City Spiritual Civilization Office staff

Recently, the migrant workers Cuozao name written into the list of the city's 2011 Outstanding Volunteer of the just released. 8 years, he do a good job at work, blood donation has 13 times, a total donation amounted to 5200 ml, more than one person's total body blood. Also driven around nearly 200 people to join the glorious blood donation team.

Xia Yongsheng, 41, is the first former Bayan farm farmers. 1999, in the business of losing money Bayan work came to Omaha, the site has done work force, kicking over three Lajiao ......

In 2001, a chance, Xia Yongsheng and Cuozao started learning Chinese massage techniques and work in the city over bath was removed. May 15, 2004, through summer and into the nearby village shops Xiangfang work,, see roadside blood donation drive, "blood glorious" characters appealed to him. After stepped forward to ask,,hogan outlet milano, summer spot donate 400 ml. "Originally, I, like many people, although there willingness to donate blood, but psychologically there is some fear. But once offered,, I think the body without any discomfort, also relieved." With this personal experience, while helping more people, Xia Yongsheng firm's willingness to donate blood. From that time onwards, every year in April and October, he has time to donate blood, and now has developed a lifestyle, until last year, he has to donate blood 13 times, a total volume of 5200 ml of blood donation.

"In the city, more than systemic blood donation amount (about 5000 ml) of people and not less, valuable point lies in his own blood donation, while also driving around more relatives and friends to join the blood donation team, many of whom are his Yuke have served. "Deputy Director of the Office of Municipal Committee Wang Jun donation.

Under encouragement, love Yeung King is now donate nine times, for a total 3400 ml. See Xia Yongsheng blood donation registration, often have the same names appear,tiffany milano, and as time goes on, the number is growing. Guests Cuozao in peacetime, Xia Yongsheng often work side edge and a guest chatter homely,, incidentally publicity, promotion blood donation. Mr. Gao is a unit staff patrons, two years ago, driven by the summer added to the blood donation team, now has 1200 ml of blood donation. He said the donation to benefit the body, better equipped to help others, to promote social harmony, under the leadership of , she also added to this glorious collective.

Under advocacy,, specifically how many people are beginning to voluntary blood donation, summer and he is numerous, but there are a conservative calculation of nearly 200 people. At work,louboutin homme pas cher, guests attentive service, a lot of service to everyone exceptionally fresh. Drinking and bathing almost choking guests had to wake him; for hypoglycemia promptly brought a cup of sugar; too many times to take care of elderly people fall in the bathroom ...... in his Cabinet, a disinfectant, Band-Aids,, gauze, sugar Block and other emergency supplies ready reserve and updates, free for guests to use during critical. Therefore, he was awarded the city's 33rd labor model in 2010, 93 in 2011 and became the city of outstanding volunteers in one.

City Spiritual Civilization Office staff, as a migrant worker, the couple are engaged Cuozao Xia Yongsheng work, but it has to contribute to this action obligations and responsibilities of the city,louis vuitton borse, is commendable. It is because of his eight years as one day insist on blood donation, blood donation volunteers to act as advocates and,nike air max pas cher, over the years,, the city became the only city Cuozao outstanding volunteer work.

During the interview,, Xia Yongsheng holding four "offer this card" told reporters that he was a soldier, it is a party. As a general Cuozao foreign workers, but their ability to do, to do little things for the community and others. If this is a "glorious", then he must put his stick in the end.

 Harbin News reporter Ye Yong