villagers took him in, waiting to see Chi mother froze, "wow" is heard to cry out, "No news for so many years, when you throw out the edges." Mother hugged him, almost screaming crying,;, anxious crumple into the arms of his son.
Jiang Ming old couple of very satisfied,Louboutin Talon Compensé, after all, someone to take care of his son, set this marriage. Chi seek the views of parents waiting to see if he agrees with him at home. Mother tried to retain, but worried father became public, severely heart says, "better go."
Prior to departure, waiting to see Chi ante in home, his father sent him some money. Over the years, he was often a nightmare disturb sleep all night, though irreparable, how to be better. Upon completion, he took leave Huaping Jiang Ming, north to Beijing. This time, he was at home a total of seven days.
The following year, waiting to see Chi's daughter was born. Jiang Ming admitted that this time she knew the ante is dead serious. But she does not blame the ante-chi, "he was afraid I was worried." She said that not better than waiting to see Chi, often frowning, "Ask him how not to say, all these things trouble." That same year, she brought her daughter back Huaping, the old couple very happy. Jiang Ming home every year since then, "be filial to help him."
2012, Jiang Ming suffering from uterine fibroids, two scruples drugs,Louboutin Homme, returnees treatment. It is waiting to see Chi second home, still come and gone.
Children born to surrender the next day
Early 2014, Jiang Ming pregnant again. They then people do cleaning, odd jobs, "rented bungalow in Fangshan District, the monthly 200 yuan," the days of the poor. October 4, waiting to see her back Huaping Chi, who lived for 11 days, then turn back Beijing alone.
With the pre-production period is approaching, Murakami has spread a statement, someone seeking commutation denounced ante blog, be concealed.
After waiting Wen family was shocked, "16 years, the two had a settlement, how could this be?" At the same time, waiting to see Chi also heard about this place from the village, originally wanted to run away again, the poor wife and daughter to accompany him to fear. After figured ante Chi boarded a train to return home, all the way to a myriad of thoughts. He only bent surrender, they feel indebted to their parents, his wife and daughter and unborn child.
November 22, waiting to see Chi home, the next day to call the police to surrender. But on the 24th, a cry broke the quiet, waiting to see the birth of his son Chi, waiting at home from top to bottom I do not know is a tragedy. The eldest son of migrant workers, the perennial return. Frail old married couple, these years by villagers aid. Daughter now just produced, need someone to wait on the month, the family has left a son and daughter. Looked pleasing to the eye, the old house covered with dust, the only appliance is a gift 10-inch TV. Only a small piece of hill land, planted peanuts, sweet potatoes and corn, for they barely make ends meet.
Neonatal glowing, sleep peacefully in the arms of Jiang Ming. Daughter of his brother liked to go ante Chi side, pointing his brother, round eyes sparkled. Ante Chi around her, looked her two claw braid, "less than 5 years old, so small, we should see Dad yet?" Before ante Chi seldom work at home, daughter followed Jiang Ming, motionless Dad wanted to say. Can also because of his daughter, he was to surrender, redeem those sins, promised her a stable life.
Jiang Ming discuss with him, he said he went to work, conceal how long how long, he did not want her father is misunderstood bad, jail. The remaining days, he had to empty it with her daughter close, it seems to want to miss the time together filled. "Dad go to work outside. You listen to my mother,, like a father to look at the photo." He always repeated so, daughter Sidongfeidong nodded.
Finally to this day, a man stood in the doorway for a long look at him to leave, ante Chi accompanied by party secretary Wu Rongcan to Nanzhao County Public Security Bureau gave himself up. Since then, the climate has returned to its former home deserted, but often the child's crying and innocent children sound and asked, "Dad do?"
The villagers signed a petition secrecy
"Almost cried blind eye", about 16 years ago, waiting to see Chi's mother has continued to cry, "It was the child's father to be chopped up, but only committed childish things." Old mother from the house to come up with a plastic bag, open the bag,, which is a strip of muddy pants, a tattered coat and sweater and vest covered with blood. This is the year when the ante-Chi father was beaten clothes.
