Two children

Before the annual Spring Festival, who lives in a small cross Carey will give the younger son wrote. This habit, she has maintained for 24 years. January 28 morning, 66-year-old Hou Yumin already started to continue this annual "homework."

After writing the letter,, she did not put into the envelope, but caught in a very old notebook. Close the notebook, the elderly tears welling again. She did not know, in their lifetime, whether missing for 24 years to see her son,louboutin soldes, but also to write a letter.

Lock "lock" the lost son

March 26, 1986 in the afternoon,, to the unit to work, when he was 11-year-old son Hung Dragon Sword clamor to follow her mother to play. For fear of affecting the work,, Hou Yumin failing, he gave his son entrusted to their homes in the more than 20-year-old niece, and locked the door before leaving.

But half an hour later, niece panic run for flood sword was gone. Hou Yumin shocked, immediately rush home and found the doors have been closed has been opened, no doubt, is the son of Fanchuang gone. The same day, Hou Yumin and their families while the report, while friends and family organization, launched in Kaili city dragnet search, but never did find his son disappeared.

Since then, a time, on a journey to find his son, she toured all over the province. Especially in the provincial capital of Guiyang, the streets, she traveled. In addition, she returned to the country 23 provinces, five autonomous regions and three municipalities help legal departments to write a letter, but did not find clues about his son.

Twenty-four unable to letter

"Loved ones during the festive season." After the loss of his son, miss him, especially festive.

1986 New Year's Eve, every household decorated, the sound of firecrackers. This is exacerbated by Hou Yumin son's thoughts, so she picked up the pen, wrote to his son in tears the first letter.

She said in the letter,, children Yeah, this year for the mother, is a black year. In the year since March 26, you left a mother, I do not know where to go? You know, this year,,/, accompanied by her mother, with tears ah! Today the New Year, where are you, you getting it? ......

"I know, this is a letter unable to go, but I write about, I feel the heart must feel better." Hou Yumin said. After finished, she took the letter, caught in a hard shell of the notebook.

Since then, the annual Spring Festival, Hou Yumin have Gv, write a letter to his son,mulberry outlet, so far, my son has lost 24 years, these letters also unable to reach a total of 24. In the letter, in addition to describing his son's thoughts, she also happened a few things at home, "told" Son, let his son "share" her joy and pain.

Interview, the reporter read these letters, 1997 letter makes particularly memorable.

Two children:

Mom really miss you, but can not find you, and only open your childhood clothes look. You know, my mother put your clothes stick to the face, pro and pro, seemed son on the side ......

Lunar New Year's Eve, December 1997

"Determined to find you to die that day."

August 5, 2005, the newspaper published a letter Hou Yumin of missing children, and published her contact information.

11:30 that night, Hou Yumin home phone suddenly rang, she picked up the phone,abercrombie france,, the caller said, "I am your newspaper looking for people," Hou Yumin not believe my ears, the other side repeated three times the above words.

After that, she asked each other where you are, the caller said in Zunyi, to be self-reliant, has 31 years of age (and age very consistent flood sword). But when asked and detailed address, for convenience of silence ......

After Hou Yumin often innocently sitting next to the phone waiting, she very much hope that the voice of the night the other end of the phone rang again. However, the past few months, the other side of the phone call never too ......

At the end of this year, in a letter he wrote to his son:

You received a call that night, I cried all night, why do not you tell me your address? You do not want to recognize my own mother, or another what hidden reason? Did you know that you received the call soon, I'll find you rush Zunyi, but by now you would not tell me your address and name, and I can not find you, how you treat your own mother, I find you looking for a good many years it!

Time flies, to January 2010, also informed of further news about his son.

At that time, a parade Ma Jiang accent driver through various channels to find her, and told her that she lost many years of his son in Zunyi City, Sichuan Opera Troupe Hong Moumou home, named Fu Moumou, small named small sea.

Soon, Carey police sent a police crackdown, and Hou Yumin a rush to find Fu Moumou Zunyi. But after a series of setbacks, or not found.

Later, the media helped.

After the media publish or broadcast news missing children, a strange man to Carey police anti-trafficking police sent a telephone call. He said: I was looking for you, I want to see you,, talk to you ......

Hou Yumin and police crackdown overjoyed, but the next night, the man on the phone Hou Yumin said: "I am not the person you're looking for ......" Hou Yumin also like to ask why, the other party has hung up.

Hou Yumin strange man to call the next day, a certain young man named James and Hou Yumin made contact, he said he and Fu Moumou know, trying to help Hou Yumin one.

"Auntie, you and Fu Moumou so much alike, and you have a mole on the nose, ears looked like ......" Tu said so and so.

Coated certain help, Hou Yumin called the Fu Moumou phone,, but the sound coming out of the microphone or "I'm not your son."

Before long, the phone can not get through a certain James, and so far, has been shut down state ......

Two children,chaussures louboutin hommes,

Why do you refuse to meet with me,louboutin homme pas cher, what things make it difficult for you, you tell mom okay? Miss you mom for 24 years, looking for you for 24 years, and eat a lot of pain, you know?

This year, I wrote 24 letters to you, if one day, you figured out, you look back and see his aging mother to find your resolve is how firm.


This is son wrote in a letter on January 28. In the letter, the last, she said: Although frail old lady now, but determined to find you to death that day ......