Get Smart was sentenced him go astray

Wedding scene
□ correspondent correspondent Yang Zou Zhiyuan in Ventura
No wedding dress, flowers,, diamond rings, even the groom's shirt guards are to borrow only two red candles and hanging hi word marriage to humble "palace" cast a faint festive. Yesterday morning, in the province of Zhoukou Prison Education Supervisor District, a simple but special wedding ceremony was held in the prison area cultural classroom.
Get Smart was sentenced him go astray
Li called the groom, in 2008,,gioielli tiffany, graduated from college can not find work, they think of a "fortune" way,chaussures louboutin, the use of false identity in handled with a fixed telephone,, international calling and call forwarding features, the phone call forwarding to a designated foreign voice platform, resulting in high cost by calling voice, then returned through cost profit falls out. Subsequently, he was arrested by local police on suspicion of fraud,,chaussure louboutin femme pas cher, was sentenced to Shenqiu County Court to 11 years in prison. Li's mother long illness, his father after his imprisonment due to emotional causes stroke,, falling hemiplegia. In love with longtime girlfriend Li Xiaoyan (a pseudonym) was very anxious, on the one hand the clever use Li regret the evil in the road, on the one hand they fear no one to take care of her boyfriend's parents, are more afraid of her boyfriend refused to ease the transformation to break more disaster. Xiaoyan thinking twice, decided to apply to the prison and civil affairs departments,, requirements and Li married, so as to take care of the daughter of Li's parents.
Her boyfriend went to jail to save marriage
Touching wedding vows
"Xiaoyan, will you marry Li, with his lifelong stay together, and serving his prison, prison rebirth,, old age disease stubbornly persists, you grow old?" "I do!"
"Li, Xiaoyan happy life in order, you are willing to ease the transformation in prison, whether it is tired, frustrated,, lonely, restless able to control their emotions, to comply with the Regulations of prison discipline, for meritorious service, for commutation of sentence, for the early release from prison with their hard work to provide clean happy life for her? "" I do! "
Yesterday morning, the provincial Zhoukou Prison Education Supervisor District Supervisor Mayor for the couple hosted a wedding, police witnessed the whole prison area the couple abandoned loyalty oath. Shen Qiu Li Suozhang County Old Town District and the town government, a staff member on the spot for the couple for marriage registration, issued marriage certificate.
Wedding special approval from the prison walls
According to the provincial deputy prison warden Zhoukou Liang Shuang introduction,christian louboutin outlet, Xiaoyan able to break through the secular bias, with a great love to promote filial piety, marriage to rescue wife repented,nike tn requin pas cher, so the prison was touched and decided to make an exception for their wedding. Prison since more and more hope Li shoulder a responsibility, positive transformation, redo the law-abiding citizens.
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