"probably because of rainy weather a few days ago

Caterpillars on the wall over the blade of grass is dense insect larvae eat into the bare
People Hainan window April 14 (by intern reporter Jia Shou-wide) "dense mass of caterpillars crawling on the wall, looking uncomfortable; and in the morning opened the door, the floor of the caterpillars can not offal." April 14, Haikou Youth Road residents Lo reflect their own dwelling residential buildings in recent days has been frequently visited caterpillars that ledge outside the room,http://www.mydiyclub.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, on the railing everywhere caterpillar crawling figure, not only quantity,Louboutin Baskets Femme, but if insect accidentally climbed body, the skin will be accompanied by erythema and itching immediately. The most troubling is that these caterpillars with ordinary medicine can not be eliminated.
Mr. Rowe, who lives outside the Youth Road Meilan District Court in a residential neighborhood of the house,http://onigdesign.com/error.html, next to a green house, usually inside the green grass looked lush, but came back after two weeks on a business trip to Sanya,Louboutin Homme, Rowe found that out the window green the grass becomes a bare. After asking the neighbors, he did not know the grass is actually eaten by worms. And in recent days, a large number of caterpillars began to invade homes.
"Before nine o'clock in the morning, most of the time is a caterpillar." According to Mr. Rowe reports, residents of the first floor in the morning, caterpillars and more impossible offal walk, even though he lived on the third floor, but the walls still along caterpillars It covered the entire window. Such a large number of caterpillars invaded phenomenon,Louboutin Botte, Mr. Rowe said he lived for 30 years in Hainan is the first time encountered.
Reporters on the 14th afternoon at Lo downstairs to see, even after repeated cleaning and pest control, outside the house there are many caterpillars crawling on the wall. Ms. Fu lived on the first floor,http://onigdesign.com/error.html, complained to reporters came out: A few days ago with a child out to play, do not care caterpillars climb on his arm,http://www.menqiu.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, and pretty soon the whole arm is swollen up.
Carefully observe the characteristics of these caterpillars Ms. Fu told reporters here caterpillar has two categories,Louboutin Mary Jane, one is a little larger size, color a little yellow; the other is the smaller, the color red. The color red is a small caterpillar climb body skin will be red and swollen. And these caterpillars have a feature that a lot before the sun came out,http://zazna.com/selection/index.php?item/create_form/1, the sun came out and so on, it becomes less. Ms. Fu said that this situation had occurred during last year, but no serious this year, "probably because of rainy weather a few days ago, for the caterpillar breeding it." So Ms. Fu said.
Reporters at Rowe's leadership,Louboutin Mariage,http://www.xiyatour.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, he came to live in green houses outside, we found lurking in the bushes many caterpillars,, but also the sky flying a lot of moths. Rowe face frustration when he said: These caterpillars with ordinary drugs can not kill, they go to the pharmacy to ask, pharmacies, also known as do not know how to eliminate these invading caterpillars.
Now,http://www.foss.lk/comment/profile.php?uid=1, faced with these ubiquitous caterpillars, Lo hoping someone provide a good pest control approach.
(Original title: Haikou large caterpillar "invasion" pest control experts hope the public houses)