"I think the teacher's mind is good

In order to hold the dance students practicing slim, Shandong Institute of the Arts School of Dance teacher college department came up with such a move - the first weighed before the class, if you find weight gain, then fine deal for students. Yesterday, when reporters call the Mountain Arts Dance Academy, a teacher, his answer was "This is the school thing,http://tazawa.net/mas/cgi-bin/ebs/bbs/bbs.cgi, you have no control."

"Because of the shape of the dance for more stringent requirements, in order to control weight, the teacher provides a pound of meat per long would a fine of 10 yuan, and now we generally with weekly weigh, every time that will be very nervous,, afraid of the scale. "Mountain Dance Arts Academy student Li secondary department,http://www.gitc.pref.nagano.lg.jp, told reporters.

In order to confirm this statement Mike, the reporter interviewed some of the students Dance Academy. They told reporters that they have asked the teacher did so many people have been fined money. One has graduated Dance Academy students told reporters, when they came to the school, there is such a provision, although not written down in black and white, but the teachers are so physical requirements. "We usually have more attention in the diet, plus the usual amount of training, too much weight is generally not overweight, but every place finish summer vacation, we are the most painful time, then said to be weighing a hit fear, some students can grow 5-10 pounds of weight, had no choice but to obediently pay a fine. "The graduates told reporters. Therefore, in order not overweight, some students before class Ganhe not even water.

First class weighed fat fines

Afraid to go home after a good meal to swallow table

Hill Dance Academy for Arts teacher to control students with fine fat approach,http://sportsfan.jpn.org/cgi-kban/sunbbs.cgi?mode=form&no=45&page=2, many parents of students in the offing. Parents Liu told reporters that her daughter home last weekend, had made a table of good food want to improve the look of her life, but her daughter would not dare to eat a few bites to eat,prada outlet, and that is going to be fine if the weight gain . Schools are not overcharged not it? Such fines be reasonable it?

"I think the teacher's mind is good, but the practice is simply ridiculous, and now this is the age of the children need nutritional supplements, long height, weight gain, when,http://www.mega.t-kougei.ac.jp, although dancing on the stature required, but there is no need to be so harsh ,http://kutarr.lib.kochi-tech.ac.jp, which makes children afraid to eat every day, eat only fruit drink of water, we do the parents looked very distressed. "Liu told reporters.

Interview,http://vegalta7.s156.xrea.com/aska/aska.cgi/index.php?/news/comments/20080708_worlds_most_worthless_money, the reporter learned that, although there are some parents think the school's student intention is good,air jordan discount, but belong to the "meaning but misguided." "School teachers should be banned in any form of fines and corporal punishment of students, although it is a good starting point and the destination is to the student's future, but the right way, can not gain weight as much of a fine,nike tn pas cher, so economic sanctions will eventually be transferred to the the parents, but also easily lead to student resentment. "



For students and parents say, fake reporters yesterday, said it was the parents first, called the Mountain Arts department of a college teacher, surnamed Li, phone, he explained that this is just an urge for control of individual teachers and students to make weight measures. "In past years also this is mainly to control the student's body."

According to this argument the name of the teacher, surnamed Li, fines are not "real thing." "The teacher does not rely on the means to make money, if you found that students gain weight, the teacher let the students pay a fine, but if the child's weight down lower and lower, we will refund the money to the students." Li said China now specifically the Department of Dance has two classes of specific classes which are being implemented this way,http://lovehote.com/vueru/vu/ve.cgi, he will have to verify the specific understanding.

When the reporter identified himself and asked Li when this measure will continue to implement it, he said: "This is the school thing, you have no control over." Then hastily hung up the phone.

In previous years to do, just urge measures

The proportion of normal height and weight on reasonable



For this approach the school, Qianfoshan hospital doctors said, and now the children are in college ministry 20 years of age, it is the body a long time. The child's body can not be too thin, too thin may affect the child physically, especially girls,tn requin pas cher, too thin may affect the development of even the menstrual cycle.

Doctors recommend daily intake of calories to meet the body's needs,louis vuitton outlet italia, as long as the ratio of height and weight, keep it in the normal ratio range is reasonable. The second is to strengthen the training exercise, especially for Dance students, more emphasis on the waist and other parts; to guide students to stay in shape, on the one hand to a reasonable diet, pay attention to nutrition, to ensure that the intake of calories needed to maintain normal growth particularly important.