Last December 31

An elementary school "Fat Club" for students to eat nutritious meals Xinhua News Agency map
Chinese Commercial News reporter Xiao Teng
How much food people eat for a lifetime? Recently, the popular microblogging start an argument, saying that "a person's life nine tons of food to eat, eat whoever who goes first." "Life can only eat nine tonnes of" caused many netizens talk, laugh and even friends' hunger strike is not able to live forever? "The reporter found that this statement is not accurate, if calculated according to the 70-year-old life, a person's life probably eat out of 50 tons of food. Nutrition experts say, to remind people not to eat too much from this point of view, this argument may have merit.
Network transmission:
"Who ate nine tons of food who goes first."
"Yesterday, listening to a lecture, talked about supporting people who regularly eat when longevity is not easy, she said: people in this life, is to eat around about nine tons of food, eating whoever who goes first." In recent days, this microblogging spread quickly on the Internet,gucci outlet on line, netizens have control "nine tons," the ceiling can be much longer predict their many friends, said: "It seems that the rest of my days are numbered." Also have friends after reading more firmly resolve to lose weight: "In the future you really want to eat less,nike pas cher pour homme, or else not live long."
January 4, the reporter on the Sina microblogging search keywords "nine tons of food," the seizure of 446,235 results. Netizens addition to discussing its science, but also in accordance with this sentence to create a "go ahead Body", such as "people in this life, about the exam to get 9000 points, who finished acquire who goes first", "people in this life, about is the back nine thousand or so words, whoever memorized who goes first. "
Nine tons lifetime eating too little
However, this argument has also caused some users questioned, friends "××" asked: "? Life can only eat 9 tons, that I was not able to live forever on hunger strike," There are friends asked: "If you eat at least nine tons ? will die, those hundred-year-old birthday is to eat what grew up "friends" ×× "is on the" 9 t "This figure was questioned:" A person's lifetime eating rice, a truck can hold,, is not lacking? "
Reporters inquiry found that this argument originated from friends, "Green Ling probably only meow," published last December 9 in a micro-blog diary. "Qing Ling is probably only meow," told reporters that this statement is inadvertently heard people say of themselves that he is not sure whether it is true.
According to the micro-Bo "9 t" figure, the reporter conducted a calculation, it is assumed life expectancy is 70 years,, then the average, the food is eaten every day a little more than 350 grams, including such as rice, meat and vegetables. Reporters asked about the number of adults, have indicated that not enough day to eat 350 grams.
February intake equivalent to its own weight
So how much food to eat in the end a person's life is appropriate? Last December 31, the reporter contacted the scientific squirrel member, Dr. Biology,, University of California, Berkeley, "Ent-evo", he told reporters that the amount of food people eat a lifetime, according to each situation is different,, you can not give a specific figures.
According to him, the European Food Safety Authority has given a reference number, that is a standard adult one day total weight of 1500 grams eaten food and beverages. In addition, foreign countries also have statistical data show that an adult can eat the equivalent of about a month their weight food. He said: "These two data supporting each other,cheap jordans, assuming that person's life expectancy is 70 years old,ray ban prezzi, then eat the food should be around 50 tons."
"Ent-evo" introduced this piece circulated on the Internet, do not fly between just "9 t" figure,, and "whoever eating who goes first," the statement,hogan 2014, "human life and life to eat How much food is okay. "
"Eat Life Extension" There is some truth
Traditional Chinese proverb says "eat seven full, healthy living to old age," although "Nine tons of" not the right, but the Third People's Hospital of Chongqing senior nutritionist, said Liu Li, also reminds people not to binge on this piece objectively overeating. Liu Li said that a big problem is that modern people eat too much good, leading to excess nutrients, easily lead to a variety of "diseases of affluence" such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure.
A recent study from the British Institute of Health and Aging, University of London showed that lets you eat 40% life extension of 20 years and less cardiovascular disease, cancer, and neuronal degeneration and other diseases of aging are also quite effective.
How to know how much to eat yourself?
Since it is not good to eat too much, then how to know how much to eat it yourself? Liu Li said, "A person's height minus 105, that is their standard weight, combined with human activity, this person can calculate calories for one day, and thus calculate the required amount of food." Said Liu Li light manual labor required per kilogram of body weight of 30 to 35 kcal, heavy manual workers will need 40 to 45 kcal. By this calculation, a common male white-collar workers, for one day the heat is about 2400 to 2800 kcal for women is about 2200 to 2400 kcal, "an ordinary day 'main food around, rice 300-350 grams, 200 to 250 grams of meat, 500 grams of fruit and vegetables, vegetable oil 9 to 13 grams. "
Eat seven full meal fit
How match is a luxurious, Liu Li introduced, said, saying "eat early, middle eat, dinner to eat less" is the people summed up the correct regimen,, "'eat early', not to say eat more senior foods, such as a bowl of porridge in the morning, a bread and an egg, will be able to meet the body's needs. "Liu Li proposal, lunch dinner according to their own circumstances reasonable distribution of fruits and vegetables each catty. Meals not add up to more than 350 grams of rice, meat is not more than 250 grams. Given modern overeating, diet and so on. Liu Li said: there must be a limit,, "The correct way is to eat seven full day,, not too much nor too little."