High Hongming appear weak hand

Following Hangzhou, Quanzhou, Fujian,http://shuminavi.net,ray ban outlet, Guangdong Shunde, Chengdu also appeared in "best driver" in the last moment of life to protect passengers deeds: November 21 morning,cheap red bottom shoes, the bus driver Dujiangyan TRANSACTIONS sudden stroke, he used the last bit of consciousness, the completion a series of security operations to ensure the safety of passengers, himself collapsed on the seat, after He died, unfortunately died.

Brakes, pull over, stop, turn off, pull the key ...... "If these actions are not high teacher in the last moments of life, we are in danger." Speaking of the scene at Tianhong Wu passengers still vivid in my mind. In recent days,http://www.k2.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp, Dujiangyan bus driver's story touched a high of Chengdu Hongming,hogan sito ufficiale, was affectionately known as "the most beautiful driver."


Sudden stroke drivers endure the pain stop

The incident was rush hour at 8:20 on November 21 or so high Hongming 13 bus driving through Dujiangyan IT Avenue, sudden stroke. At that time, the car carrying more than 20 passengers. Bus company provides video display: High Hongming appear weak hand, drape situation through an intersection, the vehicle is slowing down, but he was still conscious manipulation of the steering wheel, bypassing a large truck parked in front after only struggling to step aside at this time Gao Hongming dump to the right, but immediately they struggled up, continue to control the steering wheel. Then, near the passenger perceived wrong and tried to help high Hongming operation. In high Hongming start with your left hand to pull the brake switch and unplug the car keys in the passenger with the help of the vehicle to a complete stop after he collapsed on the steering wheel.

Passengers moved

"We're safe, but unfortunately he is gone."

"Under the circumstances of sudden illness,http://yoga.e-kuchikomi.info, he always insisted to stop the car safely. If not him, we estimate that the car people have life-threatening." Passenger said. Passengers safe, but unfortunately died TRANSACTIONS. He at 16:40 the next day after she died, at the age of 52 years.

"In the last moment of life,http://57290.vhost40.cloudvhost.net/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=101288, he did put passengers first, diligently adhere to safe driving rules." Gao Hongming colleagues, Dujiangyan city bus company Giambi member Wu Hao told reporters that high Hongming honest man,http://onigdesign.com/error.html, usually the language is not more serious practical work efficiency, diligent, has a good reputation among his colleagues. Dujiangyan city bus company in Europe,gucci handbags outlet, chairman of Yunnan said that since the work TRANSACTIONS never had a traffic accident, is an excellent pilot.

Observation of reflection

Call attention to the driver groups

Since May of this year, "the most beautiful driver" deeds throughout emerging: for the "best driver" stories emerging phenomenon, Sichuan Academy of Social Sciences researcher believes Hu Guangwei,air max femme, ethics is an important part of civic virtue, the driver's career ethical requirements in any case they must be the first to passenger safety. No doubt, these "beautiful driver" is a model abide by professional ethics, their behavior is sublime.

In praise of "the most beautiful driver",http://dspace.rcccs.rikkyo.ac.jp, but the community also frequently appeared the bus driver for the deteriorating health condition of sudden death,http://www.curtisawood.com, stroke, etc.,http://tomandjoy.net/coppermine/displayimage.php?album=17&pos=9/RS=%5EADA.F3qGtrvNTVmNyQgMYVqvC9xG9Y-, urged the health of this group should focus on strengthening their medical services and leave arrangements, "and then If the United States at the expense of the beauty of life as the price is regrettable. "

According to Xinhua News Agency

(Original title: Driver sudden stroke left hand brakes to keep a car)