Ante Chi father took out a stack of paper from the back room, a total of eight, the top filled with the names of the villagers, "everyone in order to help him, and wrote the petition."
In the eyes of the villagers, the ante is a bully. Talking about his man,Louboutin Bottines, many villagers said he handed laterally, not only in the village, even the whole brigade of people are shunned him. Ante in the village, small petty theft, fights large knives to injure, everywhere a bad name.
"Ante in death, no villagers are willing to help carry the body, only his brother and buried him," waiting to see not only beaten outsiders, but also often beaten his wife. Lee said the villagers, often because the ante to play a wife, a wife can not stand back to her family. Time, waiting to see the father wanted to help persuade Lee to find a wife back. Father Lee persuaded the ante in the day after his wife, his wife agreed to go home. But after his wife did not return home as agreed, ante held that the intention is not to persuade Lee father, angrily knife rushed home, ready to cut Lee's father, he was eventually stopped by others.
"His twisted ideas particularly," Lee said the villagers, then in order to allow his wife to go home, he went with homemade explosives Laozhang Ren home, took out a prepared detergent water, drink in front of his wife, his wife He had to go home to the hospital in the ante after gastric lavage. And afterwards, waiting to see the wife still fight, could not bear to leave his wife and remarried again. For the anteroom of death,;e, even to his wife in testimony provided by the prosecution also he said, "He's dead, I considered escape."
In the eyes of the villagers, waiting to see Chi is an honest obedient children, hacked to death waiting to see the actions were "people from harm." On the day, witnesses have ten people, more than 2,000 villagers are aware of this, but 16 years ago, the villagers tight-lipped, never talk about the matter outward, the older generation of people will not talk to this young man section past. Since the flag is waiting to see the prosecution, more than 300 people jointly wrote "petition" submitted handling organ for his plea.
Uncle plead not want to be held
Surprisingly, not only for the ante Chi villagers plead, even the father of the deceased is not to pursue the matter, but expect to be able to put him. Ante the 78-year-old father, since his wife died 10 years ago and has been confined to bed alone. Old father of six children, the boss died of cancer, the youngest child died waiting to see the other two sons who work, only unmarried daughter occasionally come to see the old man.
For the village people do not report the ante-Chi's behavior,Louboutin Mariage, he has served 40 years of party secretary Wu Rongcan confirm this. Wu Rongcan said Taoyuan village group where more than 550 people, more than 300 people signed a petition pleading. Incident,, waiting to see the first cut of the ante Chi father, waiting to see Chi impulse, went home with a knife in self-defense. At the time, waiting to see in the village, everybody hates him. That year, the village would have been no organized cultural activities, but waiting to see in death the same day, the villagers began to organize cultural activities, and has been rehearsing the evening show, "village drums, just like disrespect for the dead."
As for the relationship between the two, said, 10 years, a good relationship between the two, still walking. Since the ante in his father alone, children are not around, waiting to see Chi's father often waiting to see the father sent food, help take care when they are sick, when family difficulties give money, holidays, will sit together to eat. Until the police to investigate the matter, waiting to see the father did not recommend an investigation, and the investigators said, "We did not report, how to investigate further."
Waiting to see the father said, waiting to see the child is disobedient, but now people have gone, things have been over the years, and not to pursue it, "If an apology is certainly not with outsiders, but we two are relatives ah Two Children are the same grandfather, Master fewer children we have branches, reach ante Chi release Come, and his two small children, to take care of. "
■ prosecutors say
The suspect was acting outside the scope of self-defense
Prosecutors handling the case that the special nature of the case law in relation with the situation then, taking into account the victim's father did not hold them accountable, and some villagers petition, in sentencing will consider a lighter.
But the ante-Chi's behavior is difficult to constitute self-defense. "Ante Chi knife and then returned home to take, according to the relevant witness testimony, the candidate did not see a knife, only to pick up a stone on the ground. Ante Chi knife chopped ante behavior, beyond the self-defense range. "
■ lawyers say
Villagers' knowledge rather than "do not constitute a shield
Yinfu Jiang Beijing Longan Law Firm lawyers said, in this case acts as a self-defense whether suspects need to investigate the circumstances, a victim to the third party will harm behavior, stop suspects, and in desperation take the deprivation of life behavior. If it can take less than other behaviors that harm is over-defense; and if there is no other way except this behavior is self-defense.
