Xi'an News - Yulin Xi'an Evening News

Xi'an News - Yulin Xi'an Evening News (Reporter correspondent Wang Jun Li Changjiang Xu Sen flail) when two men chatting Shenmu proposal to get some money,http://modx.jp.net,cheap red bottom, then spent 2,http://monsteressays.com,000 yuan to buy an imitation guns and a dagger came sacred trees, in Local robbed a taxi. June 7, Shenmu County Public Security Bureau of Interpol brigade after dozens of days of careful investigation,http://origin-japan.renesas.com, the two suspects Yang and Zhang arrest.
According to police investigators,http://www.ikeynote.cn/home.php?mod=space&uid=1093774, April 14 23 am, the taxi driver Wang Shenmu County Public Security Bureau received a report, Wang said that day at 8 pm, he was in the vicinity of the town development company Shenmu pull two young men went to Jin community, Kam Avenue in the middle row to God when he was holding two pistols and daggers phone and stole 200 yuan in cash, he was stuffed into the trunk of the vehicle,http://www.axiabridge.com/sunbbs/sunbbs.cgi?mode=form&no=11&page=, and later took advantage of the slow speed when jumping to escape. After receiving the alarm, Interpol brigade immediately set up a task force to start the detection of cases.
Task force to taxi and hotel industry system as the center began Mopai investigation, and the information obtained by the continuous expansion of the scope of the investigation, carefully screened for ten thousand pieces of information and screening, after the strong support of the provincial Public Security Department, the final OK the suspect's identity.
When the police suspect the two photographs to identify when the victim Wang, Wang determine the night he was robbed two men. Task force then immediately went to the suspect's residence where Fuping start arresting work, and on June 7 successfully arrested two suspects.
Under questioning, the suspect Yang confessed that he and another suspect Zhang is a fellow, the two sacred trees to get some money in the proposed time chatting in March, Zhang immediately agreed. April, They go through conspiracy,nike air max pas cher, in Xi'an, spent 2,hogan outlet,000 yuan to buy an imitation guns and a dagger,http://thehospoda.com/kunena/13-living-here/11813/reply, April 12 came to the Capitol sacred trees, opportunistic crime. April 14 at 8 pm, in the vicinity of the town development company Shenmu taxi stopped lied to Wang Jinjie, when the car driving to the middle of a remote place God Kam Road, following the car toilet grounds for Wang The car stopped, after using the threat of imitation guns and knives, tied with tape to Wang,http://www.mekatoro.net, Wang,boutique louboutin paris, who stole 200 dollars and a cell phone,http://www.scu.ac.jp, then Wang stuffed in the trunk of the vehicle, only to Wang in the driving process In jumping to escape. They are afraid of things they abandoned the vehicle and fled exposed in the mountains for the night, it will be discarded tools of crime,mulberry outlet uk, on April 15 left the sacred trees.
Currently, the two suspects had been under criminal detention, the case is still pending.
Editor: Zhang Zheng Hong
(Original title: robbery after being stuffed into the trunk of a brother jumping to escape)