After this newspaper reported

Longquanyi District Kashiai a farmhouse in the town of Chengdu, the reporter unannounced visits found four caught egret (after being there a point to kill). Farmhouse boss at the fishing pond egret catch fish hooks. Farmhouse with egrets fish grounds, hunting egret sold diners.
Longquanyi a killing selling country farmhouse "three" protection of animals checked Egret
This little remote farmhouse, signature dishes to attract customers not their own fish ponds to raise fish, pheasant is not running, but a special game: egret. The boss said, to spend 80 dollars, guests can spot an egret, live slaughter, burning, stewed, stir, stew, a variety of approaches everything.
Reporter survey found that after several days, this farmhouse signature dish is the boss "less sleep" come back with a hook "fishing" in. Farmhouse one employee said, last year, they are caught in this way more than 200 egrets.
September 17, after receiving reports from the public, the local forest police have this farmhouse were investigated.
The public to report
Farmhouse owner Buy egret have guests direct point three
Recently, the reporter learned from a number of people at, in the town of Longquan District Kashiai two Kawamura company called "six Wei Xiang," the farmhouse, there is a special game: egret.
Mr Li in one weekend in August, went to this farmhouse fishing, when this farmhouse for lunch, he saw the boss supply egret dishes to the guests. Lee said that some guests come specifically ran egrets, some guests did not start this dish, but in the boss's instigation, decided to try it. "I usually do not even dare to eat buck, let alone the egret." Lee said the day to eat a lot of guests have ordered egrets do dishes, but he did not point, "look a little strange, total I could not make the mouth feel. "
"80 dollars one, you can also spot the point of killing." Stand up to the boss tried to sell the public Cao a final point in a cage a little egret. Mr. Cao said, the chef personally kill the egrets. "Knife to the neck gently draw, egrets on the ground struggling for a while, do not move." Waiting for the food served in the gap, and Cao online access to relevant laws, egret found belong to the state "three protected animals", is You can not kill and end on the table. "Smells very fragrant, but we do not dare to eat, said the Internet is illegal, so did not dare Dongkuaizi."
And on the other table guests Cao directly beside the point three egrets, "Two halogen, a stew." Cao told reporters that from conversations can be judged, that table guests should belong to this farmhouse regulars. "The boss said that many practices that can burn, stew, stir, but the taste of most halogen Pakistan proper."
Reporter unannounced visits
"Sometimes many guests, not enough to live, and we will use frozen."
- Farmhouse boss
"The whole of egrets along with halogen,, Shredded eat especially cool."
- Farmhouse Staff
"Also caught the kite, the more precious than the egret."
- Farmhouse boss
80 yuan a field kitchen as well as the freezing point of killing egret
According to the clues provided by Mr. Cao, reporters repeatedly the identity of diners this farmhouse unannounced visits. September 3,, because it is not the holidays, come here to eat, not many diners. "Boss, what game did not have to?" Heard asked the boss leaves Xingquan happily ran out from the house. "There, there, there, egrets, live." Xingquan manually entered,Louboutin Mariage, pointed leaves. Ye Xing right along the direction referred to the reporter saw a large table next to the cage, closed four egrets. "This is our signature game here, the taste is Pakistan proper." Side of the employees said that after their special cooking,, not only did not smell, and taste delicious.
The gap across the cage, four egrets crouched in a cage corner shivering, the cage is littered with small fish. "Egret eating fish, dead fish do not eat it." Ye Xingquan said.
Burning stew stir halogen egret live enough to sell
Just then, a few middle-aged man walked into the farmhouse. "Boss, they caught live birds wow?" A middle-aged man came over, skillfully look at the cage, "the point of the bar, some of this looks spirituality." Middle-aged man observed a moment, the point of a maximum of egrets. The middle-aged man said: "In fact, did not feel how good, and occasionally invite friends to dinner, a new map."
Subsequently, the chef grabbed egrets wings and neck, knife lightly across from the neck, like the slaughter of chickens in general, egrets struggled for a moment on the ground,, not moving. Ye Xingquan said the point of killing 80 dollars an egret. "Sometimes many guests,, not enough to live, and we will use frozen." Then, Ye Xingquan from the kitchen and pulled out a frozen egret, size, and almost five months pheasant run,Louboutin à Bout Ouvert, probably a couple of pounds heavier. The chef said, egrets roasting, stewing, stir, halogen these types of practices can be, look at the guests eat what tastes, halogen best Pakistan proper. "The whole of egrets along with halogen, Shredded eat especially cool." Side of the staff did not forget to do a tear gesture.
Middle of the night to catch fish as bait boss egret
Ye Xingquan told reporters, the guests usually come to eat, are more like the scene point of killing living egret, "After living for a fresh and more." But sometimes met many people, not enough to live egrets, freezing is also very popular. "Egret eat into the throat of the hook,, and not long before he died, we can only kill the freeze." In the farmhouse kitchen, there are a few frozen egrets day. "Usually there is no food, and we ourselves eat.
Well, these egrets and from where they come from? Ye Xing pointed right next to Le farm ponds, said: "over there fishing." There's about a three-acre pond near the farmhouse, on the edge of the trees, stay with dozens of egrets, from time to time over the pond flying.
Ye Xingquan said they only middle of the night under the hook, because of a low vigilance egret evening, another reason is to avoid the eyes and ears,Louboutin Mary Jane, "certainly not during the day, which saw people run faster than which."
Staff said only a year to catch up over two hundred
Around at 20:00 on September 13, leaves Xingquan start the next hook, reporters also followed with him. He walked along the ponds a protected group, about every 10 m, with a fish's tail hook hooked directly thrown into the water. "Rope not too long, probably about two meters on the same subject." He did not when to reporters from arrest egret experience.
