thank you ten years of parenting

Father to give her a poor family in Huai "free"

Mother in Shanghai net worth hundreds of millions to give her "the future"

Bengbu staged shootout wins 13-year-old girl child is still hovering

Reporter Wang Xudong Zhang Huo text / Chart

One side is 13 years adoptive upbringing, although located in the countryside only to meet the food and clothing, to give her the life freely without the pressure of learning,, and only with the nature of freedom.

"That's not freedom, is indulgence, she must leave the foster father." One side is the mother, now a net worth of hundreds of millions in the greater Shanghai, insisted her daughter back to her aristocratic life and education.

But after six months of her life in Shanghai, came back to the Huai countryside. World War II was still a child wins passion staged, where to go, 13-year-old girl is still difficult choices.

Hardly sleep last night: Daughter select the "escape" of aristocratic life

Month, the very fact that Shanghai is often hardly sleep last night. 13-year-old daughter, Huihui (a pseudonym) to and return, and returned to the countryside, far away in Huai adoptive home, anxious to make her uneasy.

Two days ago, the very fact that Canada's immigration notice, so she went with her daughter Huihui interview. "Through immigration to the most critical time, the interview, if passed, would mean that immigrant success, money is not a problem for us." Yesterday afternoon, the very fact that the phone frantically told reporters that she was doing the best for her daughter's life planning, to her aristocratic life and education, but her daughter would rather return to the country, there is likely to miss the opportunity to interview.

Ms. Zhang and her husband both over 40 years old this year, and in the greater Shanghai through ten years of hard work, now a net worth of hundreds of millions. According to its introduction,, in addition to her several children have emigrated to other countries, is enjoying the best education, but only Huihui people adopt a child from an early age, due to the poor condition of the adoptive father in the countryside, conditions Huihui education imagined.

The very fact that shooting a few photos passed reporter, is Huihui in Shanghai a few bedroom scenes, its surprising level of luxury. "This villa worth more than ten million, we want to make up for her,louis vuitton outlet, so she had the best life, everything is good for her, what does not satisfy her? She does not understand why a mother's heart?" End of the line, the very fact that puzzled face.

Interview with father: 13 years raising her daughter better than pro

Why did Ms. Zhang Huihui anyone to adopt a child of her daughter? The answer is simple, thirteen years ago, Ms. Zhang and her husband is nothing, just arrived from Huaiyuan County Grand Shanghai hard, no energy and the ability to take care of several children, so I chose the youngest daughter Huihui given away.

That was in October 1999, Huihui was born two months time, the neighboring town Li Zhangcui Huaiyuan Shuangqiaoshan couple adopt a child with her, named Li Xinyu. But after more than a year in Xinyu adopt a child, and his wife gave birth to a daughter Li Xinhui,, eight years later, another son Li thought.

"Although Xinyu is adopt a child, but we are even better than her own daughter." Lizhang Cui said that each time Xinyu and Xinhui up trouble, he and his wife are criticizing the new session,nike air max pas cher, but never blame Xinyu because Xinyu is adopt a child, you can not make her feel a difference, so that others do not want to leave drifted statement said.

Speaking on a good daughter Xinyu, Li Zhangcui mood seemed very excited. He said that ten years ago, he had never beaten Xinyu once. Just adopt a child when Xinyu poor physique,, hands and a hemangioma, is holding his Xinyu, time and time again from the hospital in Bengbu City, the ultimate cure her illness.

"Xinyu love meat, chicken is my favorite." said that although the family was poor, but in order to meet Xinyu, always save from the other side, meat and chicken for her to eat, festive and Xinyu's birthday, chicken is certainly indispensable.

Doting indulgence: a daughter to worry about mistakenly request back to Shanghai

Daughter Huihui Li Changcui mention upbringing, Ms. Zhang also expressed gratitude. But the prospect of starting everything from her, not because of gratitude and missed her daughter's life. She believes that Li Changcui doting daughter is an indulgence, rather than the so-called "free" life, so go,, just let her be a wild child, but eventually nothing.

