according to company policy

Above: 8 decisive rescue the driver of the car she was driving and Zhaohui
During the morning rush hour yesterday, Nanjing, Jiangsu Road bound for a direction from yanziji 8-way bus, the driver and all passengers together compose a song of love hymn. Open bus for 18 years for the first time yesterday, the situation encountered Zhaohui car bleeding pregnant woman, but she unruffled, with the approval of the consent of the whole car passengers, the bus directly decisively toward the hospital. Because admission promptly, although miscarriage, but the peace was finally pregnant.
It is commendable that, in the whole process, all the passengers who did not have two words, the number of passengers leaving the initiative to take care of pregnant women throughout until the medical staff took over.
□ Express correspondent Li Shaofu text / photo
Critical! Pregnant women pants bleeding
Yesterday around 7:00, 8 North bus company fleet Zhaohui driving a bus, from yanziji station, bound for Jiangsu Road. Because it is the originating station, but also the morning peak hours, the passenger of the Station's particularly large, bus seats quickly filled. Zhaohui on when to launch the bus, ready to start, a woman wearing maternity clothes in the car.
"The driver, the car has a pregnant woman about to have a baby! Look at her belly looks tough, but see red." When the bus traveling to the nearby Maigaoqiao Trust-Mart stores, I wonder who the passengers shouted.
Save! Bus straight to the hospital
Zhaohui heard the cry, and immediately pull over and look at the case of pregnant women in the past. "People my age, or have some experience in this area, and I look at the past, the initial judgment that pregnant women not production, but the body there is a problem." Zhaohui said.
Zhaohui allow several female passenger to help care for pregnant women, their side back to the cab, while the comments of passengers, "the car in urgent need of treatment for pregnant women, the next stop is Maigaoqiao Square Station, I will not stop, and directly to the Maigaoqiao drove to the hospital, you do not see the line? "passengers no opinion, to allow the driver to drive quickly.
Zhaohui throttle, to the direction of opening to the hospital. A few minutes, the bus stopped at a nearby hospital Maigaoqiao door. In the meantime, passengers help pregnant women in touch with their families.
Help,! Active people care
Because buses can not enter the hospital, Zhaohui parked in the vicinity of the slow lane and let the car in a hurry passenger interchange with other vehicles. "There were nearly 10 passengers left to help, which I did not expect." Zhaohui said,, to see someone take care of pregnant women, she immediately rushed down the bus, headed for the hospital.
Leaving the passengers to help Madame Chiang recalls that bike 8 bus,tiffany outlet, most people are rushing to work. "When I thought it was only a few left to help the old lady, I did not expect to stay for several young people, there are a few men." Ms. Jiang said, pregnant women,, and later on a stretcher lift, thanks to those few left male passengers.
Because only four or five people around the stretcher, pregnant after being carried on a stretcher, previously left to some of the passengers left on their own, but there are still two of Mr. and an aunt, and two women pushing a stretcher together, send pregnant women into the hospital. After the pregnant women to health care, which only a few passengers turned to leave.
Pregnant family to the driver before leaving
"It was about 7:30 in the morning,, hospital outpatient not open the door,, only the emergency room registration window open." Zhaohui said at the time the registration window to let her go to the person on duty security,christian louboutin homme, security assistance, please contact a gynecologist.
"It was an emergency situation, I simply said the situation, from the emergency room to push a pair of wheeled stretcher with Wang Menwai go." Zhaohui recalled later in the emergency room of a registered person heard, immediately followed out to help.
Soon, Zhaohui and well-meaning people who help push the stretcher to a nearby bus. "I told the passengers on board after accidentally pregnant woman carried on a stretcher, and immediately turned around and went to the hospital to find a doctor." When she returned to the emergency room a second time,, the staff receptionist said it had contacted the obstetrician, is rushed to the emergency room.
Pregnant stretcher into the hospital and then the door. Obstetrics and gynecology doctor soon arrived, pregnant women see more bleeding, the doctor let stretcher directly into the delivery room.
Soon, the pregnant woman's family rushed to the hospital. Zhaohui simple confessed to her family situation,nike tn pas cher, back to the bus.
Driver: important to save lives
Zhaohui back to the car found that pregnant women sat on that seat full of blood, there was blood on the bus also. "I went back to the bus, follow me to help those passengers have gone all pregnant women." Zhaohui said she drove to the terminal after the Jiangsu Road, with team leaders to explain the situation and let the car wash workers to bus clean again, the line will continue to return to operations.
Zhaohui said, according to company policy, this situation is usually pull over immediately stop normal operation, then the alarm and call 120 for help, while reporting to the team. At that time may be due to an emergency situation, coupled with the accident,, although pregnant women are urgently needed medical treatment, but do not belong to the kind of injuries the patient can not move freely, in order not to waste time, she chose to drive directly to the hospital.
Miscarriage but safe for pregnant women
Yesterday afternoon,nike air max pas cher, more than two, Zhaohui Maigaoqiao after work specifically to the hospital to see that pregnant women. "She is only four months old fetus, although the hospital to treat,, but the fetus was aborted." Zhaohui said she opened the bus for 18 years, was first encountered unexpectedly pregnant women in the car.
Although Abortion family mood is not good, but still many times thank Zhaohui. Abortion pregnant woman lying on the bed to see Zhaohui visit, excitedly grabbed her hand tightly, let go for a long time.
According Maigaoqiao Hospital doctors, pregnant women admitted to hospital in a timely manner before thanks to safe and sound,air max outlet, as long as the rest period of time, the body will be fully recovered.
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