you say that the rescue team

Henan Chinese Commercial News reporter Xing Jun 9th night,]?%A7%E6?%A7%F1, two tourists were trapped in Gubongsan Xinxiang Huixian, Henan outdoor Rescue Corps assistance. Rescue team to the fastest way to rescue them, wanted by the day approached JieShan scenic road,borse louis vuitton outlet,, but the door was blocked in the area, and finally, to negotiate more than 40 minutes, to pay 30 yuan was able to enter the parking fee. Yesterday, the day JieShan scenic responded that tourists are not trapped in the area, did not know in the end the rescue team is doing, if the rescue team can contact us in advance, the resort will not be stopped in.


Tourists trapped in the mountains

Outdoor rescue team for help

Yesterday, recalling the 9th mountain rescue thing, One Foundation Rescue League of Henan Huixian outdoor Rescue Corps rescue squad captain small force still felt "Wohuo."

Day 22:50 Xu, Henan outdoor rescue corps received a call for help tourists Wang. The party of 30 people, the morning climbing Gubongsan Huixian, then she and another person with other players lost,nike pas cher pour homme, get lost in the mountains, and turned over several hills, still have not found down the road. Now trapped in a hillside, past hope rescuers can save.

Questioning the situation, Henan Xinxiang outdoor Rescue Rescue Corps detachment, Huixian rescue squad rapid build-up, rushed to the rescue scene. Small force said he nearby mountains very well, Ms. Wang said the situation from the point of view,,air max homme pas cher, should be in the position they were trapped Cross Ridge. From a security point of view, but also to be able to quickly put people rescued, they decided approached the road, across from Xinxiang days JieShan area.

Around 12:00 that night, he and five players with rescue tools, went to the entrance area, but here they were stopped by officers on duty.

Twists and turns

Pay 30 yuan parking fees

Only let into the area

Li said the small, scenic duty officer asked them doing, he said,, is to save lives,woolrich outlet, there are two tourists were stranded in the mountains. Small force believes that they wear printed with "One Foundation Rescue Alliance" clothes, carrying a rope, a flashlight, it should be able to prove that they are to save lives, not to play in. But the other said, must first consult the leadership to go in, but they do not provide leadership on the phone.

Because they can not be allowed to enter, they finally through personal relationships, a contact on the scenic mid-level leadership. This is the name of the leadership that can enter, but to buy insurance and pay parking fees. "Insurance 5 dollars per person, which we understand, but parking fees are hard to understand." Small force that they are a total of three cars, but through the area,, to say such a relief in itself is a public act should scenic stand by.

After more than 40 minutes of negotiations, the rescue team finally bought the insurance,, pay 30 yuan parking fees will be allowed through the area. At 3:20 on the 10th Xu, the rescue team successfully rescued the stranded tourists.

One of the rescue team, said the rescue many times have appeared before a similar incident, "Nan Shan territory now basically in the area, most of the aid goes through the area, if such charges are each scenic, we really 'save can not afford 'the. "


Vehicles into the area, to contact with the leadership in advance

Yesterday, the Henan Business Daily reporter contacted Li days JieShan scenic marketing department, he said, when they (the rescuers) say to save lives, but did not even scenic tourist trapped thing, do not know what they are doing. Later learned that was not the position of two tourists trapped in the mountain region of heaven, nor help visitors to the area, the police do not know.

"Your car into the area,, sure to contact in advance communication, you say that the rescue team, but we do not know which department you are." Li said, "If someone trapped in this scenic area,hogan interactive, the staff will certainly be the first time to scene, this time, the rescue team came, impossible not to come in. If other scenic rescue us from across the scenic definitely keep our leadership contact. "

With regard to 30 yuan parking fees, Li said, because there are two car parks within the area up and down, the door is going to make money, "If they contact us in advance,, and know that they are really to save lives, and this money will not received. "