burst into the scene once again

East Lake an auto repair shop nocturnal fire

Unfortunately, the owner of both the victims of the fire to save his niece

WASHINGTON (trainee reporter Tan Delei) last night, East Lake Road, an auto repair shop two elegant, a fire claimed two lives, people sighed with regret. Reporters learned that the owner after the escape, return to the scene to try to rescue trapped on the second floor of the seven-year-old niece, the results of both trapped in the fire unfortunately died of suffocation.

East Lake incident Wujiashan two Ya Road 142 individual self-cheat auto repair shop. Fire is a two-storey bungalows, yesterday morning, the reporter saw at the scene of the fire, all the items on the first floor was burned to ashes, a hanging in the house burned to the center of the mini-van steel.

Reporters understand that, last night around 8:00, auto repair shop on the first floor is open suddenly caught fire, the flames in the body after exposure to the fuel tank,http://www.free-info-site.com, the fire spread rapidly. Witnesses said Ms. Chen was found after the fire, the store workers first splash with pots, trying to douse the fire, the fire did not think the bigger splash, simply can not under control. The fire then spread from the first floor to the second floor, will engulf the entire shop, "a large group large groups of smoke constantly wafting from the second floor window." After the fire, East Lake Fire Squadron Wujiashan organization departments rushed to the scene,cheap red bottom, 15 minutes to extinguish the fire.

Reporters learned that, after the fire, the owner Mr. generation from the fire escape,http://weather.kdka.com, suddenly remembered the 7-year-old niece also trapped on the second floor. He braved the fire and smoke, burst into the scene once again,nike tn pas cher, to the second floor, trying to rescue his niece. But this time go after him and niece were down in the fire pit, never able to escape.

Night around 11:00, after the fire was completely extinguished, neighbors rushed into the fire pit and fire officers, on the first floor found lying on the ground on behalf of Mr. and niece. We quickly carried away two fire, rushed to East Lake People's Hospital,Nike air max pas cher,http://tgm1.pta-koho.jp, unfortunately, both of whom were pronounced dead due to his injuries.

Yesterday, at the scene,http://thiefmissions.com/search.cgi, and the family on behalf of the President, told reporters in the fire was the tragic death of his younger brother and a younger daughter. The two who have not been burned, in addition to nose bled, but even the clothes are good. Ms. generation,timberland outlet, said: "When the fire broke out,chanel borse, my daughter was on the second floor watching TV, May 3 that her 7-year-old birthday."

Ms. lieu of that, when the fire broke out last night, she was out of work. 21:10 Xu, her brother came two Nga Road auto repair shop and found the fire brigade is fire, the scene has been blocked, do not let anyone near. Shop worker told her teacher and the child is still on the second floor, but she and her mother could only stand on the edge anxious.

Reporters learned from relevant departments of East Lake,http://www.cacenglish.com/index.php?item/create_form/1, after a preliminary investigation, the fire burned area of about 30 square meters. After the fire,http://sfbs2.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=40330, the principal leaders of East Lake night to convene the relevant departments to deploy the aftermath disposal. Currently, the cause of the fire is under investigation.

Right: looking at the auto repair shop burned, on behalf of the mother of the deceased Mr. grief,http://image35.bannch.com/bbs/86420/img/0054418109.cgi, said his son was to save his niece was dead. Reporter Tao photo

(Original title: the owner of both the victims of the fire to save his niece,http://www.sealinkall.com:89/upload/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=168253, unfortunately)