one fat one thin

Morning News yesterday at 3 pm, at the top of the mountain Pu Chu Road Nanjing Pukou District segment, a taxi driver, police said, three men posing as police robbery and beating, one of which was caught in the act. 110 police arrived and arrested a man after searching. He was arrested two men denied robbery, saying they had too much wine, so-called Jing Guanzheng just a market to buy a purse from the Confucius Temple. Preliminary results of the police investigation, the three men on suspicion of drunken affray.
Brother alarm: fake police hailed robbery with violence
Yesterday, around 3:20, the reporter heard the news rushed to the top of the mountain police station door, a dozen taxi parked there, a group of people all taxi drivers, one of whom left injured, his face was all blood.
According to the wounded count a presentation, he was large taxi company driver that night because the body is uncomfortable, find another colleague to help him drive, he sat in the passenger seat, ready to go home and rest. What was the taxi traveling from east to west along the west side of the top mountain turntable Road Pu Chu Road,Louboutin Mary Jane, suddenly appeared in front of three men, lined up blocked by. One lanky man who pulled out a document from a light, saying "Stop, we perform official duties, Expropriation!" Drove a badge and police to see if there mark on the document, and quickly stop and ask how they are going. The lanky man suddenly opened the left door, hand pulled out the car keys, ordered them down. While the other side, "Jing Guanzheng," but they are dressed in civilian clothes, one covered with the alcohol, and some even stumbling, two brother or doubt their identity,Louboutin Escarpins, then get off wins key. Unexpectedly, just down the master plan, two men suddenly rushed over, punched and kicked him, his eye is the time of injury. The lanky man was sparring with Chef Ho. The two sides fighting three or four minutes later, one of them took a broom from the roadside, picked up to hit him, sticks interrupted. At this time, more than a taxi driver who heard nearby, three men turned and ran, the lanky man did not run away, was caught on the spot.
Chef Ho recalled driving, three men, one fat one thin, and one wearing glasses,, all of them are in their 30s, speak the local accent. Brother come when all reinforcements, fat and wearing glasses man ran to the store cells, lanky man turn a few laps around the intersection, it was all captured. They then called the police.
"Jing Guanzheng" turned out to be pocketbook
It is understood that because of the scene in the mountains near the top of the police station,, after receiving the command center, 110 civilian police and that the police immediately rushed to the scene. They see the lanky man has been controlled, and the two men fled, and immediately dispatched and start the search. Soon, an auxiliary police discovered the situation, in a residential building from the site at the corner 50 meters away, a man is a cell phone and kept looking to the side. Police then let Chef Ho identify past and found that three of the fat man,, ordered him arrested. Another man disappeared.
In the police station, the two men have been isolated by police interrogation, a duty on the police desk stood a plastic bag, identity cards and other items inside, vaguely see a similar thing Jing Guanzheng.
An insider said,, police have not identified the three policemen, one of them also record.
Yesterday afternoon, as a person in charge of the case presented in the "Jing Guanzheng," is a cover of black leather with silver badge and the word "police" on top of already very old, opened it, he was surprised with the ordinary Like the wallet,,Louboutin Baskets Femme, but it was a wallet.
Blocking Man: drink more trouble misunderstanding
Yesterday afternoon, at the top of the mountain police hospital, the reporter saw that name hold "Jing Guanzheng" Blocking a lanky man sand. With multiple contusions on his face, it is said to be angry at that time by several of Kota.
"I just sober up,, regret dead." Sand some said, "we just hailed let him take me home, not a robbery, and they misunderstood, he beats me."
A sand, said last night that he and a few friends in the Olympus Plaza hotel drink, and later met in the vicinity of the city clothing fat and glasses, the three went on drinking until the last 2:30, it is estimated not to drink per person less than a pound of white wine. Later,Louboutin Souliers Plat, he was ready to go home,Louboutin Bottines, they stopped a taxi on the street. Taxi drivers to 20 yuan, he believes a short distance, starting on it, only to 10 yuan. Then he pulled out a wallet to pay the fare, that his wallet was bought from the Confucius Temple market,, the reason to buy this wallet, because it is like Jing Guanzheng, fun. Unexpectedly caused a taxi driver misunderstood, up hit him. Several people scuffle.
For taxi driver called "looting", the two men were denied. Showing too much wine, brain improper home.
Police: initially identified three men on suspicion of drunken affray
According to Zhang,, deputy director of the police station of the mountain top after the incident, they actively Alarming, and the two men hailed lien review. Because of their excessive drinker, nocturnal consciousness, awake until noon yesterday, the only explanation hailed behavior. The police did find their belongings from a fake Jing Guanzheng, but this false fake too outrageous, no such version of the history of Jing Guanzheng, in fact, a wallet, you can buy some street vendors . But even so, they are fake and the police, they are also considered an offense. After a preliminary investigation, police believe that their behavior does not meet the robbery, but tend to drink and cause trouble. The nature of the injury and the terms of each set.
Police remind the general public, item identification for police use only police officers to use, non-police officers can not be used, otherwise the consequences.
Author: Li Canlun / Source: Nanjing Morning News