I will not allow him to squeeze. " In this way

Rangers live on green belt under the viaduct, illness and the shadow of death hanging over them. Xiao Wu Wang Zhongjie taken takeout dinner is six dollars, is the youngest of several sugar buns. They gathered here and as a family, no matter when you do, rest sitting on an old couch. Zhang lying on the high platform to rest.
23-year-old and the youngest 25-year-old Xiao Wu met more than four months ago under the viaduct in the city which is the tramp who in Kunming "home." Viaduct down everyone come and go, have experienced the pain of others can not understand. Although they communicate, but do not pledge allegiance to earn a living, sleep, death and migration at the edge of crime, the whole of their lives.
Today, the youngest of the limbs have begun to fester, "can live day to day"; the same with polio Xiao Wu has been convinced that he will lead a normal life.
In the dead of Bijie five street children sparked street children rescue system to reflect the occasion, we are also concerned about the survival of the group in the dark corner of the city adults. In Kunming, there are non-governmental organizations worked out a new model of rescue of street children, and those in the community concerned about the free edge of the tramp, still it seems to be a seat abandoned island.
But, in the shadow of the shadow of illness and death, they still harbor a vision, did not give back to society.
Different cohabitant
A few months ago I moved to small arms and clean clothes under the viaduct, Tantubusu, waiting for the opportunity he rely on his own. Sleeping on the side of the third with a thin dirty quilt wrapped around the lower body, his face a thick accumulation of black, his side play phone, and occasionally stopped to flick back out of the puffy yellow pus, "There is no use, did not have to Governance of. "
October 19 afternoon, the streets of pedestrians, steady stream of vehicles,http://bbs.appjw.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=128926, the sun lazily spreading ballast in the city, cast a cool shadow under the viaduct.
Mud, cement pier side of the viaduct, the third lying motionless on a thin, dirty luggage play phone, face of a stranger visits, even the eyes do not look up. Xiao Wu Yi Gulu turn it up, staring warily.
The viaduct next two concrete barrier, the third and Xiao Wu lived in the innermost of the pier, this day only two of them. A few days ago, the youngest of their neighbors were not so small. Prior to urban cleaning, where one of the busy, pots and pans readily available, but also attracted media attention, "a few days before to a few reporters," Xiao Wu's visit to the second call reporters puzzled.
"I was in Jiujiang, Jiangxi, and to this a few months." Routines for media interviews, Xiao Wu seems to have been quite understanding, without asking that he said opened.
Xiao Wu said that before coming to Kunming, because my brother and sister in Shenzhen and Shanghai to work, he had to seek refuge with my brother and sister. As the body mobility, Xiao Wu has been engaged in a suit handiwork, such as cut thread, nail buttons, which work out four or five years, have been trained in a skilled craft handiwork suit.
June 23 this year, Xiao Wu came to Kunming by train from his home, he accurately remembers this day. Night after the train, his first in a piazza near the train station stopover, met a middle-aged tramp to demand a share of the site, Xiao Wu did not refuse, vagabonds and Xiao Wu chatted away after a while, but a few minutes He returned, claiming the phone is lost, and rummaging in Xiaowu blanket, thereby clashed and Xiao Wu. Eventually, the two sides referred to the police station.
Kunming, a little cold at night, a few days later, Xiao Wu moved under the viaduct. His clothes clean, Tantubusu, though he insisted that he read only four and a half of primary school. Before coming to Kunming, Xiao Wu had never stayed viaduct hole. Xiao Wu said he can actually take refuge in a friend's,Louboutin Sandales, "by the end of 2009 I have been to Kunming, in an open dentist friend lived there for four months," but this time he did not want to trouble others, to seek their own waiting for the opportunity. "You see, I walked like this," finished, Xiao Wu left the "bed", quickly took a few steps on the ground. Now, the only thing he can do is be alone in this world one day viaduct. In this way, nearly four months later.
