embarked on the journey to Tibet. The driving

■ "Trail? From Tiananmen Square to the Potala Palace, the capital of the people from driving into the possession of heavy road events" reported

(Reporter Gan Hao) 8:00 yesterday, the Tibet Autonomous Region, Lhasa Tourism Bureau and the "Beijing News" jointly organized the "Trail? From Tiananmen Square to the Potala Palace,borse louis vuitton,http://ribbon.ptn.funnygame.jp, the capital of the people from driving into the possession of heavy road activity" by Beijing, set foot on the road to Tibet.

Tibet is a dream round, a 72-year-old child with his wife and dog to join the team, causing the tour of admiration and praise.

Yesterday, the team arrived in Shanxi Luliang.

Travel 800 kilometers on the first day

Tibet according to plan, the team at 7:00 yesterday,louboutin femme pas cher,http://www.uraya.com, the Beijing-Shijiazhuang high speed assembly,louis vuitton sito ufficiale, 8:00, the official start.

After several days of rain haze, Beijing skies cleared up. "Indicates that this is a fun trip itinerary." Fleet Command by radio quips.

After a high-speed access Jingkun Shanxi ...... 9 hours,http://chaos-file.jp/bbs2/bbs.cgi?room=48, the team on the same day 17:00, arriving into the possession of the first leg of the route --- Shanxi Luliang, the entire traveling nearly 800 kilometers.

Like poetry elderly Miles

In the team, the 72-year-old man and his wife Su Mingci children, and their 8-year-old one Dalmatians,hogan outlet, attracted everyone's attention.

"We are a family of three travel extensively." Su said the old humor,hogan outlet 2015, old married couple with their dog,http://www.thiefmissions.com, car visited Hainan, La, who drove the delegation entered Golmud and Nagqu, but for various reasons, did not enter Tibet abdominal area. "Be sure to enter Tibet,http://www.segue-studio.com, not regret." Said the old Soviet Union,http://maximum.room.ne.jp/bbs/yami/yybbs.cgi/yybbs.cgi, in order to realize their dreams, he and his wife children to enlist in the team, embarked on the journey to Tibet. The driving,http://www.rockclimbing.com/cgi-bin/gear/search.cgi, he wants to be like before, every day hair blog and microblogging, throughout the country to commemorate the customs,http://10645124.blog.hexun.com, and share travel experience.

Su-old also hand written poetry, last night one to Luliang, Su Yin said the old blurted on the table: a new earth Yuxi sky, meaning thousands of miles long drive Showtime. Huan ten riders go the same way, Fit Qianshan car people.

Su-old poem, we won applause.