or otherwise frightened

Hornet's nest
Chengdu Tianfu Avenue, a district resident posted on the Internet for help, fire attack cellular Clear
Who lives in Chengdu Tianfu Avenue South Line 1163 22-floor city of international community Yuen, a fortuitous opportunity a few days ago and found 21 floor windowsill and there is a large hornet's nest. He am very surprised at people's eyes, wasp actually secretly completed half a meter in diameter, the giant "magnificent building."
"Seek expert to resolve the hornet's nest." Soon,Louboutin Homme, the residents of this district posted on the Internet to express strong concerns about this monster. Property management is also multi-link, call 119, looking for the police station.
At noon yesterday, firefighters in tens of meters of altitude, while the Fire will be a hornet's nest removal. Firemen said that such a high honeycomb, or the first time they met.
Neighbor exclaimed: huge built into cellular overnight?
Two days ago, a message appears on the Internet for help. Posted Ayutthaya international community is one of the residents, he said, sills 7 at the district office on the 5th floor of 21, there is a "1-meter height of the" super cell Malaysia, the 7th district residents found that genius it. Because it is too big, no one would dare touch these wasp has been,http://soumousin.seesaa.net, "We've lived here for many months before the birth of a child, it is too dangerous, seek expert to solve a hornet's nest."
The day before yesterday evening, reporters rushed to the city of WCC international community. Weather darkened, standing under 7 buildings, look at the situation within a 21-floor windowsill at. 22 living in Yuen floor about his discovery of the hornet's nest.
"At first sight, could not believe it, is that it is made out overnight?" Mr Yuen said the 7th afternoon, the sun very well, from his home a small window looking out ramp, see On the external walls of the downstairs shutters at the discharge of the air conditioner, there is an egg-shaped, there are lines of "monster",http://zazna.com/selection/index.php?item/create_form/1, the appearance of golden yellow,http://www.51yam.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=,Louboutin à Bout Ouvert, light blue exterior wall backdrop in particularly evident.
A closer look and found that when a hornet's nest, Mr. Yuan was shocked, could not believe his eyes. The hornet's nest visually half a meter in diameter,Louboutin Mary Jane, in Yuen's eyes,Louboutin Plates-forme, this wonderful egg-shaped honeycomb, wasp were simply perfect "egg house",Louboutin Baskets Femme, compared to Beijing some time ago a young man take the "egg house", wasp This "egg house" made a particularly fine.
Other neighbors, and they have not noticed such a large hornet, wasp am wondering how long they are, how this nest made out of.
Residents speculated: house did not live in the home as a hornet
WCC reporter knocked the gates on the 5th of 21, he has been no response. Property Liu said the family did not stay,http://www.giorgiopacchioni.com/cgi-bin/forum_talbot/newsboard.cgi, no decoration, the owners did not locally. A few days ago,http://arecore-aruaru.seesaa.net, another residential building just removed a small dot of a hornet's nest, "I did not expect such a big one here, is amazing."
Mr Yuen said, precisely because of this family has not lived, nobody disturbed, the wasp will choose there as a goal, no one found nesting. Hornet's nest built location, also in the blinds at difficult to reach, even from the windows to see the past, but also a sight awkward position. "Wasp against us humans, really set." Around the building's residents under 7 some say.
The same evening, Liu said that the presence of the owners of the hornet's nest very worried, horse bees may also hurt household, this thing must be clear. "I'm afraid to get only the fire brigade, but such a high place, I do not know there is no way."
Fire attack: Pesticides battle a few clear
Noon yesterday, the property officer for help to 119.
Fire Secret Second Squadron rescue squad rushed to the scene. Firemen view, too, was surprised: "Other squadron clear, but we squadron, also the first time encountered such a high hornet's nest."
Carefully observe the hornet's nest location, firefighters found that the most feasible way, is from the terrace of the family,http://www.chuandz.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=532252, headed by a soldier close to the wall, climbed to put air conditioners that small grid to the hornet's nest close Clear . Hornet's nest close to the wall, no other combustible materials,http://yasubeisushi.com, the most effective way is to use Fire Attack, a fire, burn it!
Who bought the property after insecticide sprays, Wang put on anti-Firefighter bee suits, fastened a rope around the waist, his comrades will pull rope stable in the downstairs watching many residents, Wang climbed from the balcony honeycomb location.
"Whistling call!" Wang opened pesticides, fog light pink, aligned cellular fierce spray, a few minutes, the cell will be destroyed.
Wang found that the cellular suspension, and top of the wall adhesion is very strong, to be hard to pull several times to clean, such as strong, even in the face strong winds are very strong.
"Cleared, people who live here can rest assured." Yuen felt suddenly relaxed. He said that hornet's nest from the window of their own too, after wasp is an insect, if it was wind and rain, or otherwise frightened, wasp out in force, wounding sting then trouble.
Fire saying: hornet's nest rarely have such a high
A fireman said, they often pick a variety of hornet's nest, but few have such a high. The hornet's nest of the site is not the most cunning,http://www.city-yanai.jp, some hornet's nest hanging under the roof eaves, tucked into the ceiling, stand above the awning and other difficult to reach areas of mankind. General environmental good places to be an ideal place for horse nesting colony,
Stories from the cellular contacts, the wasp has a strong adaptability, complexity, concealment and cellular location are also increasing, so the difficulty of fire is increased social assistance.
WCC reporter intern Lifeng Chun Hou Tingting (Image courtesy of Mr. Yuan)