Sleeping on the side of the third with a thin dirty quilt wrapped around the lower body, dedicated to play phone, accumulated a thick black face, sunken eyes. Occasionally, he would stop with his left hand brushed the swollen right hand back out of the yellow pus, "There is no use, did not have to rule," and these pus wounds, the youngest just as you would a stranger broke into the same look casual. "My brother, you really do not bother me, and has no use." Faced sent medical alcohol and anti-inflammatory drugs, the youngest suddenly pull right leg pants, revealing layers of superimposed yellow pus scab.
Streets, people hurrying, hiding under the cool shadow of the viaduct, the youngest and Xiao Wu occasionally look at this outwardly insignificant busy with their world.
Routine bridge survival
Xiao Wu's generosity and sense of justice, as he won the viaduct in this respect. Xiao Wu said he and others this is not the same under the viaduct,http://www.zikaozhongxin.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=4875, and occasionally drunk, will be the third lesson, Zhang them,Louboutin Escarpins, "but they let me."
22 pm, under the viaduct more than two people: Zhang and small peaks. Zhang actually old enough, he has 40 years old,http://cnwuye.com.cn/news/html/?7891.html, but Xiao Wu is still "small
Zhang, "to call him.
In this viaduct, Xiao Wu has a right to speak, able-bodied Zhang Xiao Wu will help every day to the nearby village of fast-food restaurants to buy lunch. Xiao Wu said he and other people under the viaduct, this is not the same, he does not drink nor eat "medicine", only occasionally drink a beer, was drunk, he would lesson the youngest, Zhang them, "but they let me. "
40-year-old "kept" under this viaduct live four or five years, he came from Qujing Fuyuan, claiming to work early to Queensland when he was man bought illicitly, "can not get a penny, was also hit a meal. " Since then, Zhang chose self-exile, to live under the viaduct, in the Panlong River every day under the net on fishing for points drinks, drink two bottles of 3.5 yuan / bottle of corn liquor every day, the rest of the money to buy some noodles, cooking fire chased after work at night.
Xiao Wu's generosity and sense of justice, as he won the viaduct in this respect, though, he is surrounded by many able-bodied tramp.
By the end of June, just moved under the viaduct, the Xiao Wu gradually get to know a lot of "friends": There is like him live under the bridge, but also in the near run transport drivers, "who drove up the goods will come looking for us chat. " Arrived in Kunming, Xiao Wu fairly abundant on hand, and a driver in a pleasant afternoon after the exchange, please go to the nearby Xiao Wu proposed to sing karaoke OK.
Two on the 30th man came mighty close to a KTV, security door prevented this is not the whole team dirty clothes as your guest, Xiao Wu jumped from a friend's back and went ahead with the security theory. "I told the security that we have money, you do not just to make money before opening KTV? Why not let us into?" Three after five rounds of battle,http://mm18.s15.xrea.com/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=958684&extra=page%3D1, Xiao Wu took the team to successfully open a big rooms, everyone happy joy hi sing one night, Xiao Wu spent more than 1,000 dollars for this.
The next day, the name of the driver specifically to find small arms under the viaduct, "he said, you have a disability could be so generous, I have to ask you to play a return to" that night, Xiao Wu and greeting in under the viaduct understanding of number twenty or thirty people went again to the mighty KTV. Xiao Wu said that day was his happiest days came to Kunming.
One evening in late July, the viaduct down a drunken tramp,http://www.cnqxlm.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=9773, was living next to Xiao Wu is a person who is sick, drunk between small arms and the patient wants a piece of space out, "I told him This place is not who's home, no one can live, but we are now no less than this place is really crowded, but also the life of the sick, I will not allow him to squeeze. " In this way, the two quarrel, the able-bodied drunk standing under concrete barrier "invite" Xiao Wu fights. Anger, Xiao Wu sat on the concrete barrier, fists interrupted each other in the ribs. The second thing to make small arms into the police station.
Those past pain
Before the age of 6, the third said he was very happy, the parents gave him a birthday every year. After 6-year-old abducted to Xi'an, he embarked on another track life never free, followed by the "boss" was removed over the country, touch bag, stole items.