In addition, the incident was not reported, and the other was not accountable, as the national public security organs, prosecution, criminal restraint on behalf of the State, for serious criminal cases, as the authority to obtain this regard message, not only on behalf the victims accountable,Louboutin Souliers Plat, but should be held criminally responsible on behalf of the State.
After the incident, the villagers did not report whether there is liability cover? Yinfu Jiang said that from the legal point of view,, to see if the cover qualitative help suspects evade legal responsibility. For this case, the relevant authorities not to investigate, the villagers know not to say that the current is not enough to say the villagers to take responsibility.
For this case, the victim was wrong earlier, the suspect voluntarily surrendered themselves, victims' families of the understanding, is considered within the sentencing range. The villagers petition, from the legal point of view, there is no clear within the statutory range of lighter, but the judge in the subjective judgment affected vicious regard, as appropriate, taken into account.
Jinghua Times reporter Zheng Yujia later name
(Original title: Man kills cousin 2,000 villagers secret for 16 years)
Edit: SN182

Ganwankunpin slow Kuzuyiyi even Gongmanmingwu

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and urge the rectification of the elevator

Metropolis Daily News correspondent Gui □ reporter Wang Ronghai democracy
Elevator bad for five years has not been repaired, often Carmen, shut down, or even fall, may have qualified inspection every year. Yesterday, the Wuhan government Yong accountability do Fangzu go Hankou Xinhua Road Xincheng international community rituals poly Fuk property management services, suffered residents of collective complaints. After verification of the situation, urging the parties concerned to do the rectification as soon as possible, in order to ensure that residents riding safety.
Pregnant woman has suffered falling ladder
Yesterday morning,,Louboutin Escarpins, a reporter with the Wuhan government Yong accountability do Fangzu go Xincheng International unannounced visits. This beautiful residence consisting of six residential environment,, facilities,Louboutin Plates-forme, looks in good condition. But asked about a property services, all residents of a stomach grievances. From 2008 stay shortly,, residential elevator on the problem, the card people, shut down count light, but also often fall accidents.
Just from being stuck in the elevator 6 reporter saw the elevator, pushing a stroller aunt. "Little Ya are scared to cry, to coax a long time to do." Speaking of being stuck in the elevator experience, nearly 60-year-old Yi aunt also a lingering fear, "the elevator stopped on the first floor, open key pressed for about two minutes Elevator was re-opened. "
Easy aunt said, the elevator was stuck fairly minor glitches,, the most worried about is the elevator fall. Easy aunt said, daughter pregnant seven months last year, has repeatedly suffered elevator Cry, a fall from the sixth floor elevator on the third floor, a fall from the fifth floor to the second floor. Family are spooked, but fortunately the child right.
See interview with reporters, residents have complained came up. Who lives in the 22nd floor of one of the owners, she said she was four months pregnant when the daughter, too, had suffered falling elevator, lift the lockout is common. Former daughter-in labor, had shut down the elevator, and she really could not climb buildings,, forced to live in the hotel. Liu, who lives on the 18th floor, said he occupancy cell four years, falling elevator accident through no fewer than five times, own stairs to go home at least a dozen times.
Failure elevator inspection are qualified every year
Xincheng International officials said residential property, residential elevator did indeed there have been failures, the property has several repairs elevators, but because of large amount of funds, the problem is difficult to solve the problem from all elevators fundamentally.
According to district owners about residential elevator often fail, because the developers originally only 20 multi-story elevator safety in use within the 31-story high-rise. The failure of most residential elevators located 3 and 6,Louboutin Pas cher, the two buildings are 31 floors, the other four high-rise residential elevator failure problem is a lot less. In recent years, many district residents question the elevator to the departments concerned, have not been resolved.
