and motor memory

"Driving hidden rules" to seek justice ,, Ms. Zhu protagonist can beam a final because the plaintiff did not agree in the end; 17-year-old brother next door, 7 year-old girl allegedly raped girls family is also applied to the public security organs polygraph, and ultimately the public security authorities say Oscar minors, and no longer its polygraph ......

They are the "polygraph" pass, that the "lie detector" What kind of a situation is how it? I believe many people will feel very mysterious at the same time, people will it produce a question: whether a person is lying, it really can be the instrument measured out?

Polygraph process and the same movie

It has been involved in the first trial court Anhui "lie detector" to identify cases Yaohai District Court trial Tribunal supervisor Wang Yong, polygraph, psychological tests that multi-parameter analyzer, the main test indicators in blood pressure,, heart rate, skin resistance and Respiratory four aspects. Polygraph time is usually 1 to 1.5 hours.

Because when the polygraph,chanel outlet italia, polygraph except when those other people are not allowed to enter, so when the contractor Anhui Wang Yong's first party applying for a polygraph test, during, and he just outside the test room, and through over the glass to see the part of the internal situation.

"And the movie is the same, that is, between the polygraph has a special place in the chair, and then let the testers sit on a chair, polygraph division in its chest, abdomen, temples and other parts of the body, put a white discs, these discs attached wire, the wire is also connected to the polygraph, after all this ready, polygraph division began to ask questions to be tested, and ready to record the next polygraph data show. "

Polygraph generally involves privacy issues

"In the week before to conduct polygraph, lie detector polygraph division and then for being the case, a good test questions, and the test questions are arranged in a certain order, when tested in accordance with the form of questions and answers will be questions from the polygraph division. "

Wang Yong, due to the problems for the polygraph will generally relate to privacy, so it will not let other people into the room polygraph, so he was not even the judges are excluded.

Allegedly, the problem is also very conventional polygraph, but asked very special way. First polygraph division general questions, the problem is very simple, is "What is your name?" "What usually hobby?" And so on, and then suddenly asked an unconventional question,, such as "do you sinned," and then ask routine questions, then ask unconventional questions ...... interspersed with so until the question completely, and then compare the probability of a liar by saying the truth and say that the probability of the polygraph who were judged to be tested Does it mean that a lie.

"Polygraph" is the actual measured physiological changes

In fact,, a lie is not directly measurable, actual polygraph test is accompanied by psychological changes manifested in physiological changes. People in times of tension, there will be significant changes in respiration, body surface will be sweating slightly, there will be changes in blood volume per unit of time,hogan outlet roma, there will be a significant increase in blood pressure.

Polygraph is through these most subtle changes, to test whether the parties had lied. There are examples that can be used to explain, for example, someone suddenly yelled loudly behind you,, even if you were relatively calm performance, but emotional memory behavior, and motor memory, visual memory,, auditory memory will be aroused, will be in the brain reproduction of the cortex, the cerebral cortex excitability changes,hogan outlet sito ufficiale, it creates a strong mood swings, but also inevitably lead to a certain physiological changes (such as changes in respiratory,, skin, blood pressure, etc.), and these changes are subject to the human autonomic nervous dominated, not by the people of conscious control. In layman's terms is that "your body betrayed yourself."

Two types of people will fail polygraph

"Things are dialectical, we should also see that any instrument is not a panacea, absolutely right. In the polygraph, the only people being polygraph lie subjective intent only effective if people are not aware of subjects In the polygraph, polygraph test will not work, but this is rarely the case. "Yong said," although according to statistics polygraph accuracy can reach 98%, but there are two types of people polygraph is its useless, one specially trained people, such agents; there is itself suffering from certain diseases, such as the mentally ill and suffering from skin diseases and other physical ailments personnel, is not to pass the polygraph test liar. "

So, why did the province polygraph institutions do? Yong said the first polygraph price of the machine is more expensive, and secondly, the use of the polygraph machine must be specifically identified by a neutral agency, judicial side effect.

■ News Links

Anhui civil court sentenced a polygraph test to identify Anshou

April 5, 2004, Wu Hefei Yaohai to court, sued to undertake a high-class residential area into a project leader, demanded 700,000 yuan loan and interest of $ 100,000.

But in the case to trial, the defendant denied the Wu borrowed money. When the judge asked the plaintiff and defendant in court if the parties are willing to take a polygraph exam, they are willing to accept.

After analyzing the test data based on judgment, the defendant responsible person from the loan contract dispute in which the statement was significantly higher than the credibility of the plaintiff and witnesses. The trial again, the plaintiff requested the withdrawal, the court agreed to its withdrawal application.

17-year-old brother raped 7-year old girl next door?

June 27, 2010, 7-year-old who lives in Hefei Feidong ring girl Xiaoqing guide Bi Township east group home raped, after Xiaoqing identified the suspect man East group completed 17 year-old boy Oscar .

Although two people want to identify whether the matter through the polygraph and the Oscar-related, but according Xiaoqing's father said, and ultimately the public security organs to Oscar minors, citing its decision to no longer polygraph.

KTV where things get a polygraph to speak

In early August, a pseudonym for "King play" friends, said in a posting on a forum in Hefei, "which in the course of Hefei X driving school to learn to drive, and was 'sub principals' molested, then their husband went to the theory,prada outlet online, the anti- is abusive, beaten. " This caused a heated debate online.

After the incident, in order to restore the reputation of the "sub-president" a beam filed a lawsuit to the court for compensation for moral poster Ms Chu losses and economic damages of $ 100,jordan pas cher,000.

To prove himself to be sexual harassment,, Ms. Zhu apply to the court to do a polygraph test. Ultimately,, because the plaintiff did not consent to a beam in the end. Our reporter Zhang Yao people four school