In four of this under the viaduct, Xiao Wu claimed and the youngest is quite able to talk to friends, even though he did not figure out the age of the youngest; talkative Zhang silently every day will help small martial arts rice; youngest and claiming and small peaks are sworn brothers, too, and he do not understand him and the small peak between who is great who is small. "Freedom of movement, but ask each other a private matter." Xiao Wu said that this is the rule of the people under the viaduct.
22 afternoon, a second meeting, the third wave of his hand far gone hand phone. He said that on the 19th night, he put the phone to 200 yuan sold to a nearby mobile phone shop owner.
Next to the youngest of the bed asleep small peak, this day, a small peak steel feet began to torment him, clutching his head motionless sleep, "He is my sworn brother, my foot hurt him not to speak, the more pain the more do not speak my brothers so. "said the youngest.
In the basin of a small peak in the pillow, on which stood a few magazines "Friends," "Gender joke" and the like, the youngest, he said small peak usually like to look at these books. Couple of years ago, when a small peak was walking home in Guizhou cart severing the left leg, the perpetrators of the pre-paid medical expenses after they took no money, so the foot plate has not been taken. Not long ago, there are good people willing to support costs,http://shop.pbwjw.com/news/html/?467.html, help him remove the plate, but do not want to owe favors small peak, secretly ran out, feet hurt so badly every time now, a small peak will regret.
2007 years ago, the youngest is not free, he followed the "boss" was removed over the country, touch bag,http://www.liugouer.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=23533, stole items. Before the age of 6, the third said their life is very happy, my father opened a street in Urumqi, stalls selling Nang, birthday every year, parents will give him a birthday. After 6-year-old abducted to Xi'an, he embarked on another track life. Prior to the completion of the boss to the task, every time out, "work", he should drink a few mouthfuls of liquor, in dizzy drunken state, dare to sell.
8 years old, the youngest trying to escape, are riding the train, he was arrested three adult down. After grasping the back, the boss in his left leg tie sound a knife, it does not give him medical treatment. Since then, polio was stabbed in the right leg plus the boss left leg, the third completely abandoned the idea of escape.
2007, Xi'an police found three dead in bed eldest child body, eventually leading to the gang are collectively take away, "three or four hundred individuals caught it, boss sentenced to death, we find these kids on their own way out." After regaining freedom, the third driven all home and found parents have died, my brother and sister have their own lives. "I went to his brother now, my brother is elder brother, sister-in-law can not pro; go right sister, my sister is elder sister, her husband can not."
After regaining freedom, the third time in Henan, frequented a restaurant for dinner, met the boss's daughter, the other is people in Xinjiang. Over time, the boss's daughter became his girlfriend. Two years ago, they broke up, he did not want to mention this is not pleasant memories.
Because now festering limbs, the youngest was only four or five in the afternoon sun in labor faint when exposure to the sun can cause itchy and tender his place fester. LIMBS fester, the third was a belligerent man play-off for two adults, now, "I'm not even a thirteen-year-old children are beat up."
Although there is no steady income, but the third was not worried, can be considered to live day by day, his most long-term plan is to save some money to go to Henan, in Kunming have been two or three years, he did not want to leave to go.
Everywhere in the shadow of death
The youngest witness a second death from a pile of old tramp: That afternoon, the drunken old man stumbled side stalls went to the village to pick up something to eat, just went to the door of a bank suddenly collapsed, dead.
Death of the "youngest who", it is a common occurrence. In this year alone, the two youngest have seen death.
The first to die was a drunk, "the man drunk, slept rickety stand up fell and never wake up." The man was pulled to where and what was the name, the youngest not and will not clear, although he and the people living under the same viaduct for several months.
The youngest witness a second death from a pile of old tramp, that afternoon, the drunken old man stumbled side stalls went to the village to pick up something to eat, just went to the door of a bank suddenly collapsed, dead.
These die under the viaduct, or burst into people, the youngest totally unconcerned. A few days ago, there is a tramp suddenly collapsed in the third bed, for fear of being questioned by the police, the youngest and small peaks luggage quickly hide in the street, then ran out to play. Come back at night, the losers did not. Originally, this man did not die. After a few days, the third saw the tramp staggered came to him to borrow money to buy alcohol. "If he come to me to borrow money to buy food to eat, I'll take, but I knew he was going to buy wine, will certainly not lend him."
