10 on December 11

December 12, a "gang shooting people," the network of posts on the Internet crazy pass, network, said around at 0:10 on December 11, in Shaodong Han Ladies, a group of criminals holding guns and knives stormed Han Group Division in Shaodong, injuring more than security, and caused a security seriously.

Subsequently, the reporter went to the incident, the site is still blood stains on the floor, a messy, beaten staff in the hospital any time of danger.

Trouble is, or intentional retaliation, the entire case was still confusing.

Knifed office shootings

At 15:00 on the 13th, Taoyuan Road Shaodong Han Ladies, people scarce, business was bad, tragic play Han Group banner at the entrance to a pedestrian street on the huge electronic screen, "rampant evil forces, we are ready to leave divestment" electronic screen Under full of onlookers.

In the Han dynasty, led by Zhao Yong, head of the Ladies, the reporter entered the scene - in Shaodong Han group's office. I saw a messy interior,woolrich uomo, dry blood, was smashed ashtrays, cups, coffee table, and a black jacket was torn.

"12? 11" shooting incident exactly how it happened? According to the day of surveillance video and security of their fellow group statement about at 0:10 on December 11, about seventy-eight young Han came walking street, they parked their headlights damage by requiring Han Group in Shaodong company responsible solve the problem. Company property manager Lu Xiaohua promptly rushed to the scene, this gang of youth would swarmed siege Lu Xiaohua and two other staff members, also pulled out a pistol, dagger, machete violence, resulting Lu Xiaohua back in a few knives, daggers palm was pierced. More criminals to Lu Xiaohua a head shot was parried Lu Xiaohua, bullet grazed his forehead. Then, criminals also use the rifle butt on the head repeatedly hit Lu Xiaohua.

In Zhuzhou City People's Hospital, the reporter saw Lu Xiaohua on the bed, his hands, head and chest are strapped gauze, Yan Hui wife accompanied him, kept tears.

Ouyang Zhao came to visit the security told reporters that the perpetrators fled when criminals, Lu Xiaohua from the ground up to catch criminals, just ran a ten-step on fallen colleagues rushed him to Shaodong County People's Hospital. Hospital Diagnosis: Lu Xiaohua body multiple stab wounds, the left lung was punctured chest,cheap jordan shoes,http://ohenryscoffees.com, intracranial hemorrhage, etc., in the rescue process is issued a notice in critical condition. Thus, Lu Xiaohua was rushed to Zhuzhou City People's Hospital.

Lu Xiaohua told reporters: "They held a gun to my head, I instinctively cover your head with both hands and push up the gun when shot, I thought I was finished, never forget that scene in this life!"

Lu's attending doctors, Lu Xiaohua injury temporarily under control,cheap jordans, the disease is likely to further deteriorate, there is always a danger.

Strong embrace engineering suspect failed to retaliate

Han did not know the group's security thugs attack, and the perpetrators brought to justice has yet to make "12? 11" shooting motive confusing.

"Lu Jingli is for me to endure the knife, gun suffer! Fortunately, I was lucky!" Han Group in Shaodong Division Leader Zhao Yong to reporters,christian louboutin homme, agitated,http://888zrylwqszq.biz/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=2609025, saying that this group of criminals was originally directed at him, because drunk that night did not own the company,http://www.goed-gevonden.com, by Lu Xiaohua come forward to deal with the matter, the results of this gang of criminals as the Lu Xiaohua Zhao Yong.

"They knife gun, so hard to start, obviously trying to kill me." Zhao Yong said angrily. According to him, this year in June, Han Group invested 50 million yuan for the project Shaodong Ladies comprehensive reform, to be introduced Watson, Hengdian Film City, Kim Sang department, Berenstain Bears and other famous brands, planned for December 24, 2011 re-opened.

After the "Han Group announced project bidding information,jordan femme pas cher, general manager of a local company, Liu repeatedly invited me to dinner, send me precious cigarettes, please help me to Hengdian Film City and other projects more than 200 million of the steel works to his contract, in fact, I was also in charge of the leadership before help Ryu greeting. Group found that the company does not review Ryu qualification in project bidding end of October this year, Liu's company off the mark. Later, Liu threatened to send text messages : 'the same price you would not let me do without good relations with local, you will be hard development. "In this regard, I did not seriously, on the project awarded to a qualified company to another. "

Zhao Yong recalls, "From the beginning of November 1, here there are some Xiqiao Shi continuous, except at night someone in trouble, but from November to now, there are two mysteriously died here, one is the repair of steel migrant workers somehow killed, another day in the center of the street appeared a corpse. After that, I stopped at the Ladies of the car and smashed, to be anti-Lu Jingli,http://szbbs.sznews.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, staff beaten, events step by step upgrade. "

"Our company has always legitimate business, not offend other people, while Ryu two big brothers in the local forces. We have reason to suspect, Liu due to lack of implementation of the project and the shooting incident." Zhao Yong said.

This statement is the area of the incident denied Hongtuling station director Tang Jianguo, Tang Jianguo said, according to the police station to know, this is a case of trouble, and Zhao Yong talked about the possibility of contracting project because retaliation is very small.

■ intern reporter Huanghai Wen Zhao Wen Li Sui


Local police:

Solve the case on the 27th!

After the incident, Han group repeatedly issued to Shaodong Shaoyang Municipal letter strongly urged to investigate "12? 11" shootings, the perpetrators of legal liability.

Hongtuling station director Tang Jianguo introduced after the shootings, police immediately made a report to the county public security bureau,http://e-jomsa.jp, the incident the next day to "disturb" the matter stand, set up a task force,http://www.surfingtheapocalypse.net, Secretary Zhu A cloud of this case very seriously request must solve the case before December 27th, all the perpetrators should be brought to justice,http://www.boatbuilders.us, a no less, if not break the case, investigators will rigorously pursue those responsible, dereliction of duty must resign.

This situation has also been confirmed by Zhao Yong, he introduced 12 pm, Shaodong Public Security Bureau held a case analysis meeting, he attended the meeting on behalf of the company, Zhu A cloud in the meeting said that this was an organized, premeditated vicious retaliation case, request police investigation quickly.

Currently, the case is still under investigation into.