Let residential property owners is difficult to understand that such an elevator actually yearly inspection are qualified,Louboutin Souliers Plat.
In this regard,, Jianghan District Quality Supervision Bureau of Special Equipment Safety Supervision Division is responsible for Wu Gang explained that the international community Xincheng elevator put into use before obtaining the relevant departments acceptance,, in the inspection-related parameters can be compliance, and not a "pony Pull carts "situation. But like a car inspection, inspection represent only basic safety performance standards, does not mean usually no small problem. Regular maintenance is an elevator also run affected.
The owners do not agree to the use of maintenance funds
It is understood that after the elevator maintenance is undertaken by a third party company, last year before transferring maintained by the manufacturer. Quality supervision departments have urged the elevator manufacturer to conduct a comprehensive investigation, lists the maintenance list, but because it involves more funds, need to use the housing maintenance fund, but because the owners do not agree to the use of the fund, there is no way to repair.
Jianghan District, Housing Authority Property Section Dong recording light, as early as last year that they had received complaints the owners, and for this called property developers, elevator manufacturers several coordination meetings, and urge the rectification of the elevator,, but to solve Elevator issue must be overhauled. "Our proposal is to use housing maintenance fund repairs and division of responsibilities, then accountable, but the owners do not agree, that is the problem with the developer to install an elevator, the elevator should be replaced by the developer, so until now."
Quality Supervision Bureau will take a detailed test report
Elevator already a problem, but remain unresolved. In this regard,Louboutin Soirée, Wuhan government Yong accountability supervisors do unannounced visits Chunsheng said authorities inefficiency, indicating a sense of responsibility is not strong. The problem is not resolved, causing a major accident when it irreparable.
For the case of Wuhan government Yong office unannounced visits, the quality supervision department, said Jianghan District, will come up with a detailed report as soon as lift detection, to see whether it can continue to use the elevator. District Housing Authority will coordinate developers, property with elevator manufacturers, further division of responsibilities, pushing for the repair malfunctioning elevator as soon as possible.
(Original title: the elevator is broken 5 annual inspection is still qualified)

Original title

Gong Wentao bandaged police on duty, Map / Correspondent Yang Huifang
Net Changsha October 3 News (scroll news correspondent reporter Zhang Xiang Yang Huifang) October 1 morning, friends "original Ouba is off Columbia" in micro-Bo made a photo, a bandaged right hand young Freeway traffic police are on duty,, friends said, "the urgent need to heal a broken arm, he volunteered to the front reinforcements, he could not advise motorists with traffic control gestures, it is frequently used voice work,,Louboutin Plates-forme,, patience, counseling drivers and passengers." This Microblogging users point attracted a lot of praise.
The traffic police named Gong Wentao, Hunan Tan Shao high-speed traffic police brigade. At 13:00 on October 2 and more,, Gong Wentao just after lunch, because traffic is heavy, he and his teammates can only eat rice bowl on a police car hood. said that two days before the National Day to play when a broken right hand, and can only bandage, "the higher level during the National Day full work, I could apply for leave. But I am sorry to mention, leave others are at work, I'll leave I feel unfair to others. "
The right to do so,Louboutin Sandales, Gong Wentao flow of traffic and to eat only with his left hand. When work on the 1st, his teammates forgot to bring him a spoon,, Gong Wentao eat only the same as the child, mouth conspire boxes side the beans capsules sucked into his mouth.
His pair of "shape",Louboutin Botte, also attracted curious owners. "A lot of people see me roll down the window,Louboutin Baskets Femme,, with the zoo to see the animals." Gong Wentao not used to,Louboutin Soirée, but also worried about the suspicion that he is a show, "but a busy day, I have got used to." Gong Wentao also get a lot of behavior Encourage and praise the point, "the driver of the car some thumbs, or smiled at me and nodded." Gong Wentao said, "There uncle asked me, 'Young man, you hand the case, why on duty?' I was busy work,, and he did not elaborate, but a good heart warm. "
(Original title: Hunan hand bandaged road traffic police on duty to worry about other people doubt their own show)