Seen a lot of death, we also saw a lot of reporters, the third does not care about others, nor does he will be someone else's concern. After being rescued in 2007 in Xi'an, the third said he went to local TV and newspapers, since then, all his life as usual.
Speaking of his limbs fester, the third becomes low tone, "I'm afraid that you would abandon me," After a brief hesitation, the third in his mouth to say the name of an amazing terminally ill, was OK, his illness,Louboutin Pas cher, because in a few years ago, people love to take him to the hospital to check out. The third said he had sexual experience at age 14, "the festival, the old lady went to the General Assembly with us. Now, I had a day painful day, you do not control me, can only wait for death." The youngest suspect is looking lady got sick, he also suspected ex-girlfriend gave him this disease. Of course, he and his girlfriend broke up not because of illness, when he has not been diagnosed the disease, "Their children used to be controlled to make money, I could see his parents, which means that to my daughter with them, so I continue as before, for them to get money. "
October 24 that night, the youngest faint talking about, he "only 23 years old."
Their love and vision
And many young people, Xiao Wu and youngest also have their own QQ space, which shows they are clean and handsome photos. Waiting for four months, Xiao Wu finally to chance, picked up by caring people, is about to start a new life.
Xiao Wu said he had no girlfriend, did not dare to think about those things. Now most want is in this spring-like city settled, and lead a normal life, so far in Jiangxi assured parents.
And many young people, Xiao Wu and youngest also have their own QQ space, their space album, they are clean and handsome showcase a variety of photos.
April 2009, Xiao Wu opened QQ space, in June of that year a "space to talk about", he said was:. "Friendship, affection, love is the most sincere."
In August 2010, his "space to talk about," as follows:. ".. Why should I abandon her, this may be my destiny I believe that one day she will understand my intention do not know why she would want to" The self-proclaimed do not expect love Xiao Wu, in fact, most ordinary youth, longing for love.
After to Kunming, he sent off a few "space to talk about." July this year a "talk", he returned to his encouragement, "we must insist on this in front of all ...... Only by adhering to victory!"
The youngest has been saying, before ill, his body is very sturdy, "You go and see my space, with two people now fully" in the third space, since 2009 there are nearly 400 photographs of in the third,Louboutin Baskets Femme, the youngest full fat than in front of a circle, with a variety of people photo, his face filled with a smile, "I had a girlfriend is very beautiful," his space, he and a group photo of the opposite sex photos. The third said he did not read, only the Internet voice chat. April 5, 2011, the third in the "space to talk about" in the issue last message, however, is made up of a bunch of read the sign.
October 24 evening around 8:00, only Zhang a person under the viaduct. "The second came after you, Xiao Wu left the same evening." Zhang said, Xiao Wu has been picked up by caring people, is about to begin a new life, he waiting for four months, finally I have the opportunity. "I do not know why, I have a very strong sense of identity in Kunming, we feel that it must be able to survive in this city." When the phone call,Louboutin Talon Compensé, Xiao Wu said, "This time, I will cherish this opportunity, absolutely will not let down those who care about me. "
Street lights already lit, Zhang sat under dark viaduct, drink a few mouthfuls of wine sent, Zhang first becomes Tanxing, "Twenty-four years old when I coal mine in Fuyuan coal mining,http://bbs.onebike.com.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=155436, injured his back and legs, can not do heavy work, work in Kunming and cheated. "Zhang said straight bad luck himself, since all this, simply do not struggle, anyway, nor his wife and children at home without their parents, their own day to day.
The youngest and small peaks back. Third meeting, the third seems to have much to say, but hesitantly. "A life, there are a few words are true? In the political arena, there are a few drops of tears is true?" Youngest quickly and nodded slightly, dark eyes flashed crystal. (This article characters are not his real name)
& Nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; (This article Source: Kunming Daily)