barber accidentally cut this to the Kwa ears.

Core Tip 11 afternoon, Mr. Or go to a haircut, the cut with scissors, barber accidentally knife down, Kwa right ear was cut two centimeters long hole, bleeding,burberry outlet milano, doctors sewing needle 8.

While the barber shop agreed to assume all medical expenses and Kwa lost income, ear injuries Kwa but suggested that if the ear scars, but also bear his barbershop plastic costs.

Yesterday afternoon, the Chengdu Chinese Commercial News reporters Zai Qingyang and Tai Daolong Street saw the 25-year-old guy Mr. Ke. His right ear wrapped in thick gauze. According to him, March 11 at 3 pm,woolrich outlet, he went to Jin Kang Street "on the order of US industry" haircut, after about a few minutes, a sharp pain in the right ear: barber scissors actually cut to his right ear edge,tiffany italia, ears suddenly bleeding.

Subsequently, Mr. Ke and staff together to a nearby clinic Wuhou collaborative doctor immediately for processing. Yesterday, collaborative Po surgical clinic doctors,, wound about two centimeters long, but fortunately did not hurt the cartilage, but the ear bleeding capillaries and eventually wound 8 sewing needle.

I am very focused on the image!

Injury in the right ear, wound about two centimeters long, cartilage does not hurt,, but the ear bleeding capillaries and eventually wound 8 sewing needle. The guy said he was 25 years old, not playing a friend, but also features the ear, ear injury worry,, will impact on the future of work and life

You have a big opening!

Barber shop agrees to pay all medical expenses and Kwa loss of fees, but would leave a scar Kwa proposed surgery,, plastic surgery costs up to several million, they feel require too much,, obviously a big opening, there is no consent.

Zage occurred


Suddenly the young man turned to look beautiful?


Barber approached next female customer?

Barber how to cut the ears, barber shop and customers uncompromising.

Manager, said the store has surveillance, but temporarily not available

Barber how to cut the ears? Mr. Ke and the shop gives a different view.

Mr. Ke told reporters in Chengdu Commercial Daily, the incident occurred,, barbers and female customers in the chat, you may think of female customers want to dye your hair color, distracted him, and cut into his ear.

Deck the US industry Jin Lu Hong Street barber shop barber manager denied the incident and other customers chatting argument. The manager said, things just the opposite is suddenly turned to look at female customers Kwa next,, because the boys already short hair, barber accidentally cut this to the Kwa ears.

When the Chengdu Chinese Commercial News reporters Xun Wen and Li Fadian whether surveillance video, Lu manager said there is monitoring, but the two sides are coordinating this matter, do not want to provide video.

Yesterday afternoon, the Chengdu Business Daily reporter saw a barber collaborative clinic Xiaocao in Wuhou. As to why would cut to the ear? Mr. Ke turned to look in the end there is no female customer next? Xiao Cao said the incident is too fast, he was not quite clear, but in any case, he has a responsibility on the matter, and now it is imperative to good Kwa medicine,, he is willing to bear the medical expenses, has spent 1,000 yuan, all by him commitment.

Zage solve it


Lost income to pay for medical expenses not finished


Guy even tens of thousands of cosmetic surgery costs

Plastic costs may require tens of thousands, the two sides failed to reach agreement.

The doctor said, wound healing well, and only a slight swelling of the

Ear was cut, Kwa very worried.

Mr. Ke told Chengdu Business Daily reporter that he was 25 years old this year, not playing a friend, but also a part of the ear facial features, he feared ear injuries, will impact on the future of work and life. He said that if the wound scar on the ear, he wanted to restore plastic, and plastic costs may require three to four million. In this regard, he and his family have been carried out in consultation with the barber shop too, but the barber shop might be listening to become four million one hundred thousand yuan, said he was extortion, the two sides failed to reach agreement on this.

Barber shop manager,burberry outlet online italia, said Lu, after the event, they actively seek medical treatment, accompanied by Mr. Ke,air jordan discount, the store also agreed to pay all medical expenses and Kwa loss of fees, but the other party would leave a scar plastic surgery, plastic surgery can cost up to several million They feel that require too much, obviously a big opening, there is no consent.

Wuhou Po collaborative clinic doctors, yesterday afternoon, when replacing Kwa gauze, see right ear wound recovery is good, but still a little minor swelling, need to infusion therapy, if the recovery goes, one week or so stitches you can stitches. Wounds will not leave a scar on the ear, is not to say.

Disfigurement is not much concern?


Expert: Skin laceration generally do not leave scars

Last night, the Chengdu Chinese Commercial News reporters Lian Xile and Cheng Dushi Second People's Hospital Medical Cosmetology Zhang doctors, listening to the Chengdu Business Daily reporter in the introduction, and the injured ear looked Kwa photos, Dr. Zhang said that wound down ear down, no injury to the cartilage, skin laceration but no matter. In general, if not physical scars, do not leave scars, facial appearance has little effect on the people, in this case does not require shaping. If the physical scars, it is possible scarring. By shaping the way if you want to eliminate the cost, as the case may be, the general will reach the million.

Subsequently, the Chengdu Business Daily reporter told the news of the Kwa Kwa even said, "No problem the best, thank you for helping me advice, and now my heart wide and more. Before worried because I'm young thing, do not have to get married after work and others talk about things, or playing a girlfriend, ears have a scar does not look good, I count a focus on the image of the person. "

Mr. Ke told Chengdu Business Daily reporter, after a child fell, sometimes no scars, sometimes leaving a scar, although he was not sure whether the ears will not leave a scar, but he said that if the scar is not obvious, did not affect the facial features, he will not go to surgery, but will not embarrass barber shop, "people are the same, not because of some things, and others falling out." Chengdu Chinese Commercial News reporter An Liping