only one out of the house aunt

Asian Heart Network (Reporter Ma Yongping) "big yellow dog suddenly rushed out from the dog shed,"il, towards my leg is a mouthful, I was terrified, and quickly ran." Recall July 14 was throwing himself a vicious dog that scene, Wang Yuemei also fear. July 19, reporters in Changji City Second People's Hospital to see her, for being too deep bite wounds, she was in hospital waiting to do debridement surgery.

Reporters saw Wang Yuemei roots left leg was bitten, there are blood chest lock child, the doctor had been bandaged, and her name bit. Wangyue Mei said that the day she and her husband went to the site to work,, because the manager called very anxious, she split from the site fence hole drilled into it,, ready to cut corners, the husband answered the phone in the back more slowly.

"I just got to go did not walk a few steps,air max femme pas cher, suddenly saw a big black dog came at me, all of a sudden bite towards my chest, I Ganjin Wang back, did not expect to stumble, and the dog pounced toward my thigh bite a mouthful, but also towards my chest caught a few times, I'm scared to stand up, climb on the back, the dog made no chase, hear my cry, her husband came quickly, the site was nobody around over 56 minutes, only one out of the house aunt, the dog away. "Wang Yuemei said.

Saw the dog gone, Wang Yuemei only felt pain,louboutin femme,, looked down blood flow down along the thigh,timberland scarpe outlet, and hurried to the side of the police side to go to the hospital. Wang Yuemei husband said, all five days in the hospital,cheap gucci handbags, and no one can take responsibility for all costs are borne by themselves.

According to doctors, there is a triangle Wang Yuemei leg lacerations, deep wounds, surgical debridement must be done.

Subsequently, the reporter went to the oasis of a construction site of the incident on the way, here is the construction of the Corps Construction Engineering Group, later the site of a small yard, the reporter saw a large black dog bite, it is about 40 cm high,, bristling ears, a long chain tied around his neck.

Aunt cooking at the site, said the same day that they are in the house for dinner, I heard the barking of dogs rushed out to look, to see couple standing near the dog shed,, that is bitten by a dog, she went to the dog to catch on, so that the two go away.

The person in charge of the construction site say they keep a dog really is, but it was already noon rush hours,woolrich prezzi, but also around the fence, there is no way, why should got to go, do not go door,, bitten The people themselves have a great responsibility, and Wang Yuemei staff came with a couple of managers have not fulfilled obligations guidelines, so they do not think they should bear the primary responsibility,, but discharged, they will give some help.

Dog bites, in the end who should bear responsibility for it? Xinjiang Ma Miao blue sky law firm lawyer explained that under the relevant provisions of the "Tort Liability Act," causes harm to animal breeding, animal keeper or manager shall bear tort liability. Although the matter in there are some mistakes, but it can not serve as breeding grounds shall not bear responsibility.

"Even the thieves go to steal, to feeding people do not manage dog bites a thief, but also to take responsibility. If the farmers refused to take responsibility for people who are bitten can protect their legitimate rights and interests through legal means. "Ma Miao said the lawyer.