Recently, the reporter came to interview home, a few dilapidated cottage,hogan outlet milano, see decent furniture, family poverty can be imagined. This home, also experienced the general people can not afford a disaster and pain. After 2009, gave birth to the son of Li want wife of three months, when the time out to visit relatives came back late, met thunderstorm weather, when passing through from the high-voltage lines, was struck by lightning, killed, leaving Li Changcui and three children, and elderly mother. To take care of the home, Li Zhangcui not long migrant workers, meager income farming and odd jobs,", the family began to cross the poorer.

Lee family's decline and incomplete, exacerbating the very fact that the determination to get back to her daughter Huihui. In her view, if not the daughter to Shanghai, let her continue to stay in Lee, not only did not enjoy good conditions for education, but Li Zhangcui its laissez-faire attitude on the formation of personality will be flawed.

Agreement: one hundred thousand yuan compensation to get back custody of her daughter

In June 2011, Ms. Zhang and her husband and his party, Li Changcui came home to visit her daughter Huihui, and left 5,000 yuan. Because that day odd jobs are not at home in Nanjing, after telephone communication, the two sides meet at the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge.

In a hotel near Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge, the very fact of say the idea of going back to Huihui. "Everything is good for the children, I hope you can understand, thank you ten years of parenting, we are relatives, your home in the future we will take care of the other two children, will they also go to Shanghai." In order to express the heart strong idea, the very fact to intercede to knees.

A month later, in Huihui also expressed their willingness to return to the premise of biological parents, the two sides signed an agreement in Huaiyuan county,, the agreement, Li Changcui voluntarily sent back to the very fact that the sons and daughters around, thanks for all these years Li Zhangcui upbringing of grace, the very fact that payment of one hundred thousand yuan compensation. The agreement also stipulated as Huihui prefer, you can move back to the adoptive family, father Li Changcui with the approval of the consent of the biological parents, or you can go to Shanghai to visit Huihui.

After the Huihui back to Shanghai, the very fact that hurry busy open, find the best school for his daughter, but got a tutor, took her Wanbian Shanghai every fun place. I heard Huihui want to fly, immediately booked a ticket to Qinhuangdao. The very fact that my heart believes she owes much Huihui, and all of a sudden want to make it up to her.

Querfufan: 13-year-old girl linger, I do not know where to go

Suddenly passed six months time. But in between these six months, but the very fact that it is a headache to make some things happen.

Ms. Zhang Hui Hui to buy a cell phone, cell phone Huihui Li Zhangcui made contact with the father. Occasionally contact this down nothing, but contact too often, or even receive text messages during class, Li Changcui told her he wanted her not to go, but the very fact forced. Teacher told Ms. Zhang, Hui Hui unable to focus in class, after school regularly and father on the phone.

After the phone back Huihui, Huihui students began to adoptive phone texting. The very fact that emergency, call , asking him to stop contacting her daughter. "This will affect her learning must contact us if you want to."

However,tiffany milano, it seems that more and more thoughts Huihui father, she said, her father is good, never beaten her, nor the pressure of learning. Under her strong demand, a month ago, she left Shanghai, returned to the father's side.

"I discipline her what was wrong? She is still small, naive, regardless of religion, if so,, then what is different with a wild child?" The very fact that this end of very angry, she thought entirely cause mischief from Huihui future sake, Li Changcui should not interfere with her life and study, if miss Huihui, you can come to see, rather than back to the past Huihui life situation. "I must let her come back." Ms. Zhang said that.

And Li Zhangcui has said, is the daughter of their own choice to come back, which he did not play tricks, big daughter have their own ideas,chanel outlet, if she wanted to go back to Shanghai again, that is her freedom.

"Great Shanghai good, or good Huai countryside?" Bridging the town center in the elementary school, the reporter asked Huihui.

"Shanghai is good."

"Then again, you are willing to go to Shanghai?"

"I want to leave my father (Li Zhangcui)."

In the 13-year-old Huihui heart, in fact, she is still tangled, the choice of the future still linger, while the Enchongrushan, one side is thicker than water, for young minds who will have to make a cruel choice how difficult it is. She go from here, welcome readers to participate in discussions, will send text messages to your opinion and explain the reasons.