"We are generally lower hook at night, night and early morning to catch a check each of them did not." May be due to the weather,Louboutin Souliers Plat, the next two nights, no egrets bait. 16 evening, Ye Xing right under the hook again, the next morning at six o'clock, finally rewarded. "Hook death of one, ran a dead that chilled ready to kill." Ye Xingquan little disappointed, "egret fish that eat the skull, along the inside, if swallowed hook throat or stomach, the basic will dead but fish must be alive, dead it does not eat. "In addition to catch egret, sometimes he also gain a lot of accidents. "Also caught the kite, the more precious than the egret." Correspondent unannounced visits days, from farmhouse employees say that, last year, this farmhouse on the catch over two egrets.
Site investigated
Egrets scene seized 21 only three are still alive
September 17, Longquan District Forest Police's law enforcement officers received a report from the masses, immediately went to investigate this farmhouse. The face of law enforcement officers, farmhouse boss leaves Xingquan and staff look nervous and repeatedly defended catch egret is eating egret fish ponds because the fry. "Every day so many egrets eat our fish, Yao Yao also do not go, we are not the only thing." When law enforcement officers mentioned when egret hunting is illegal, an employee, said:. "We farmers do not know the thing." However, It is this staff had told reporters, "To catch egret at night, to be seen to have been punishment."
Subsequently, law enforcement officers through the inventory, the scene seized 21 egrets,, three live, 18 frozen, live egret was released on the spot.
Law enforcement officials told reporters, seized egret egret species belong to the most common small egret, is "three protected animals", being not found in two national key protected animals egret, heron and other rocks, the police will investigate the case according to on farmhouse punishment.
Further Reading
What is a "three" to protect animals?
"Three of" the protection of animals, means beneficial, there are important economic and scientific value of terrestrial wildlife. In order to strengthen the protection and management of our national and local wildlife than terrestrial wildlife resources, August 1, 2000, "The State protects the beneficial or of important economic or scientific value of terrestrial wild animal directory "Publishing. "Three" list of protected animals including 88 kinds of animal classes, classes 707 kinds of birds, 291 kinds of amphibians, 395 kinds of Reptilia, Insecta 120 genera all species and another 110 kinds, 46 projects totaling five classes 177 families and 1,591 kinds of insects 120 genera all species and another 110 kinds. Egret divided into thirteen categories, and this farmhouse heron fishing Little Egret is one of the most common type, usually referred to as egrets, belonging to the species on the list.
In addition, the egret egret, heron rocks belong to two national key protected animals.
Related news
Although more beautiful egret also struggling to cope
July 2006, Fushun County Banqiao Zhang Pa, suddenly flew a group of distinguished guests - hundreds of national animal protection egrets. Guests villagers Wang Zhongmin, Yan Daoqing, Yin Road and red patch of the family around the house 10 acres of lush Ci Zhulin soft spot, from the roots down.
10,000 just beautiful egret, gathered in a 10 acres of bamboo forest, the daily evening ten thousand birds homing, there really picturesque scenery; but at the same time, the flood of egrets, has seriously affected the daily production of local people and life. In June 2010, Zigong City Bureau rushed sent, on how to protect wild animals, to properly resolve the party "bird suffering from" thorny issue, after field research, to discuss the measures and not the local government responses: cut bamboo, let egrets own migration.
After this newspaper reported, causing readers hot: "chopped bamboo, egrets away, it is a pity!" To this end, many readers have made this newspaper, bold proposal: "bamboo sword stay, to refrain from destroying ten thousand egrets home! Can emulate White Egret Island, Zhang Pa playing egret southern Sichuan village? reserved for visitors under Spectacular ten thousand birds homing. "Readers also attracted the attention of the relevant departments and said it would respond to inspect. WCC reporter intern Yang Qiaowei Wuliu Feng Li Xiujiang photography Liuchen Ping Yang Haoran
Now Review
No sale no killing
□ Zhang Xujie
"Two Oriole Ming Cui Liu, egrets on the sky line", which is the poet saint a landscape business card left Chengdu, precious. Chengdu people are happy to live the moment, one is in a crowded city, from time to time can saw egrets passing, as a poetic painting clever stroke.
But this time, this card has spilled blood on Heron - farmhouse boss egret fishing with fish for the guests point of killing, reportedly sell well. Asked why fish kill egrets and thus attract customers, the boss also feel aggrieved - fry their own fish ponds were egret Diao food, the daily loss of pounds, but to find ways to drive expel. If you stand on the boss's point of view only, it seems a little "self-defense" means,Louboutin Bottines, belong to the stress response. But lawyers say very clearly: egret protected by law not to kill, not to make the best of a game to sell. For ponds loss boss, but also pointed out the Zhaobu where there is a way to resolve the conflict.
Given the point of killing egret business is hot, in order to solve the problem, a warning light boss,]The, seems still missing. It seems that in addition to take control of the knife, more importantly, have to take control of diners that mouth - so-called "no sale no killing." No fueled delicious mouth, I am afraid the boss will not Nongjiale bored night heron fishing, embarked run astray.
Of course, in this case behind, there is a bigger proposition, we need people with great determination and great wisdom to be disposed of. That is, with the city expansion, how rational harmony between man and nature? When the conflict between the farmhouse as quite annoyed boss livelihoods and animal protection, over how to reconcile the peace and quiet of a man and bird picture?
(Original title: egret into signature dishes 80 yuan is to eat a live kill)
 (Edit: SN123)