■ Express trainee reporter Huang Xiaojia

■ students are on the second floor of the classroom lessons.
■ Express trainee reporter Huang Xiaojia
Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University South Campus classroom irrational, so students embarrassed
Classroom hiding male dormitory boys with girls toilets for men and women out of male bathhouse
Shared school classrooms hiding in the male dormitory, boys and girls a boy toilet, free access to the girls dorm ...... Recently, Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University South Campus students to the newspaper rebellion, they lived in the dormitory in possession of eight two classrooms, dormitories and there is no barrier between the majority of the girls come to class only to be convenient to the building only boys shared toilet, got everyone "very embarrassing"!
Very clear: no barrier between the classroom dormitory
Express reporter came to the writer who said Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University student dormitory 8,http://www.kitsoft.ru,air max femme pas cher, in the second and third quarters respectively a classroom can accommodate about 80 people. It is reported that two classrooms for a long time, a lot of students from the school have said it already exists. Although the hostel is located at the end of the classroom, but between the male dormitory and did not use a closed door or wall barrier open, with recent quarters are only separated by a wall, students can come to school only stairs to reach the classroom through the dormitory.
Reporters learned that basically every day from Monday to Friday,http://www.axiabridge.com/sunbbs/sunbbs.cgi?mode=form&no=6&page=, there will be two classrooms of students to classes, the first class begins 8:00 at the latest will have until 21:30 before class,http://buntyn.stamina.jp, seriously affecting the rest of students near the dormitory. "Sometimes we play a song with a computer can also affect what the other side classrooms,http://accesssiouxfalls.com, students come to class time will affect the rest of us, on both sides is not good." The dormitory, a student, said with exasperation.
And thanks to the name of the class, although downstairs dorm staff, school girls and free access to the dormitory, the boys make the building feel very convenient. "Especially in the summer, many boys are more like naked,http://www.ko-mens.tv/news/search.cgi, when a recess rather abruptly out of the dormitory door and saw the girls, particularly inconvenient. We views are great!" Lived in the building of a boy complained.
Awkward: the toilet and saw female students
The dormitories are built for years of the old building, and there is no separate toilet in each dormitory floor more than 100 boys and only to the hostel on both sides of the public toilets,chaussure nike tn pas cher, and this problem is to make living in the second and third floor of the boys a headache! When the female student dormitory upstairs to eight hours, if you want convenience only and boys share one toilet.
Reporters saw both sides of the installation of public toilets have no doors,http://bbs.fyzdtc.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=469877, everyone unimpeded, "Do you see this toilet which has Urinal, sometimes some of the boys urinate here for convenience's sake, if you suddenly break girls come in,air max outlet milano, really embarrassed to death! "Liu school students told reporters that he has just met the girl in the toilet after using the toilet, very embarrassing. Moreover, each floor of the dormitory buildings of public baths also did not install the door,scarpe hogan 2015, and out very freely. Liu students also admitted that he has more than once saw a girl in and out of the bathhouse.
School responses
That is the historical legacy
Reporters on the issue, as reflected in the students found the school teacher at the General, who repeatedly said,scarpe hogan outlet, "These are historical issues!" A male teacher at the school General told reporters that this building was built dorm floor classroom time already exists over the years due to the campus of insufficient resources, only a classroom building across campus,http://www.palau-oerc.net, far from meeting the entire campus of nearly 2000 students in the class requirements can only be hiding between the two dormitory classroom as the main classroom use.
For students reflect unisex toilet problem,http://www.jakyoto.com, the official said, the school has been sent for engineering teams to begin rebuilding the toilet. "After we put the original toilet separated male and female toilets built, but this is not one or two days, until the project team came to do." For there is no barrier between the dormitory and classroom problems, he said will install a door between the two as a partition. The official also said that the College has planned for next year will have moved across the South Campus. "We moved the next year, the campus would not, and will not affect it!"
But when the reporter asked again and move specific time, he then hedged answer: "We expect that next year, but this is hard to say, there are many unexpected situations than we expected."
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