■ reporter Liu Xiaobo,hogan outlet milano

"Dad, Mom, I'm sorry." After midnight on November 9, at the new campus of Hunan Institute of Engineering sophomore boys attending parents were sending a message,http://www.city-yanai.jp, disappeared.

Five days later, on November 14 in the afternoon, a few kilometers away from the school Yangtianhu Xiangjiang River in Xiangtan, Lifeng Yu's body was found. Parents believe that the school management negligence led to the tragedy.


Burst SMS son said, "I'm sorry"

Evening of November 9,http://artistside.com, Nanyue District of Hengyang City, a residential, 43-year-old Li Chunhui yet to sleep with his wife, when the phone rings, is far in Xiangtan son Lifeng Yu calling. "He told us to say hello,http://npk-gardening.com/cgi-def/admin/C-002/bbs/visit/main.pl?PAGE_NUM=1%20[PLM, talking and laughing, with the usual no different." Li Chunhui memories.

19-year-old son Lifeng Yu, Hunan Institute of Computer and Communication Engineering School. Night 11:40 Xu, Li Chunhui couple received a phone were "sorry" message is sent to his son. Calls in the past couple again,chanel outlet, son phone off.

[Bad news]

Five days later the remains found in the Xiangjiang

The next day, Li Chunhui just to Xiangtan county meeting. 10 am, he went to his son's bedroom, the son can not. Roommate said Lifeng Yu did not return last night, which makes Li Chunhui increasingly uneasy, the school began to look for.

One day, two days ...... no Lifeng Yu news. At 14:30 on November 14,louis vuitton outlet, in Xiangtan strains prone intersection Yangtianhu Xiangjiang River, Xiangtan Marine Police found a body floating. After identification, this man was missing five days of Lifeng Yu.

November 15, police issued a "death certificate", saying "Lifeng Yu Department of death into the water alive, estimated time of death within five days."


School guard useless

"Hey man to school, so no, that I can not help sad?" Sad Li Chunhui school administration raised many questions.

Said Li Chunhui, November 9, Lifeng Yu did not go to class one day, arguably the school should "Charles Church", was detected absences should promptly investigate the cause. But the school did not find this situation, let alone find a student conversation.

Also, although the school guard system,scarpe hogan 2015, but useless. Li Chunhui,http://www.jd010.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=68762, said his son was the evening of November 9 11:30 out of the back door from the campus, did not return after night, you can open the back door of the camera did not, nor out of his son's registration. "Students out of school late at night, the guard should have timely registration, may in fact did not do."

"If I have to find people missing school, who knows how long it can be found?" Li Chunhui believe that school management loose, dereliction of duty, is the main cause of death Lifeng Yu. "If the school can fulfill their duties in the management,http://www.axiabridge.com/sunbbs/sunbbs.cgi, early detection and early treatment, his son probably would not hurt."


Schools to consider "granting humanitarian grants"

"We infer that he was suicidal plunge." Director of Student Affairs Office of Hunan Institute of Engineering, said Zhang Yudong, Li Yufeng lifetime female attendant on the league secretary is better, "count as love, we do not explore."

It is reported that on November 8, girls to break Lee; 9 evening, Lee met with these girls, 11:40 that night, the girls received the same Lifeng Yu "sorry" message.

The challenge facing parents,http://www.fabcityrealtors.com, Zhang Yudong explained that although the set of guards, but the school without walls, accessible, access is basically freedom; dormitories require lights bedtime 23:00, "If you want to force students to go to bed, we can not will he shut up. "He also said that the school has special circumstances, some students avoid hearing the case, waiver, university classroom education does not have to attendance.

Zhang Yudong said, according to "Student Injury Treatment" issued by the Ministry of Education, for students to commit suicide,http://seoblo.seesaa.net, the school just to fulfill the corresponding duties, there is no inappropriate behavior, can not be held liable. "Even if there is no responsibility, we will consider granting humanitarian grants."

Students recalled

Last seen deleted QQ, tore a book

Lvpeng Dong (student): I was Lifeng Yu roommate. 10 morning, Lifeng Yu's father came to the squad room, lay people and the teacher are recruited. We pry Lifeng Yu cupboard and found his wallet, keys,prada outlet, ID cards and so locked inside, neatly folded clothes. There is a cupboard tore the book,http://sougouwiki.com, write the what, when torn, we are not clear. And he's QQ has been deleted, there is no so-called suicide note was found.

Wang Ning (teacher): I guess Lifeng Yu suicide. His introverted personality, sometimes I do not say anything to see, you can not really abnormal reaction in advance.

Reporters tried to contact to have to be good with Lee that girls, unsuccessful.