Torn leg training out of trouble

Last year, the network popular "word horse" picture.
In order to pursue college entrance rate, and some schools offer music,, dance, sports and other special classes of Huaian Xuyi Wang Fang (a pseudonym), her college dream might as dance classes and participate in school into thin air. In a training session,, the teacher forced her legs caused by the pressure of its nine disability, reporters yesterday learned from Huaian Xuyi County Court, which had a special right to health disputes with the result, the court held that no dance Fang skills, Fang attended high school Xuyi Maba still teaching in accordance with their usual practice, should bear full responsibility for compensation for the costs of the court school Fang injured count 128,685 yuan.
Yangzi Evening News correspondent Wang Sheng Wang Yuling all media reporter Zhu Dingzhao
Torn leg training out of trouble
Sophomore girls practiced dance teacher forced stretching disability
"I also want to study at university, I do not want the court to his alma mater as well as teachers,, because nothing deliberately" in court, facing former school teacher and the person in charge, this year 20-year-old Fang heart seemed a bit contradictory, she He told the judge, and now they become disabled, own left leg touching absolutely no sense.
According to Fang introduced her second semester at the high end of the newspaper dance classes, but there was no dance training, after the sophomore small entrance end of formal dance training. July 24, 2013 in the morning (when she was sophomore), she received training with torn leg in Maba high school dance studio and other students, she said, is the so-called tear-leg training people lying on the ground,, one leg press to the ear, when she was the last one, the other students are torn over, she was frightened before tearing it and do not want to tear the teacher said, because before have received torn leg training, before tearing the legs come gradually, but that day is a tear in the end,, she had been torn in the process said not to tear, can not stand,Louboutin Botte, but the teacher has been forced to push her legs, then there are other students to help, in the process of tearing pain she cried, feeling the whole leg was numb, that she could not. After tearing finished leg, teachers and classmates have left a dance studio until after school, the students discovered she had been lying on the ground unable to move, then called their parents and teachers, to take her to the hospital.
After the injury, Wang Fang were in Huaian Xuyi County Second People's Hospital, Xuyi County People's Hospital, Nanjing Gulou Hospital, Huashan Hospital treatment, by the relevant authorities to identify, Fang left lower limb muscle strength after four muscle hypotonia, left foot slightly drooping varus degree of disability is nine.
More wonderful teacher qualifications
Ten years taught dance teacher certificate is a music teacher
"I taught dance for over ten years, the basic courses are in accordance with the scheme, and Fang torn leg finished,, the following courses are theory courses, not my class, I did not notice she was hurt," Fang described for Its wounded and maimed during classroom training process Maba high school dance, dance teacher Mei Fang (a pseudonym), said Wang Fang described process is basically correct. Mei told the judge that she had 11 years of teaching experience, including before and now she basically teaching process according to her,, including her students when they are doing the dance teachers are doing, such a situation she appeared for Fang also want to see, she suffered personal injury Fang apologize.
According to Mei teacher, Xuyi Maba high school opened by the dance school high school curriculum is elective, is short-term crash course, mainly students in order to test some of the art school, dance school for two years to pay 4,000 yuan, She believes he was only completed school confessed to her teaching duties,Louboutin à Bout Ouvert, so she is not at fault.
For Liu Mei's argument, Wang Fang family, questioned whether the qualifications of its teaching students dance, because they found the teacher held Teacher Mei music teacher, which, Mei said there was no specific dance Teacher. The Court concluded that in order to complete the task of teaching Mei school arrangements to fulfill the duties of their behavior, so she's liability borne by the Maba High School.
Court final judgment
School students pay full responsibility for more than 120,000 yuan
"The course is Maba high school enrollment rate in order to improve and opened, although elective courses, but charged a fee, and thus bear the education of students,Louboutin Baskets Femme, the obligation to protect ......" Yesterday, after hearing, Huaian Xuyi County Court final judgment Maba high school fees compensation Fang count 128,685 yuan.
During the trial, Maba High School argued that the incident occurred and Fang together 20 people participate in the study, are teaching the Mei teacher, but only one person Fang hurt, that is the cause of its own reasons and so the school does not assume any responsibility.
After the court hearing that Wang Fang dance training at the school participate injured as limited capacity for civil acts of minors, through no fault of their own, and therefore should not be held responsible. In the incident, shouting Fang said not to tear the legs,, but the teacher still forced stretching, no dance skills before Fang, teachers still teaching in accordance with their usual practice, its behavior contrary to the principle of gradual and orderly progress of teaching and individualized teaching law, Further investigation courts, there are similar incidents occurred before school, but the school does not have enough attention,Louboutin Bottines, did not take appropriate measures to prevent risks, not entirely to management, the responsibility to protect, Fang caused injury, damage it caused should Fang take full responsibility.
What difficult to do hard?
"The word horse" (splits) may lead to the waist, hip and other injuries
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Handstand, handstand walk easily hurt the cervical spine, head
Yoga difficult moves easily torn muscle injuries joint damage, lumbar disc herniation, severe cardiovascular disease, joint in question were careful to practice
Football volley easy sprained back
Some martial arts moves easily duck feet hurt joint, spinal and other
Listen to how experts say
Dance Teacher: Do not be anxious students practicing dance
"Fang appeared in the school were injured during dance practice and maimed it is nothing less than two situations: no dance skills of students,Louboutin Pas cher, teachers anxious," Yesterday afternoon, for the Fang wounded and maimed during dance practice regarding , reporters interviewed Zhang Shu Hohai University dance teacher, she said, eventually leading to the foundation of the incident or the name of the teacher is not a professional dance teacher.
Zhang Shu teacher told reporters that she personally believes the situation is mainly due to appear too anxious teacher, if the teacher is teaching professional, then this situation will not happen, because if it is a professional dance teacher to teach it, She herself grew up practicing dance, dance teachers have received professional training, she is not going to happen in the future teaching process, Fang is sophomore student, the teacher should know because of the age of reason Fang ligament is impossible to achieve Kids like softness. We usually look at every dance is very beautiful, stretching in fact is the most basic, but behind the sweat to pay, no one can understand, and her personal recommendation, whether student or teacher, learning dance, teaching process must Do not be so anxious.
Director of orthopedics: Dance Sports Injury prone sequelae
Huaian First People's Hospital Chief Physician Xie Yue told reporters that the common dance sports injuries include muscle, ligament, fascia, joint capsules and cartilage damage. Mostly contusion, tissue injury, sprains, fractures, dislocations, etc., dance sports injuries to timely treatment, or vulnerable sequelae.
So how do you develop a healthy, correct dance learning, training habits? Xie Yue Director recommends that training and learning activities fully prepared before, this can increase the excitability of the central nervous system, increasing the number of open capillaries in muscle and improve muscle strength, and can enhance the flexibility of ligaments, so that intra-articular It was increased to prevent muscle and ligament damage. Step by step, and strictly control the amount of training limits. All physical activity should follow the principle of gradual and orderly progress. If forced to increase the amount of training the trainers, the consequences could be disastrous. After finishing training to do sports. Muscles, joints, ligaments and other soft tissue fatigue and reflex contraction occurs after dance training, prolonged contraction reflex causes the muscles, joints, ligaments contracture. The consolidation activity after exercise - Static stretching exercises, can eliminate fatigue and prevent injuries.
(Original title: the pursuit of open enrollment rate of school after a crash course in sophomore girls dance teacher forced stretching becomes disabled)
Edit: SN117