there is no time to add salt

Southeast Network - Channel Guide September 14 (Reporter Wang Longxiang trainee reporter Zhang Huiling Zhang Hanfeng) yesterday morning, his wife hurried Lumou son's school from home. In the school dorm,, because the couple holding midnight death, his son already cold body, how can not believe ......

Two weeks ago, 17-year-old son Ajay (a pseudonym) came from Zhangzhou Liren school Xiazhai,, Fujian Zhangzhou City Pinghe home. I did not expect that to leave, became the last farewell.

According to the police station north through Zhangzhou, responsible person, the medical staff checked, Adger Department of respiratory failure and sudden death.

The night before, and the students also have supper together

Adger live in a student dormitory room on the second floor L266 dozen square meters room, bunk beds in points, a total of eight beds.

Adger beds, bathroom near the side of the spread, but now only the mattress, posted on the walls there are some small pictures.

Adger family temporarily placed in the dormitory floor, covered with a quilt. Mother flutter in the son, of tears. Aside, the father Lumou inflamed eyes,jordan femme pas cher, staring son.

Adger first discovered unusual was his table Gelu classmates. They live in a ground floor and the second floor of a living, but also different classes,, but every morning, Lu Qu Han Adger students will get up in class.

Yesterday morning around 6:10, Lu students came Adger bed as usual, call him up, "no matter how called, he did not respond, and then I went to pull him,nike tn pas cher, but found his body icy cold, it feels a bit wrong , quickly hit 120 emergency calls, and to reflect this school. "

Lu said the students, emergency personnel rushed to the scene to rescue, but finally did not save the lives of Adger. "The day before 10 pm, after going to night classes, several of us have supper together, was also good, did not find anything unusual, I did not expect early this morning, it in such a way."

Adger beds adjacent to thank students recalled the day more than 0:00, he heard shouted Adger, but thought it was Adger dreaming, talking in your sleep, it does not care.

School President Liu Liren said after the incident, they have to report to the relevant departments according to the procedure.

Most young sudden death due to arrhythmia

Adger Liren's uncle was a school teacher. He said that beginning in Liren Adger junior school, a high school sophomore year. "Read the first two days, there have been a shock Adger symptoms,, was my wife sent him to 175 Hospital, but the hospital shortly after enough so the family did not care."

So, before the symptoms of shock, whether associated with the sudden death? North police station through the responsible person, according to the medical staff checked Adger Department of respiratory failure death, cause of death if family members have doubts,tiffany outlet, you can apply for an autopsy.

According to 175 Cardiovascular Hospital Geriatrics festival director Tang Xi introduced a common cause of sudden death heart factor. Sudden death of young people, mostly due to abnormal heart rate. Causes of this disease are basically two types, one is hereditary, one is congenital. When young people exercise, sweating, there is no time to add salt, it will lead to abnormal heart rhythms.

"This disease is concealed, the current preventive measures or to the main routine physical examination, if we find that the ECG abnormalities, cardiovascular must find a doctor for further examination." Deng said hi section.

In this regard, the EDB stakeholders also suggested that the school is necessary for students to do regular physical examination, medical history and records of students to do well. In addition, students in their spare time to organize some physical exercise.

"If the students there are significant illness, must be timely communication with the school." Zhangzhou City Board of Education school safety chief Chenen Long said that at present they have been reported to the relevant departments,burberry outlet online, and track the handling of the aftermath.

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Southeast Network - Strait Metropolis Taiwanese edition September 14 (trainee reporter Zhangying Zhen) 6 o'clock yesterday morning, in the Zhangzhou Liren school sophomore student dormitory Lumou, cousin to call Lumou to get up, but found that his body has cold. Later, through the intervention of North police station and confirm Lumou is due to respiratory failure and death.

Lumou are peaceful people, only 16 years old, studying Liren school sophomore year,, boarding schools. Professor Ng said the school high school,, Lumou cousin also attended school there, they mutually agreed, who get up early in the morning and called each other up. Around 6:00 yesterday morning, cousin see Lumou not get up, went to the hostel to find him,, called a few times did not respond after you push a Lumou found Lumou body has cold. The teacher who heard, call 120 emergency calls and contact uncle Lumou in Zhangzhou work. 120 doctors rushed to confirm Lumou is due to respiratory failure and death.

Lumou a classmate, said the night before, he went out and Lumou snack and found no abnormalities Lumou place. Lumou beds next roommate said that during the day to get up early in the morning, he saw Lumou lying in bed, I thought Lumou in bed until after Lumou cousin came to the hostel, they found abnormal.

Professor Ng said Lumou was the only boy, and a sister in college, morning, Lumou parents and sister were rushed to the school, very healthy when families have never mentioned that he has a history of illness . Lumou mother still can not accept the news of the sudden death of his son, she said, gave her the night before Lumou call her at work, when to drink more water,jordan pas cher, "the school will deal with the aftermath, the students happen We are also very sad. "

PLA 175 Hospital, Department of Geriatrics of cardiovascular Dengzhu Ren said the cases occurred in young people died of respiratory failure is not uncommon, while 80% of cases are caused by a congenital heart abnormalities and hereditary heart disease, in order to prevent breathing failure, usually should pay attention to the physical examination, and if found abnormal physical condition should consult a physician as soon as possible. There is a family history of the disease, especially in kinship lethal respiratory failure,, need more attention to protection.